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八年级人教版英语下unit6 –unit 10 作文范文

Unit 6

题 (一)

你一定读过许多优秀的小说,请你以“My favorite Novel”为题写一篇80词左右的英文短文。


1) 你喜欢的小说是什么?

2) 小说的主要内容是什么?

3) 你喜欢它的理由。

My favorite play is The Necklace. Have you ever read it? The story happened in Paris. One day, Mathilda was going to a ball with husband. But she was worried because she had no new dress or jewelry to wear. So she borrowed a necklace from her friend. On their way home, she found the necklace was not around her neck. It was lost! So she had to work day and night to pay a lot of money for the necklace. But in fact, the necklace is not a real diamond necklace.



1) 你喜欢故事的哪个人物?

2) 你为什么喜欢他/她?

3) 你读完故事后的感悟是什么?

After reading the story of Cinderella, I feel so moved. I like Cinderella best because I think she was beautiful and hard-working. Though her stepsisters were not kind to her, she never gave up her dream, and still looked forward to a good future. The story has touched my heart. I think I should be optimistic just like her. I will try my best to achieve my dream whatever difficulties I meet in my life. As long as I keep trying, I will also have a bright future.





1) 许多海洋动物的现状。

2) 造成这种状况的原因,如污染,人们的捕杀等。

Nowadays many sea animals are in great danger or even going to die out. One of the reasons is serious pollution. Also, people kill too many of them for food. It is necessary to take actions to protect them. First, we can tell people about the importance of protecting the sea and the animals in it. Also, we should stop polluting the sea and try our best to make it clean. Let’s work together to save the sea animals.





1) 歌手的基本信息;

2) 你为什么喜欢他/她的歌曲;

3) 你对他/她的歌曲的看法或感想。

Jay is my favorite singer, he has been famous since 2001.For young people this kind of music is very special. He became famous for his first CD –Jay. He has enjoyed success in music, television and film. What's more, he is one of the most popular singers in China.

qinghuaci is a very successfully song , I listen to it when I am stressed out. It makes me feel relaxed and reminds me that life is so cool.

Spider-Man is a popular science fiction movie in America. Spider-Man is a superhero first created by Marvel Comics.

In the movies, Peter Parker, A middle school student, gets a kind of super ability. After that, he begins to fight against crimes and protect the common people.

I think Spider-Man is a great movie, I love a line in it –With great power comes great responsibility. This line shows that every in the world should take good care of his family and his country.





1) 你曾经去过那地方几次;

2) 你对那地方的印象如何;

3) 那地方有什么特别的景点或事物。

Have you ever been to Beijing? I have been there twice. I think it is a wonderful place to take a holiday.

I fell in love with it for my first visit. There are many great places, such as Bird’s Nest, Place museum and the Great Wall. I’m sure you will learn a lot about the

history of China. If you travel there, don’t miss the famous food-Beijing Duck, I’m sure you will never forget the taste. Visiting Beijing is really enjoyable.


做好了准备就准备去旅游吧!假设你在寒假期间去了海南,请以A wonderful trip 为题,谈谈你的这次旅游经历。要求内容完整,语言流畅,可适当发挥。80字左右,开头已给出,不计入总数。

A wonderful trip winter vacation. I took the train there with my parents. While I was sitting on the train, I kept looking out of the window and watched the beautiful scenes outside. Then we arrived at our hotel near the sea. In the daytime, we went swimming or lay on the beach in the sun. At night we sat by the sea, looking at the stars in the clear sky. We also ate a lot of seafood there. It was a wonderful trip. I will never forget it.


假如你是David ,你的外国网友Sarah 给你来信,信中提到她想来中国旅游,但是却不知道去哪个地方好。请你给她推荐一个风景区。


1) The place to go.

2) How to get there?

3) What to see and to do?

4) What to take?


Dear Sarah,

a great place to take a holiday. You can go there by air. You will see the nice beach. You can swim in the sea and play volleyball with the tourists. I believe the amazing view here will be unforgettable for you. In the evening, you can try the delicious seafood in the restaurant.

I hope you can enjoy yourself.

Yours, David Unit10



1) 它是什么;

2) 你如何得它的,拥有它多久了;

3) 它对你有什么特别之处。


My favorite thing from childhood is a soft bear. I’ve had it for 9 years. My father gave it to me when I was five.

I like it so much because I played with it every day until I went to school. It’s special to me because my father bought me as my fifth birthday gift, I think it’s meaningful.

The soft bear has given me many memories. I remember that I slept next to it almost every night till I was seven.


My favorite thing in my childhood was a toy car. I got it on my birthday. My uncle gave it to me as my birthday gift. It was special because it could make some sounds. I love it. When I played with it out, often took it with me. I even held it when to sleep .Now I still like it very much Because It brings back sweet memories of my childhood.


