
schoolrules作文 英语作文schoolrules

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【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《八年级上英语作文School Rules》

School Rules

wear school uniforms every day. Wearing school uniforms can let others know which school we are in easily. Secondly, we should listen to teachers carefully in class. It can make us much easier to improve the study skills.

We have an hour of homework every day. There is a big library with lots of useful books. We can read books there. During lunchtime, we should eat lunch without saying any words. After lunch, we can have a great time chatting with each other.

I think school rules are very important for us.

篇二:《学生作文school rules 1》

School rules

School rules are very important. There are many rules in our school. For example, we should wear our school uniform at school and we should go to school on time. We are required to keep the classroom clean and tidy. We can't eat, drink or sleep in class. We must do our homework too. I think these rules are good for our study and school life. Some students don't like wearing school uniform all the time because it's boring. It's ok with me.

篇三:《作文 School Rules》



1. School Rules

Every school has its own rules for students. We are told to wear school uniforms at school. We should listen to our teachers carefully in class. Homework must be done carefully and handed in on time. We ought to keep quiet in the library. Getting along well with our classmates is necessary.

Besides, we must always be on time for school.

I think it's important for students to follow the school rules. But we don't like to wear school uniforms all the time. Each of us is not the same and we like to be different from each other.


“Every school has its own rules for students.”开头比较客观,符合实际情况。接着列举了六条校规,从作者列举的校规来看,有主动句,有被动句,让人觉得句式灵活.行文流畅。最后作者委婉地表达了自己的观点: “l think it's important for students to follow the school rules…”


I am a middle school student. My school is No. 1 Middle School. In my school, there are some rules. We can’t be late for class. We must be on time. We can't fight in class. We can't run in the classroom or halls. We can't eat or drink in the classroom. We must eat and drink in the dining hall. We can't listen to music in the classroom. We must listen to music in the music room. They are quite strict. But they are useful and we can study well.


As the saying goes “No rules no”. If people don’t obey the rules, our society will be a mess. So does our school. If the school doesn't have rules to limit students’ behavior, the whole school will be in chaos. Although some school rules seem strict to the students, it makes a lot of contribution to manage the school. Thus, no matter how we treat the school rules, we should obey it.


篇四:《学生作文school rules 2》

School rules

In our school we are supposed to do some right things. For example, we should do homework on time and wear school uniforms everyday. But most students don't like wearing school uniforms, because they think that they should have some different style.

In class, we should listen carefully when the teacher is teaching us some new things. And we should keep quiet. Don't influence anyone. On the other hand, we

should be friendly if we don't want to lose our friendship. We should not be allowed to get ears pierced. Neither parents nor teachers agree with us to do it.

Every school has different rules. But we should follow rules when we want to do something;

篇五:《School Rules》{schoolrules作文}.

School Rules

Different schools have different rules.They can us be good students.Let's me tell you my school rules. First,we're not be allowed to go to school late.It's can make teachers happy and want to teach us. Second,we should keep our classroom clean and quiet.It's good for our study and health. Third,we don't eat in the classrooom,because on the one hand,it makes classroom dirty,on the other hand,it make teachers angry. Fourth,we need to say "hello" to teacher.Teachers would be happy if we greet to them. Fifth,we can't play games or listen to music during the class. What's more,we are not be allow to pick flowers or climb trees. If we obey these rules ,it can make our school clean and quiet.


