
有关不要熬夜的大学英语作文 不要熬夜英语作文

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【 – 小学作文】


诚实 Honesty

Once upon a time, I did not pay for my bill when I bought a pen, because the boss forgot to charge me, so I pretended to not realize it and just walk away with the pen. Many years passed, every time when I think of it, I will be ashamed of myself, I lost the important thing once, but I will not lose it again.


The merit of honesty occupies great importance today. In the old time, without the camera’s supervisor, people kept their honesty according to their self-consciousness. It seems that if they are not honest, they would not get any punishment. But today, as the technology develops, people are supervised by the high-technologies all the time, once they are caught cheating, their files will have the spot, which affect their career badly. 诚信的品质在今天占据重要的地位。在过去,没有摄像头的监督,人们是通过自觉性来保持诚实的。似乎如果他们不诚实,也没有什么惩罚。但是今天,随着科技的发展,人们随时都被各种高科技监督,一旦被抓到作弊,他们的档案就会有污点,将严重影响他们的职业。

We are living in the modern life, we need to self-behaved, what we do is under the invisible cameras’ watching. Even we make the small mistake, we will be recorded without noticed. What we do decides what kind of person we are, so let’s be an honest person all the time. 我们活在现代的生活里,需要自律,我们所做的都在无形的摄像机的监控下。即使我们犯了小小的错误,也会被毫不知情的情况下被记录在案。我们的所作所为决定了我们的什么样的人,所以让我们成为诚实的人把。

广州之旅 My Trip to Guangzhou

Last week, I have three days off, so I planned to travel to Guangzhou. During the three days, I witnessed so many things, I open my vision and gain the knowledge. The trip to Guangzhou makes me realize that I could go to anywhere by my own.


Before I went to Guangzhou, I made many plans, I searched the Internet, just to make sure that I wouldn’t get lost, because I never went to travel by myself. Going to the strange place, at first, I was very afraid, I tried hard to remember the road, sometimes I dared not to go far away. But I found the way, I realized that every main site would have the subway site, so if I took the metro, I could go back the place nearby.



As I got familiar with the road, I went to many sites by the metro, it was so fast and

convenient, I could see many sites in a day. Guangzhou is so big, I saw many foreigners, it was full of vitality. The college town is so big and clean, I love it.


The trip to Guangzhou is very precious experience for me, I become independent and broaden my vision.


Lady Gaga的成功 Lady Gaga’s Success

If you love music, then the name of Lady Gaga must be familiar to you. Lady Gaga is the world famous female singer, she is from America. She is well known by her dance songs and her dramatic dressing styles.The young are crazy about her, her great success is not gaining by chance.

如果你喜爱音乐,那么Lady Gaga这个名字你一定很熟悉。Lady Gaga是一位在全世界都很有名的女歌手,她来自美国。她的舞曲和戏剧性的穿衣风格使得她很有名。年轻一代的人为她疯狂,她的成功不是偶然的。

Lady Gaga is popular by her creative dressing styles. The traditional popular female singers are thought to be the image of the sweet girls, who are good-looking outside. But you can’t find nothing like the sweet girls in Lady Gaga, she always dresses like the monster, her styles are exaggerating, which helps her win numerous fans. Today, people are chasing individuality and Lady Gaga’s image caters to this trend.

Lady Gaga因为她的创新造型而受到欢迎。传统的流行女歌手被认为是甜美女孩的外形,出众的外表。但是你在Lady Gaga身上找不到任何甜美女孩的痕迹,她总是穿得像个怪物,她的风格很夸张,这也为她赢来了无数粉丝。今天,人们追求个性,Lady Gaga的形象迎合了这个趋势。

Lady Gaga is also talented in writing songs. Listening to her songs, you will have the desire to dance, her music seems to have the magic. Lady Gaga write her songs, in fact, before she get famous, she wrote songs for many famous popular singers.

Lady Gaga在写歌方面也很有才华。听着她的歌曲,你会有冲动去跳舞,她的音乐似乎有一种魔力。Lady Gaga自己写歌,事实上,在她变得出名前,她就为很多有名的流行歌手写歌。 Lady Gaga is successful because she is not only creative in her image, but the more important is that she is very talented.

Lady Gaga很成功,因为她不仅有着新颖的形象,而且更为重要的是她很有才华。

坚持的力量 The Power of Insistence

Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there was a Chinese female player came to the semi-final, so I stayed up to watched the game. Unluckily, she was injured twice, though she still wanted to finish the game, her body situation did not allow her to do so. Her insistence moved so many audience, they gave her the biggest applause.


The power of insistence is great, it will help you set free your potential and keep move on. Just for the players, they will face all kinds of incidences now and then, but the will to insist will make them finish the game. Sometimes, people win the game not because of their excellent skills, but their strong will. Those who can stick on to the final line will win people’s applause.


What’s more, when people insist to finish the game, it is the respect that they show to their opponents. Their spirit deserves people’s applause. Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must remember to insist.



After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great. In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of difficult problems. At college, however, we have to rely exclusively on ourselves. What's more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

Four years at college is an important yet very short period of time in our life. So it is always expected that we adapt to this life as quickly as possible. But it is a pity that not everyone can do so immediately. Here are some suggestions.

