
跟同事道别的话 同事道别的话

话题作文 zuowen 2浏览

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I'll miss you. 我会想你的。

I wish I could go with you.我真希望能和你在一起。

Give me a call sometime.有空给我打电话。

Call me sometime. 有空打电话。

Let's get together again sometime. 我们什么时候再聚吧。 Let's keep in touch. 保持联系。

Don't forget to write. 别忘了写信。

Please give my regards to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。




I'll miss you. 我会想你的。

I wish I could go with you.我真希望能和你在一起。

Give me a call sometime.有空给我打电话。

Call me sometime. 有空打电话。

Let's get together again sometime. 我们什么时候再聚吧。 Let's keep in touch. 保持联系。

Don't forget to write. 别忘了写信。

Please give my regards to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。


送别 道别 话别 饯别 送行 的区别送别它所指的,通常是在来宾离去之际,出于礼貌,而陪着对方一同行走一段路程,或者特意前往来宾启程返还之处,与之告别。并看着对方离去。最为常见的送别形式有道别、话别、饯别、送行,等等。道别,指的是与交往对象分手。 按照常规,道别应当由来宾率先提出来,假如主人首先与来宾道别,难免会给人以厌客、逐客的感觉,所以一般是不应该的。在道别时,来宾往往会说:“就此告辞”,“后会有期”。而此刻主人则一般会讲:“一路顺风”,“旅途平安”。有时,宾主双方还会向对方互道“再见”,叮嘱对方“多多保重”,或者委托对方代问其同事、家人安好。在道别时,特别应当注意下列四个环节。一是应当加以挽留。二是应当起身在后。三是应当伸手在后。四是应当相送一程。话别,亦称临行话别。与来宾话别的时间,一要讲究主随客便,二要注意预先相告。最佳的话别地点,是来宾的临时下榻之处。在接待方的会客室、贵宾室里,或是在为来宾饯行而专门举行的宴会上,亦可与来宾话别。参加话别的主要人员,应为宾主双方身份、职位大致相似者,对口部门的工作人员。接待人员,等等。话别的主要内容有:一是表达惜别之意,二是听取来宾的意见或建议,三是了解来宾有无需要帮忙代劳之事,四是向来宾赠送纪念性礼品。饯别,又称饯行。它所指的是,在来宾离别之前,东道主一方专门为对方举行一次宴会,以便郑重其事地为对方送别。为饯别而举行的专门宴会,通常称作饯别宴会。在来宾离别之前,专门为对方举行一次饯别宴会,不仅在形式上显得热烈而隆重,而且往往还会使对方产生备受重视之感,并进而加深宾主之间的相互了解。送行,在此特指东道主在异地来访的重要客人离开本地之时,特地委派专人前往来宾的启程返还之处,与客人亲切告别,并目送对方渐渐离去。在接待工作中需要为之安排送行的对象主要有:正式来访的外国贵宾、远道而来的重要客人、关系密切的协作单位的负责人、重要的合作单位的有关人员、年老体弱的来访之人、携带行李较多的人士,等等,当来宾要求主人为之送行时,一般可以满足对方的请求。





I'll miss you. 我会想你的。

I wish I could go with you.我真希望能和你在一起。

Give me a call sometime.有空给我打电话。

Call me sometime. 有空打电话。

Let's get together again sometime. 我们什么时候再聚吧。 Let's keep in touch. 保持联系。

Don't forget to write. 别忘了写信。

Please give my regards to your family. 请代我向你的家人问好。




真的很遗憾,本是雪花滨临,万象更新的时刻,我跟命运开了个小小的玩笑,在湄窖虽然短暂却不乏精彩的旅途即将结束, 记得珀西·比希·雪莱曾说过这样一句话“冬天来了,春天还远嘛?”呵呵,真的是冬天来临了,我便也要去追寻我的春天。现在是该说再见的时候了。




横玉柱而沾轼。居人愁卧,恍若有亡。日下壁而沉彩,月上轩而飞光。见红兰之受露,望青楸之离霜。巡层楹而空掩,抚锦幕而虚凉。知离梦之踯躅,意别魂之飞扬。 ”……可惜我不是才子江淹,我没有江淹那般的才气,所以我无法将离别演绎到那种凄美绝伦的境界!风亦不会为我而异响,舟凝亦不会滞于水滨,车亦不会逶迟于山侧。我乃一介粗人,所选择的方式是无声无息地隐去,无声无息地退出湄窖的舞台。这种退出,并不潇洒,却也坦然!


“你我本是个平凡的小人物,这种平凡,犹如一条波澜不惊的小溪,本可滋养一方土地,但如果汇入江河(湄窖),即显无影无踪。命运如此,悲哉!”其实,我渴望看到自己的日渐娴熟,也明白湄窖这样的环境,陈董事长的“助理”湄窖的行政部“经理”于小芹这样“英明”的上司,一定能够提供历练自己的机遇。只是正如我们无法完全预测自然灾难一样,有些客观矛盾我还不知道如何解决、如何避免,“权利的高尚,管理的独到”犹如一面高墙怂在身前,亦一道单选题,二选其一,必定要有所舍。此番顿悟,足足耗去了我数月的大好韶华!其间的酸甜苦辣,岂可为外人道?冷暖自知矣!好在孔夫子有云:“朝闻道而昔死足也”。烁烁其言,竟在数千年后 也将我这只迷途的羔羊点醒。我想,如果早一些清醒,我应该不会像如今这般颓废了吧!可是没有如果……




佛曰:花开花落,一枯一荣,皆是定数。挥挥手,一切荣辱皆在身后! 最后送给各位同事的只有祝福与期待,祝福我的同事们一切顺心,期待我们的湄窖一帆风顺!