Lesson 2 School rules

控江初级中学 杨洁

一、 课文分析(Lesson Analysis)

(一)课文地位(Lesson Position)

1. 小学已对用can、 may 表示请求允许及can表示能力有所了解。本课重点学习用情态动词

表达义务、职责或阻止。建议学习期间可对can, may已学的功能做些复习。

2. 本课学习情态动词can、may、must时重点掌握他们的疑问句及肯定、否定回答。

3. 本课教学重点应围绕can、may、must 来进行,其他情态动词如should, ought to或同义

词 have to, be able to 等不必现在就向学生讲解,在六下 Unit 4 Lesson One, 七下 Unit

4 Lesson One中会重点学习。另外need 的用法也不必讲得很深,只要学会用做must 的否

定回答即可,其他用法在七上Unit 1 Lesson Two中会重点学习。

4.本课教授maybe一词表猜测时不必再扩展到情态动词may be表猜测的用法,今后学习中会


5.本课中出现了“Yes, I will.”一般将来时将在六下 Unit 4 Lesson Three中正式出现,


6.本课要学会使用I’m sorry 和That’s all right来表示道歉及其应答。其他应答方式,可不必

过多要求,七下 Unit 2 Lesson One及八上 Unit 1 Lesson Two还会重点学习。

(二)课文目标(Lesson Target)


2.学会使用用情态动词can, may 来表示请求和允许。

3.学会使用情态动词 must, needn’t 来表示义务、职责。

4.学会使用I’m sorry 和That’s all right来表示道歉及其应答。

5.学会用I don’t think so 来表示不同意。

6.复习音标// 和//。归纳字母u在开音节和闭音节中的读音规律。

(三)课文重点(Lesson Focus){schoolrules作文}.



1)下列词汇为本课学生必须掌握词汇:need, rule, leave, keep,keep quiet, on time, be late for, turn

off the lights, hand in, ask for leave, here and there, put up

2)下列词汇要求学生会拼写,在行文中能认识即可,其用法留待以后重点讲解:will, tell sb. not

to do sth., meal, return, bowl, near, I’m afraid not, out of.


2. 语言功能

1)请求允许: A: May I leave school at three?

B: No, you can’t. School is over at four.

A: Can I use your computer?

B: Yes, you can. /No, you can’t.

2)义务: A: Must I hand in my homework now?

B: No, you needn’t. But you must hand it in tomorrow.

3) 道歉: A: I’m sorry I’m late, Mrs. Green.

B: That’s all right.

4)不同意: A: Is he ill?

B: I don’t think so. Maybe he is late.

3. 语法要点:

情态动词can、may、must、need 的用法。

1)You must observe school rules.

2)Students mustn’t eat or drink in class.

3)We can’t talk with each other in the reading room.

4) A: Must I hand in my homework now?

B: No, you needn’t. But you must hand it in tomorrow.

5) A: May I leave school at three?

B: No, you can’t. School is over at four.

篇七:《School rules》

School rules

Look, everyone, this is my school. It’s not big but it is very beautiful. There are lots of rules in the school, too.

What are the rules? The first one, don’t arrive late for class, this is very important. And then we must listen to teacher in class and must do homework on time. Wem must keep the classroom tidy and clean. We must be polite to our teachers.Can we fight? No,we can’t. We must be good with the classmate. There are too many rules but I have to follow them. Because they make rules to help us.

Do you have lots of rules in your school or home? Do you follow them? Do you think they are terrible? I think they are terrible but I have to follow them!

七年一 郝若彤



Mr. Jones introduced Lin some school rules on the first day when Lin arrived at the new school in New York. Lin found quite a few differences about Dos and Don’ts between Chinese school rules and American school rules.


Suppose you were Lin, write at least 60 words to describe the differences between the

Chinese school rules and the American school rules and how you felt about the differences in the diary.


Here are the school rules introduced to Lin:


①On my first day arrived at the new school in New York, I surprisely found quite a few

differences between Chinese and American school rules. ④rather than simply accept what the teachers say. ⑤Another difference that I noticed is that they ⑥emphasize on how to ⑦take cooperation with the others. As most Chinese students today are ⑧the only child in the families, we usually forget to share and take turns when we work and play. ⑨It is my first day experience that reminds me that we still have something to learn. (113 words)




1. 体裁-日记

2. 审题-找出1~2个差异

3. 说出自己的感受,表明观点。


亮点一:首句如果以“Today is my first day…”开头,难免落入俗套,难得高分;而以“On my first day…, I surprisely found…”开头更具新意。