First, get familiar with the main buildings on the campus. Spend one or two hours by yourself or with your classmates to go around the campus so that you can know the location of such important places as the library, the dining room, the post office, the clinic and classrooms. Next, try to be independent. Learn to do

such things as making sound decisions on how to spend your time, how to spend your money etc, and washing clothes on your own. Furthermore, form good study habits. Talk with your classmates and learn from their good habits. Finally, try to take part in all kinds of activities to get out of your solitude and get on well with your classmates 进入大学后,我们发现,令我们吃惊的是,高中生活和大学生活之间的差异是巨大的。在高中的时候,我们总是依赖我们的父母和老师来解决各种各样的难题。然而,在大学,我们必须完全依赖自己。更重要的是,我们必须学会如何相处与我们的同学们和室友。



Should College Students Be Allowed to Skip Classes?

Should college students be allowed to skip classes? Our school regulatiom handbook says no. However, in my opinion, college students should have the right to do so. First and foremost, we should bear in mind the purpose of students' attending classes—to gain more knowledge and skills. Generally speaking, going to classes is a good and irreplaceable way for students to obtain knowledge. However, sometimes students can benefit more if they skip certain classes, for example, when they are not in the right mood for classes at some particular moment, or when do need some sleep that provides them with necessary energy for more important things later that day, or when they have to do something more important at that specific time. That is to say, when students cannot learn efficiently in classes, why must they attend them? Of course, if students are not familiar with the content of the missed class, they should make up for it. Another reason why college students can skip classes is that some of them deem skipping class as a means of alternative education.(deemas将看作) Almost all the college students are over 18 and they have formed good sense

of judgement to consider what is good and what is bad for themselves. They know for what and for whom they are studying, and they are able to make sensible decision whether to skip a particular class or not. If they can learn better alone with a book in front of them instead of instructor, why should they be compelled to attend the class? The world today witnesses the “knowledge explosion”. Mountains of useful knowledge and information are waiting for young students to acquire or master, so they in dire need of effiency in learning. However, students are quite different intellectually—some are smarter than the others and they can learn more rapidly. On the other hand, teaching appraoches adopted by teachers are usually based on the level of the average students. The smart students feel the classes no challenge at all and they don’t want to see their time flow away without enough acomplished. So if it is a waste of time for them to go to certain classes, why must they attend them? On all accounts, college students should have the right to skip classes, and are not to blame by colleges and teachers


What can you do to make your college life colorful ?


Questionnaire about the Phenomenon of Undergraduates’

Staying up Late

1.Your gender:

A. Male B. Female

2. Your grade:

A. Freshman B. Sophomore C. Junior D. Senior

3. What time do you usually go to sleep?

A. Before 11:00 p.m. B. Between11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.

C. Between 1:00 a.m. to 3:00 a. m. D. After 3:00 a.m.

4. How many hours do you sleep per day? (noontime snooze not included)

A. About five to six hours

B. About six to seven hours

C. About seven to eight hours

D. Above eight hours

5. In your opinion, what time is too late for sleep?

A.12:00 p.m. B.1:00 a.m.

C. 2:00 a.m. D. After 2:00 a.m.

6.The reasons that you stay up late are_______(multiple choice)

A. Uncompleted work or homework

B. Physical pain{有关不要熬夜的大学英语作文}.

C. Life pressure D. Playing games, surfing on the internet or chatting with others

E. Coming back late at midnight

F. Roommates’ influence

G. Others

7. If you think your roommates affect your sleep, what measures would you take to settle the problem?(optional)

A. It does not matter to me

B. I’ll try to live with it

C. I’ll try to communicate with them

D. I’ll move out of the dormitory

E. Others (please specify)


8. What happens after you take some measures? (optional)

A. It’s much better

B. It’s better but it doesn’t last long

C. The situation does not change at all

9. Have you ever found that someone else couldn’t sleep because you stayed up late?

A. Very often

B. Once in a while

C. Never

10. Have you ever tried to change the habit of staying up late?

A. Tried and didn’t succeed

B. Tried and succeeded

C. Wanted to, but didn’t try

D. Don’t want to

11. What’s your opinion about staying up late?

A. It’s a bad habit and harmful for health

B. Staying up late occasionally is ok

C. It depends

D. It’s not a bad habit and not harmful for health

12. What negative impacts do you know about staying up late? (Multiple choices)

A. Reduced efficiency of study

B. Deterioration of memory C. Health damaged

D. Bad relations with roommates

E. Others

13. Concerning the issue of staying up late, what do you think that our university’s authority should do?

A. Disconnect electricity and the Internet at night

B. Strengthen the attendance system in morning classes

C. Improve dormitory’s access control system in the late night

D. Others

14. What’s your attitude towards university students’ staying up late and what would you suggest to prevent this from happening?


第四篇:《关于考试不及格Fail in the Exam 大学英语作文》

关于考试不及格Fail in the Exam 大学英语作文

Students Who Perform Badly Should Fail the Course

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