再见了朋友们! 再见了湄窖!






Hello, welcome to How to" with BBC Learning English and me, Jackie Dalton.

大家好!欢迎收听BBC学习频道的How to——语言指南节目。我是Jackie Dalton.

This programme is about ways of saying goodbye" there are plenty of expressions in English you can use, other than just goodbye, of course and we'll look at some of the situations where they might be appropriate.


Let's take a trip to the pub, imagine Alex is with friends.


It's getting late and Alex decides he wants to go home.


Right then, I suppose it's time I made a move!


It's time I made a move is a way of saying it's time for me to go.

“It’s time I made a move ”(到时间动身了)是说“该离开了”的一种方式。

He starts the sentence with right then.

他的句子以right then开始。

Right then, I suppose it's time I made a move!


Right then is a way of getting attention and often signals that the speaker is about to do something or make a suggestion"

Right then 是引起别人注意的一种方式。通常暗示着说话者即将做某事或是提什么建议""

Right then, it's time to go!


Right then! Let's go shopping!


There are several other expressions you could use which also serve as a way of getting attention, which you could use before you want to announce that you're leaving.


Listen to these variations.


Well, I suppose it's time I made a move!


OK, I suppose it's time we made a move!


All right guys, I suppose it's time to make a move!


Anyway, I suppose it's time I made a move!


Well, OK, all right guys and anyway are all ways of signalling that there is something you want to suggest or do – in this case, make a move.

嗯,OK,all right guys and anyway是指你建议是时候离开了。

Well, I suppose it's time I made a move!


OK, I suppose it's time we made a move!


All right guys, I suppose it's time to make a move!


Anyway, I suppose it's time I made a move!


Instead of saying I suppose it's time I made a move, you could make a more definite statement telling everyone you're going – I'm going to make a move.


问候与道别(Greeting and saying goodbye) 20个句子

How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you?

How are you doing? Very well, thank you. How is everything with you? Not bad.

How have you been? About the same as usual.

How are you getting on? Not very well. I have a slight cold. Please remember me to your parents. Please say hello to your parents. Give my best wishes to your family. Glad / Nice to see you again.

HavenLong time no see. ’t seen you for ages / a long time. Goodbye. Bye-bye. How are you?

See you later. See you.

How's everything? 一切都好? What's up? 近况如何? What's new? 有什么新鲜事? What's happening? 在忙什么? 任何时后都可以用, 但比较见外: How are you? 你好吗? 适用于第一次见面: Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

适用于曾经见过,但不太熟的人: Nice to see you again.很高兴再见到你。 适用于有一阵子没见面的朋友: How have you been? 你过得怎么样?

适用于很久没见的朋友: Long time no see. 好久不见。

Greetings and saying goodbye(问候和道别)

Period One

Teaching contents: Hello. Hi.

How are you? I’m fine, thank you. And you? How are you doing? Very well, thank you. How is everything with you? Not bad.

How have you been? About the same as usual.

How are you getting on? Not very well. I have a slight cold. Teaching Steps:

Step 1.Learn and read

Get the students to read the sentences after the teacher. And learn : About the same as usual. I have a slight cold.

Step 2.Practice

1. The teacher asks and help the students to answer using the expressions. 2. Get the students to ask and answer in pairs for several minutes.

3. Ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.

編按: How are you doing 是最常用的, How are you 次之, Howdy 則是簡稱!

編按: 儘量不要用 Good bye, 或是 So long 這樣的用法, 在這裏相當少見.情景对话

A: Hello ,how are you? B :I' m fine, thank you.

A: What's the matter with you, C ? C:I have a fever.

B: Oh,I know. You must drink a lot of water. And you can go to see a doctor C: Thanks. And I have a sore throat. A: Pardon ?

C:I have a sore throat. A: You must have a rest.

B: You can lie down and rest. C: Must I go to see a doctor? A: Let's see.

B: You don't have to see a doctor. A: But you must have a rest. C :Oh,Thank you very much. A: Not at all.

B :Yeah. We are good friend. C :Good-Bye .See you. A :Bye! B: See you Step 3.Game

Divide the class into some groups, and get them to have a competition, the group will

win when they speak more quickly and more fluently. Step 4.Exercises

The teacher says some sentences in Chinese and get the students to say in English as quickly as possible.

1. 上午好 2. 晚上好

3. 你好吗? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 4. 我有点感冒. Period Two

Teaching contents:

Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. How is your father/ mother? He/ She is fine. How is your family? They are fine. Please remember me to your parents. Please say hello to your parents. Give my best wishes to your family. Step 1.Learn and read

Get the students to read the sentences after the teacher. And learn : remember sb. to …. say hello to sb.

give best wishes to sb. Step 2.Practice

1. The teacher asks and help the students to answer using the expressions. 2. Get the students to ask and answer in pairs for several minutes. 3. Ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class. Step 3.Game

Divide the class into some groups, and get them to have a competition, the group will win when they speak more quickly and more fluently. Step 4.Exercises

Complete the following dialogues. 1. A :Hello, Tom, How are you? B: ______________________

2. A: Oh, Mary , it’s nice to meet you here. B :_____________________________ 3. A : How are you getting on? B :______________________ 4. A : Good morning, everyone. B: ____________________

Period Three

Teaching contents:

Glad / Nice to see you again.

Haven’t seen you for ages / a long time. Long time no see. How are you?

Goodbye. Bye-bye. See you later. See you. Teaching steps:

Step 1. Revision

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