亮点二:For instance比for example更上档次。

亮点三:使用what American valued is to…thus they…,比单纯用主动句they encourage their students to…要抢眼。

亮点四:rather than…的比较用法。

亮点五:Another difference that I noticed is that…定语从句。

亮点六:短语emphasize on “强调…”。

亮点七:短语take cooperation with “与…合作”。

亮点八:the only child in the family “独生子女”







Write at least 60 words about the given situation. (请根据下列情景写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Labor Day is coming. We’ll have three days off. Some are going travelling, others will stay at home doing some housework. Please make a holiday plan for your family and give some reasons for your plan.




昂立中考名师相楠老师范文: , I can’t wait to list a few things to do for my

parents. First, I’m going to cook a delicious dinner to surprise them with my secret recipe. Besides me life and everything, isn’t it? (100字)


1. Around the corner是个固定表达,表示马上就到了,比用coming soon好一些。


2. So that 是表示目的状语从句,表示目的。

3. Quality time就是非常好被利用的时间,很地道。

4. So…that…结构是结果状语从句将自己的意图表明出来。

5. 强调句点题表明自己这样计划的原因。


本文典型的计划类文章,比较容易使用单一的句式,如I will do, I’m going to do等千篇一律。还有就是在写原因的时候,很多同学就会用because,本文使用多种不同结构引出原因,大家可以学习。 此外,这类作文的内容很容易落入俗套,神马好好做作业啊,好好看书啊, 太过于空,可以像本文如此就一个方面,如对于父母的爱展开来写,相信大家都会有更好地表现哦。




Recently, the news caused great concern1 that some dead pigs were found floating on the Huang Pu River.I feel furious, for those 2who did it have sacrificed the interest of the public for their own good. The dead pigs have polluted the water we drink, 3which, of course, also makesthe public live under the fear. In my opinion, 4as a part of the society, we should make the right decision 5 by taking others’ interests into consideration. We believe the government will take prompt actions to solve this. (89字) 1. 同位语从句引出新闻,开头有亮点。 2. 定语从句引出那些做坏事的人。 3. which引导非限制定语从句,将事件对于大众的影响作出承诺。 4. as短语,可以节省空间和字数。 5. by引导的现在分词结构可以使语言更加精炼。 小tip: 类似这类对于新闻或某个社会现象的文章,可先陈述现象,然后表达自己的看法,最好最后带上一点解决方法。

2013 宝山二模作文{schoolrules作文}.

Write at least 60 words about the topic “What’s Your View on Setting off Firecrackers?”.(以“你对燃放爆竹的看法”为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。)

Use the following points as a reference.(以下问题仅供参考)

1) Do you usually set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival? What about last Spring Festival?

2) How do you like this Chinese traditional custom?

3) Do you think it good or not? Why or why not?

1firecrackers. This Chinese traditional custom brings us a lot of happiness. 2 firecracker is becoming one of the symbols of Chinese tradition custom and we should pass it down. However, it may always cause some dangers. As we can see, 3 the bad quality of firecrackers or the wrong way to set off, every year many people are injured. So while we are keeping this tradition, we should also keep the safety.4


这篇文章整体风格有点偏议论文,延续了一模的出题思路。 这篇作文紧扣题目中所提对燃放爆竹发表自己的看法的要求。文章大致可以分三部分内容:前三句是对燃放爆竹的肯定,这是中国文化的传统,需要传承;第四,五两句讲述了燃放爆竹的一些弊端;最后2句再次表明自己的看法,再次点题。







1、 你最喜欢的人,可以是名人;是你的家人;老师,同学,朋友

等。请以The person I like Best 为题写一篇80个词左右的短文。{schoolrules作文}.

The Person I Like Best

I have many friends. But I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He helps others, he likes reading books, he knows many things, he is very helpful to us. He often helps me with my study, we are good friends, we often play games and do sports together. We enjoy ourselves every day. Li Lei is the person I like best.


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