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Welcome to the diet instruction of ZhongNan University.

First, let’s start with refectory. You must have heard that the college refectory is diversity of food with different tastes and types, because the students it’s faced are from across China. There are seven in all in our college which aren’t named the first to the seventh, whatever, I don’t know. I’ll relate to four of them. The first is the tenth rectory which is also the one stands nearest from my dorm, It’s cheap and of course not so delicious, but if you are not hypercritical about the food, it’s a good choice, after all, I spent one third of my mealtime there. Then come to the fifth refectory which is nearby the playground and another dormitory area—ZhongQu, and it’s also the first refectory I patronized during military training, you can enjoy different local color of different countries. The third is BinHu refectory that I recommend most for its quality and reasonable price. The last one is popular among my classmates; it’s a pity that I haven’t tried it.

If you want to eat outside, I wonder to divide it into three parts—XiYuan, NanYuan and BeiYuan. NanYuan is famous with barbecue, BeiYuan is collected with XiYuan. So I’ll stress on XiYuan called Degenerate Street as well and occupies my two thirds of mealtime. If you want to have porridge, then there is a dining car called ChaoShan, appeared half a year after my arrival in this school. It’s the best choice

without doubt .If you want to have noodles, I’ll take you to a Noodle Shop called LaoJia or another dining car sell fried bean curd and beef with cayenne pepper. Certainly, once you are in WuHan, you can’t miss the hot dry noodles. If you want to have rice, DaTangMingFeng is an alternative. Some people call it Snack Street because it’s a closed house with many shops of many kinds of food. If you want to have fruits, I hope that you’d better buy it in school on account of avoiding being cheating for the weight that may take you a little more money .Also; there are a lot of restaurant, bakery, dumpling house and Stewed Mixed Meats house. In addition to that, we have Western Food, but not McDonald and Kentucky Fried Chicken, anyway, it’s totally fine to enjoy it.{400字英语作文}.

All right, I hope that will help you with your bite and sup.


Spare-time Activities

Spare-time activities in college are colorful. Because college students have much more spare time than not only senior school students but also people who go to work.

According to different personalities, I found many kinds of different spare-time activities students had in college. Outgoing students, quiet students and workaholics have different choices. But no matter what activities they choose, they enjoy themselves. That is important.

Outgoing students are who like staying with friends but hate to be alone. These students in their spare time, generally speaking, would rather hang out with others. They may go shopping, traveling, do some sports, or have meals with their friends. Outdoors activities are more appreciated by outgoing students, which is suitable to their personalities. However, they also have their own choices of whom to go out with. Most of the time, they like to hang out with their lovers or familiar friends; but they also like others to join them sometimes. Thus, they can keep knowing more friends who have the same hobbies as them.

Quiet students are those who are opposed to the outgoing. They dislike noisy occasions; instead, they enjoy their own woulds. So indoors activities are popular among these students. For

instance, they like staying in dormitories, playing computers, sleeping or reading in a quiet place. By doing these they can think a lot and do lots of things they want but do not worried to be disturbing by others. Quiet, shy and a little restrained personalities make they suit these kinds of indoors activities well.

Workaholic are not who completely are outgoing or quiet. It is totally up to their work. They work hard, no matter on their jobs or studies. Thus, in their spare time, they are still focus on things related to their work. Researching, doing projects or having part-time jobs are commonly seen among them. They find those challenging and full of experience; sometimes they even can earn money from them. Some of their spare-time activities also need to go out, some need to hit on books. So their activities are more complicated than the outgoing and the quiet.

Outdoors activities, indoors activities and mixed activities are three kinds of spare-time activities in college. They are separately suit for outgoing students, quiet students and workaholics. It is not possible to define which one is the best. But as long as students think they are useful and interesting, that is the best spare-time activities.

篇三:《英语作文400 字》

Different kinds of restaurant{400字英语作文}.

商务英语1002 何嘉俐

What is a restaurant? Basically speaking, a restaurant is a place where you eat and pay the food which is prepared by others. But with people’s living standards rising, restaurants begin to provide more than food for their customers. And we also expect different things from a restaurant rather than simply food. According to what a restaurant provides for their customers, we can sort restaurants into two different kinds: restaurant for food and restaurant for environment.{400字英语作文}.

