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【 – 小学作文】

第一篇:《校园时光 六百字初中作文》




走出教学楼,这是一个白色的海洋,每棵树上都挂着白色的雪花,真是忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开。再看看其他呢,那一个个少男少女,他们亦或许是爱美染了发,亦或许是这一下子便老了几十岁,那简直就是一群老人在散步,不过这样的头发,这样的发色也是阻止不了少男少女们那颗充满活力的心 ,少女们在一边漫步一边笑谈着,而少男们呢,他们那与生俱来的调皮,在这个时候彻底爆发了,在笑闹间,再也不顾什么校规,挽起地上的积雪,向对方砸去,很快,这便演变成了雪弹大战,也不知,是否能流传千古,看着这些少男们一脸的笑容,他们彷如是在落英中舞动的精灵,没有忧愁,没有烦恼,这些祖国未来的花朵们,正在向世界展现他们的青春活力,是如此的美好。


看着这里发生的每一幕,我也忍不住 向人群中奔去,抛开所有的不愉快,享受属于我这一年龄的快乐,似乎在这一刻,早已不是寒冬了。

第二篇:《《遇见》作文 六百字初中作文》






我喜欢花园,最喜欢花园里的蒲公英。每次吹散那些种子,心中都会有些小小的欣喜,仿佛偷吃到了花蜜的小鸟,十分满足。我会忘记不愉快的事,因为你的花语是,“开朗”。可是,从某一天起,我发现你不见了。怎么会这样呢?这么大的一个城,我竟找不到你。从那时起,我没有遇见过你了。 终于,我又遇见了你。






2013-06-13 21:47匿名 | 分类:教育/科学 | 浏览85次




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2014-03-28 12:44 | 二级










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2013-06-14 17:08热心网友

每一个父母为了子女都在拼死的赞钱来供子女,所以我们不能不孝敬父母,父母是我们的大恩人,我们有必要孝敬他。说起父母我不得不想起小时候的事。 那正是在春天时期,因为春天像个小孩子,乎冷乎热,爸爸和妈妈看到我就说小心别着凉了,由于我太任性了不听他们的话,后来我生病,把夫母都急死了,又由于家里又不是很富有,但又急于用钱,所以他们不得不向亲戚朋借了。在生病的期间父母为我做了许多事,如,喂我吃饭,为我拿水,又怕我跟不上同学,还为我补课,我感动极了。

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2011-02-21初中作文题记大全 最好是近几年的 2010 2011-10-01初中作文《父母的爱》500字左右 100 2010-10-16初中作文精彩片段 193 2010-05-08初中作文 感恩母亲 280 2011-07-30初中作文大全 214



第四篇:《英语记叙文作文六百字 If I could go back in time》

The Way to Go Back In Time

I am hardly to think about ‘’if…’because I know the god would not give people

second chance to go back in time. Everything have their time, a season for every

activity under the heaven, a time to be born and a time to die, a time to laugh and a

time to mourn. But if one day I have a special chance could go back in time I will

chose without second thought to be back in the time when her being alive and I would

be with her – my dear grandmother.

When I was a child, my parents always busy with their work until I went to

primary school. It was my grandparents who took care of me during my childhood.

But they went back hometown when I was six years old.The hometown is far away

from the city we live so that we had a little time to go back and to visit them. I remember the longest time being apart for four years. Gradually, as I grew up, our

connection became less and less.I didn’t know how to express myself when we talked

on the phone, only a few words of greeting and then said goodbye. Even in the spring

festival, once we back to hometown that I were taking a little time to accompany with

them because they always got up early and slept early. I always felt depressed when

my parents asked me that I must stay at home to accompany with them a whole day,

but now I feel regret.

Subsequently, grandmother was sick , suffering from diabetes a few years.In the

beginning she only needed to go to the hospital to take injections and ate a lot of

medicine, but three years later she had to lie in the bed even hard to eat and talk. Since

she had been sick, every year we were going to visit her for a few days, the rest of

time my aunts taking care of her till she died.

