
往昔和现在的对比作文 告别往昔作文

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往昔,逝去年华 (二)
























一. 2B型(美国人喜欢的开头,但中国学生用起来可能会有风


There is a principal reason for agreeing with the statement that parents make the best teachers and it is the fact that children are closer to parents than to any other people.

The best way to know what’s going on in a society is to study its popular media because social trends, people’s fears and aspirations, the status of various groups and the power of the ruling elites can all be seen in the popular media of this society.{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

二. 庸俗型(这是一种我比较恶心的开头,虽然土,但是不会跑


When we think about the relationship between parents and their children, we can say parents are the first teachers of their children, hence the idea of parents being the best teachers. There are several reasons for that, such as parents being thefirst people who their children met, children having spent most of their time withtheir parents and children having grown up with their parents’ care as well.{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

三. Jue人型(这是种比较好的开头模式,但只能用于驳论文。

我说过,不要在开头的段落中总述自己支持的观点的原因,因为可能和后面造成重复。但是你可以先说你不同意的观点,再说你不同意的这个观点还是具有优点的,然后再转折,表明自己的观点。基本上从第二句话开始就开始jue人了,我喜欢。)如果你上了余潜的课,但没有学会骂人,悲哀… Some people claim that universities should allocate as much money to sports facilities as to the libraries because sports can help students keep fit and copewith heavy workload. But in fact, as academic institutions, universities do have the obligation to give higher priority to the funding aries than to that of athletic facilities.

Some people think that television has destroyed the communication among friends and family. It may be true that on average, most modern people spend a couple of hours in front of a TV set every night. But I believe it’s an exaggeration to say television has caused “communication breakdown“ among friends and family members. Or even if it does, that only happens to those most passive, unthinking TV viewers who are not good at communicating with others anyway.

四. 忆往昔型(其实我比较喜欢把它叫“装B型”, 说白了,就

是上来先做一个时间对比,过去怎么样,现在怎么样。一般是由过去的一个史实来引出文章的核心词汇,以此来展示自己知识渊博,可以旁征博引。比如我上课讲的“1896年,福特发明了第一辆汽车,从此……”,“从二战后开始发展起来的以真空管为主的第一代计算机到今天的强调AI的第五代计算机,……”,这都属于装逼型。装逼无罪。这种开头有两种模式:1. 过去不好,现在好,多用于科技和教育类模块也可用于健康模块但要和科技模块中的医疗结合,比如很多疾病现在可以医治,高血压,冠心病。2. 过去好,现在不好,多用于环保和健康模块,这里的健康模块可以结合食品安全问题,比如三聚氰胺,比如瘦肉精,比如塑化剂,妈的。)

For centuries, people have been moving from one part of the world to another. In the past, people moved mainly as a result of natural disasters or due to political upheavals or wars. Today, though, we move to seek a fortune or better careers prospects, or just to see the world.

All of us crave adventure, at least at some time in our lives. Yet even though our ancestors had plenty of adventure, we can only find it on TV or the Internet today. Senior executives tucked away in offices, professors stranded in ivy-covered buildings and doctors overworked in{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

emergency rooms all dream of mountain-climbing or deep-see diving or traveling through Amazon jungles.


《忆往昔》 ——张月寒 高一(16)班 昨夜观沧海 春行钱塘湖 今朝看华夏 秋思望天涯 余归故里 春风不识路 丛生黍稷 此身在何处 飞阁流丹 纸醉金迷错中付 而今皆化尘土

郁青葱的往事 破土而出 在阡陌以北 伊人的墓 巍巍前朝的遗都 早就不复 田中鎏金谷物也已郁成熟 残碑是岁月磨平的书 拨开眼前寂寥的渔樵耕读 谁在远方击筑悲歌 谁在陇间低吟离殇

春草明年生 离亭燕不等 黄粱一梦过 今已山河破 宫宇覆上苔痕 只消烈酒醉得深 王孙作庶人





一些同学认为:1.应从儿童时期开始学习英语2.儿童时期记忆力好,可以记 住很多单词



1.不应从儿童时期开始学习英语 2.儿童时期既要学汉语拼音又要 学英语,易混淆



范文: necessary to start learning English from childhood. English learning should start from childhood. As little boys and girls have a very good memory, they can learn a lot of English words by heart. his will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school. If they study Chinese pinyin and this will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning. 作文模板1

_________ had a discussion about whether__________. Opinions are divided on this issue. ________of the students think _________ should ________. _____. What’s more, _______. On the other hand, ______ of the students think _______ shouldn’t ______. What’s worse, ______.

本人观点:As far as I am concerned …….

/(In my opinion, …….; It’s my opinion that……), For one reason,………. For another reason……… In a word,…….



We had a heated discussion about/on ……. Students’ views/ideas/opinions on it students say / think / believe that…

I the first/second view./ I would like to …


(作文题目)But it is well known that

A majority of people think that _ 观点一_. In their views there are 2 factors this attitude as follows: in the first place,原因一.Furthermore, in the

second place, 原因二.

People, however, their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二. In their point of view, for one thing,原因一. For another thing,原因二观点二_.

. It is not only because ____, but also because ____. ……



We had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood


We’ve had a survey on how to choose their courses, majors and universities.


We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student.


Opinions are divided on this issue.

Opinions are mainly divided into two groups.{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.

Different people, however, think quite differently on this matter.


Sixty percent of the students are for the idea.

Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to…

Some people think that …According to them, all of us should…

Some believe that…

…% of them hold the opinion that ….

…of them are in favor of the idea that…

Students who are for the idea think …

进一步介绍正方观点What’s more, we can …as well as … Besides, it’s …, which 介绍反方观点:

However, … of the students think…{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

On the other hand, …of the students think…

However, others have different opinions.

But …of the students think…

Others argue that …In their opinion,…

…%of them hold the opposite opinion, saying that …{往昔和现在的对比作文}.

People who are against it don’t think so.

However, every coin has two sides.

However, others prefer not to…


What’s worse… What’s more… In addition, … Besides, …

Plus, …

First,… Second, …Third, …


In short, no agreement has been reached yet.

So far, no agreement has been reached.

In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.

本人观点:As far as I am concerned, ……. (In my opinion, …….; It’s my opinion that……) For one reason,………. For another reason……… In a word,…….





Senior 3 students go spring outing? 3 students should go , they can relax themselves for a while and rest their brains so that they will be more energetic. They think it will do good to their students. They say that they don’t can’t afford the time. They think they 范文3 .暑假即将来临,你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇关于讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法。(2006年陕西卷) 待在家中 :优点花费少,舒适方便 缺点:不能亲身了解外界 外出旅游: 优点:增长知识,开阔眼界(horizon/view) 缺点:花费多,旅途不便

范文:The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what They say it’s both convenient and comfortable. it would be much better to stay at home. books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework.

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