Restaurant-for-food is a kind of restaurant where people get really a big feast to your mouth. The food there is extremely delicious and usually unique but sold at reasonable price. Most of these restaurants don’t have very good environment or very good service; some of them are even very small, inconspicuous and located in some inconspicuous streets. There are two mainly reasons for that. First they needn’t use comfortable environment or considerate service to attract customers. They can keep their customers with only their perfect and unique food. Second they are too busy to focus on service. You must remember that important burger restaurant which is an exact example for these kind of restaurant if you have seen that famous American TV series “How I Met Your Mother”. It is small and ordinary in appearance, but people still remember its food

after one visit seven years before.

Restaurant-for-environment is a kind of restaurant where people enjoy environment most. The taste of the food there is just fine but the appearance is really attractive and the price is unreasonably high. People go there not for food but to enjoy an elegant, leisurely and rosy time. These restaurants are big and decorated well. People enjoy the beautiful music and wonderful scenery out of the window and by the way eat. The waiters and the waitresses are very professional both in their dressing and manners. The guests are also well-dressed and behave politely. Everyone in the restaurant matches the peaceful atmosphere very well with gentle smiles, voice and steps. There are some restaurants of this kind in Wuhan such as Jinjing Restaurant, and Shangri-La. Obviously these restaurants won’t be the choice for our students.

Some people prefer restaurant-for-food and some prefer the other. But I think both of them are good as long as we choose the right one for different situations. I suggest we choose the restaurant-for-environment if we are going to eat with someone for business affairs and choose the other one if we are going have a meal with some old friends.

篇四:《英语作文 400字》

Students in Colleges

商英1002 覃瑶

It is said that college life consists of academics and socials. So how to deal with academics and socials is very important for college students. According their attitudes towards study and party, college students can be divided into four kinds: work hard students, play hard students, no pursuit students and both work hard and play hard students.

The first kind of students work very hard, but what they do only in college is work hard. Study is the most important thing in their college lives. They seldom attend parties and seem never have time to take part in those activities which relate nothing to their studies. Absence will never happen on them, only if they are ill. These students might be “teacher’s pets” and do pretty well in their studies, but I don’t think they live a real college life.{400字英语作文}.

The second kind of students lives an opposite life to the first kind of students. Playing is the most important thing or the only thing of their lives. They believe that college is a time and place for fun. So they hold parties frequently; they go to bars very often; they attend clubs, sports teams or other organizations. There are so many activities they want to

participate that they can do justice to their studies. Therefore, fail the courses might be normal for them.

The third kind of students is those who seem to care about nothing. They neither work hard nor play hard. What they usually do is attend the classes every day, then take part in some indifferent or required activities in their spare time. They have no pursuit, so they don’t need to force themselves to become the A students. But they do what they are required to do, so they usually won’t fail the exams.

The last kinds of students have a good balance of word and fun. They work hard to do their best in their studies. Meanwhile, they consider social life as important as academic life. So they also play hard and learn a lot about life and people outside the classroom. “Work Hard, Play Hard.” This is a real college life.

Work hard is very important, because “no pains, no gains”. However, college is about much more than study. If we don’t have a social life in college, we do not have a real college life. Having a good balance of work and fun is what should we do.


Different Kinds of Friends


According to the interaction, friends may fall into four categories: bosom friends, good friends, ordinary friends and acquaintances.

As to bosom friend, one is enough. It doesn’t matter what gender he or she is, how long you have known her, how far you are now away from her, and how often you chat with her. You will not tell her anything, but the thing you will tell must be related to your deepest feelings. Besides your parents, she is the one to point out your bad habits which may have bad effects on you, to make you smile whenever you are sad, to talk with you free from any kinds of jokes and topics, and to induce the most genuine things of you. Sometimes she may do everything for you better than your parents. “We will be bosom friends forever” maybe harder than the promise between lovers. There is a saying that bosom friend aren’t those give 10 thousand when she owns 10 billions, but those give you all her money even if she only owns one cent. If you own a bosom friend, you are lucky enough.{400字英语作文}.