The best place I have ever been to


The best place I have ever been to

It’s a very beautiful place.It’s Sanya.Have you ever been there? I have been there once. I flew there with my friend when it was snowing and very cold in Beijing.When I got off the plane,I smelled the sea,which was just like the flavor of a special perfume.It’s very warm at that time.We stayed in a hotel by the sea.Every day we could see the sea on our bed.Sometimes we went to the beach to swim,What a clean and beautiful beach it is! I like Sanya best just because it’s so beautiful and peaceful! I love it because I can smell and feel the sea.I will go there again.Would you like to go with me?




Unit 1 What’s the matter?

今天刘英生病了,不能去上学,她的妈妈带她到人民医院(the People’s



提示:1、看医生 2、检查(look over) 3、多喝水 4、吃药 5、卧床


提示信息:have a fever, see a doctor, look over, take some medicine,

drink water, lie down and rest, feel well, go home.

范文欣赏:Liu Ying can’t go to school today because she is ill. So her mother

takes her to the People’s Hospital. The doctor looks her over carefully. At last the

doctor says to her ,“You have had a fever. You should take some medicine and drink{mynameisdavid作文}.

more water. You should also lie down and rest, so you shouldn’t go to school for

several days. I’ m sure you’ll feel better soon.” Liu Ying and her mother thank the

doctor and go home.

Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.


办主题为“付出即是收获”(Giving is receiving)的征文活动,请你结合自己平




信息提示:clean up ,an old people’s home ,sweep the floor ,cheer up, the sick

kids, read story ,raise money, help ourselves, a good way,

范文欣赏:I’m a student from No.1 Middle School. My name is Li Ming. I like

helping others because it makes me happy. I often help my classmates with their

schoolwork. Sometimes I help clean up the city parks. I go to an old people’s home

and sweep the floor for them once a month. I often visit the children’s hospital to

cheer the sick kids up. I always read stories to them or raise money for homeless

people. I think helping others is helping ourselves and volunteering our time to help

people is a good way to spend our free time .Do you agree with me ?{mynameisdavid作文}.

Unit 3 假如你是David,下面是一张做家务的情况表。请根据所给的信息写一篇


I’m David. There are three people in my family. They are my father,my mother

and I . My father does the dishes on weekends, he sweeps the floor on Wednesdays.

My mother cooks meals every day , she washes clothes on Tuesdays and Saturdays .

As for me, I do the dishes on weekdays, I take out the rubbish every day , I sweep the

floor on weekends . I think it’s necessary for us students to do chores. Doing chores

can help to develop our Independency , and we can learn to take care of ourselves.


Unit 4下面是一位中学生露西在网上发出的贴子,假如你是汤姆,请你根据贴中

Dear Lucy,

I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble now. Here is my advice. First,you should{mynameisdavid作文}.

learn to get on well with others and make friends with them. When you are in trouble ,

you can ask them for help. Because they are the same age as you , you can understand

each other easily. Secondly, you could tell your trouble to your teachers or your

parents . Because they love you very much and they have rich experience. I’m sure

they can help you a lot. I hope you can get out of your trouble soon.



Unit 6 同学们对“愚公移山”的故事一定有着很深的印象吧?请根据本单

元所学内容及下面的提示词语,以The story of Yu Gong为题,把“愚公移山”



提示词语:90,move the mountains, zhi sou , die, sons, grandsons, continue, god, be

moved, help

The story of Yu Gong

Unit 5 Susanna所在的城市昨天晚上发生了一场地震。很幸运,地震并不强烈,

他们全家安然无恙。假如你是Susanna 请描述一下地震发生时家里人的活动情

景,80词左右。 范文:

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?




1. 中国是亚洲最大的国家。和美国差不多大。

2. 中国有世界上最多的人口。人们友好勤劳。

3. 长江是世界最长的河流之一。

4. 中国有超过5000的悠久历史。比美国的历史长多了。

5. 中国有世界最高山峰。

推荐词汇:as…as, population,the Yangtze River ,the third longest ,much longer,


Dear Dave,

I’m happy to be your penpal. I’d like to tell you something about China.

China is the biggest country in Asia. It’s almost as big as the USA. China has the

biggest population in the world. The people here are friendly and hard-working. The

Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world.。China is over 5000 years old.

It has a much longer history than the US. The Qomolangma is the highest mountain

in the world.

I love China very much. Welcome to China and play with me.


Li Lei

Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?

书面表达:介绍你读过的一本书。Robinson Crusoe



3.Robinson Crusoe是一个勇敢的人。年轻的时候,他梦想着在大海上航行。



提示词: book lover, have finished , dream of sailing, live alone, encourage

A book I have read

As a book lover, I have read a lot of books. I have finished reading

Robinson Crusoe". This book is very interesting.

Robinson was a brave man. When he was young, he dreamed of sailing

on the sea. After he grew up, he lived on an island alone for 28 years.

He always tried to face any danger.

His stories encouraged me deeply. I love Robinson.



假如你到过济南旅游过几次,那里的植物园(Botanical Garden),趵突泉

( Baotu Spring)大明湖(Daming lake),动物园,以及交通,购物等给你留下



提示词:have been to, fall in love with , have fun , such as , would like to ,guide



Have you ever been to Jinan ? I have been there several times. I think it’s

really a beautiful city. I fell in love with it when I first travelled there.

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