I always thought if I could go back in time I would take all my holiday to be with

her and to make her happy. Maybe, in the morning we would go to the market to buy

some flesh foods.She would introduce me – her lovely grand daughter to her friends as

well as neighbors. And then we would eat breakfast together in an old restaurant

which near our home, and I would read newspaper for her .In the evening we would

knit, watch TV together, and listened to her to tell the old stories. When she was sick I{六百字作文}.

could help my aunts take care of her and encourage her …But all is my imaging .All had been gone and she had been gone.

My grandmother died in the spring and I wanted to be at her grave.She had lived to be very old and at last infirm.Her two daughters and my grandpa were with her when she died.Now that I can have her only in memory,I see her in the several postures that were peculiar to her: when her vision had failed,looking down for a long time into the fold of her hands, going out very slowly as she did when the weight of age came upon her.She always had rambling prayer full of love to her children and I, a deep demanding love.She was the highest good people who gave me all her love.

Once I read Ralph Waldo Emerson, she said ‘What lied behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what within us.’ indeed ,and I sure that she always within me but the way to go back in time only cherish her in my heart.

第五篇:《英语作文 六百字 心中的英雄(hero)》

吴玲莉 Shirley


Mate for life

When I think about my admirable hero in my heart, what originally comes up to my mind are those people who sacrificed their lives to the public .However, those heroes are too far away from our own life .Due to that, the hero in my mind is him, who mated for life with his wife.

When he was 50 years old, she had diabetes, which could not be cured. Instead of allowing her to infect insulin, he looked around for effective medicines all day, which cost great amount of money. Moreover, he declined his son’s help .Instead, he dug well to earn money. Each time I was touched by the scene that a 55-year-old man dug with spade all the time, hanged in the air and covered by mud when it was 35 centigrade. Drops of sweat were dripping from his swarthy check but he did not rest. What made me melt into tears was that he persisted in making money himself for 15 years before she died, just because he believed he could find other ways to cure his wife.

To make things worse, she paralyzed due to a stroke at his

sixties .It was terrible for him as he needed to get up several times at night to help her turn over and work at day. In all in, he just slept for four hours a day at that time. In addition, he sought useless wood in order to make a chair with wheels so that she could lie on it and enjoy the sunshine outside from time to time. Just before she passed away, he also learned to drive a tricycle and carried her to visit their daughters one by one. He said he just wanted to realize his wife’s final dream—seeing her daughters again.

With his care, she passed away peacefully. Now she has died for 9 years, but he still brings her photos.

This old but persistent man is my grandfather. Although his story is no so magnificent, he is still my hero.

I did not believe love at the beginning, but now my

grandfather proved that it exists. I am always thinking why their love can be so permanent, just like the swan, mating for life. Now, I have a boyfriend and I began to understand gradually that the connection between lovers changes as time goes by—- from a feeling to responsibilities.

It reminds me of the man, Mr. Wu, whose wife died in the Wen Chuan earthquake. Even his wife left him forever, he

insisted to take his wife’s corpse home .When I saw the picture where Mrs.Wu sat on the motorbike, connected by Mr.Wu’s clothes tightly, I was touched again. Real love is that never abandon each other under any circumstances.

On the contrary, today the rate of divorce is so high that people don’t dare to believe love .When the life is tough, we choose to cling to each other firmly, just like my grandparents, but once we can live happily, we are greedy in power and money. In order to get them, we can sacrifice anything, including love. So it is no wonder that people will desert their most intimate partner. Luckily, I have grandparents to tell me what true love is.

I admire my grandparents. I admire the people mating for life. It is so easy to fall in love with someone; it is extremely difficult to share your lifelong enthusiasm with your partner.{六百字作文}.

Thank for my grandfather to make me know the true love .he will be the hero in my heart all the time.






















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