Good friends are those stay with you for most of your everyday life, and experience most of your experience. You may have many secret thoughts to share with her and many stupid things to do with her. However, sometimes you may consider the property of the things you are about to talk with her for avoiding offending her, because more or less{400字英语作文}.

there will be some benefits exist between you and this type of friends. Maybe that’s why you can’t treat them as your bosom friend. You don’t mean to separate them on purpose, but the only thing you know is that they are different.

Ordinary friends are those work with you as classmates or colleagues. They may help you a lot when you are in trouble, only if the consequence does no harm to them.

Acquaintances are those you have met with but you will hardly have interacts later. But if you come across with each other, more or less you will shake hands, smile, or nod your head and walk away.

The criterion of the classification about friends may be different among people. No matter what type she belongs to in your mind, you should treat them with your enthusiasm, for you will be rewarded with their kindness as well.



The place I cherish most in my memory is called The Protection Community which used to be my home for 12 years. It looked neither splendid nor noble, but the cozy and plain one haunted often in my mind.


While I was 11, it was declared to be reconstructed to an instant noodles factory so that we had to move away.

I still remember the vague structure of it. The entrance of the community stood a huge iron gate. On the left of the gate was a buffet, the shopkeeper of which was also in charged as a guard. On the right of the gate was a stall for breakfast, the shopkeeper of which used to my neighbor. As you walked into the gate, there was a long main road straight forwards to a black pot. It witnessed many things of mine as a fresh starter such as the first time to ride a bicycle, the first time to skate, the first time to fly a kite, etc. It was more than I can count. Every night of the weekend we would gather on this road to have fun. It was a habit more than a gather for us. There were three buildings ranked one after one on the left of the road. They were not the same as what we have now. Each layer had seven home residents, and the household were the side by side instead of facing with another. Also the doors were made of screen opened for a whole day instead of thick iron closed for a whole day. During the hot days, we all took out our mats on the corridor, I really miss the life there. On the right of the road you could some

bungallowsand, pool and cropland During the summer, we might swim in the pool as well as playing with frogs, butterflies, dragonflies, mantis and locusts in the cropland. It’s a pity that I have rarely seen some of these species these days. At the end of the road was a garage opened by my classmate’s parents. All the kids in our community were almost in the same school and even some of us were in the same class, we went to school together in a tricycle which is not so common now. That’s also made us more close to each other.

How I wish I could have a camera at that time so that I could record down the precious fragment of my life in the past few years!


Growing Pains

In Memory of the Past Days

Looking into the mirror, the man there is no longer that little boy singing and laughing all day long with his treasured toys. Instead, there stand a man who is legally an adult, though he is still immature and sentimental. People say youth is the most precious and the most brilliant in our long period of life, and I agree with it. We are strong in body, quick in mind, we are always full of passion, energetic and high spirited. Youth is the sun in the morning and the rainbow in the sky. We have grown up, suddenly. Looking back of the old days, it seems being a college student can be so cool and so pleasing, no more homework waste your time, no more criticism spoil your mood, no more ignore let you down. We can find our own way and go on it without interference, we can do whatever we want and achieve whatever we have dreamt.

But gone with it, are our indelible years, sweet and sour, worth remembering and unforgettable.

Still remember the days when dad, mom and I sit around the table, talking about all kinds of things, about happiness and sorrows, about dream and wishes. Every time I am happy and excited, there are mom and dad with whom I can share the joy. Every time I am upset and distressed, there are mom and dad who smile at me and

fuel me the power to go forward. Every time I achieve my little success, it’s them who encourage me and tell me “carry on”. Every time I put my foot wrong, it’s them who pull me back and guide me the right way.

Still remember the days being crazy with best friend, chasing around on the playground, skipping class to a long waited movie, playing an innocent prank on someone…… the simple, pure and treasured friendship started to grow in that infancy heart.

Still remember giving the gift to that girl I love. Though don’t know what love is and means. It’s like magic which attract you and let you forget all the sorrows and sadness. Seeing her smile became the best time life can’t be replaced.

Days are gone. No more stupid, no more spoil, no more kidding, it’s our turn to strive and fight for our dream. Little bit perplexed, little bit nervous and little bit excited, not sure what life is in store of me, but not afraid, not regret, not sad. I will keep going and never give up.

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