
i,love,mum文章 i helped mum课件

小学作文 zuowen 3浏览

【 – 小学作文】

篇一:《I Love You Mum》

I Love You Mum

I Love You, Mum!

My mother is forty-five years old. She works in a factory from 7.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. She works very hard. When she gets home, she does some housework.

She often helps me with my homework. She is always very busy, but I've never found any tiredness on her face. When I have difficulties, I usually ask my mother for help.

She is not only my mother, but also my friend, and my teacher. If I am not happy, she will make me laugh. I think my mother is the best woman in the world. I love you, Mum!

篇二:《I Love You,Mum》

I Love You,Mum


My mother is forty-five years old. She works in a factory from 7.00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. She works very hard. When she gets home, she does some housework. She often helps me with my homework. She is always very busy, but I've never found any tiredness on her face. When I have difficulties, I usually ask my mother for help. She is not only my mother, but also my friend, and my teacher. If I am not happy, she will make me laugh. I think my mother is the best woman in the world.

I love you, Mum!

篇三:《I_helped_mum.教学设计与反思 王佳瑶》

新标准英语三年级起点四年级下册 Module 7 Unit 1 《I helped Mum.》教学设计

金井镇毓英中心小学 王佳瑶





1.句型:I helped Mum. I cooked noodles. I washed clothes.

2.单词:had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn’t, computer, love, him


1.全体学生能理解用V-ed来表达过去的方式,全体学生能理解:had, phone, cook, really, wash, did, didn’t, computer, love, him以及What about?其中90%的学生能运用cooked, washed,50%的学生能运用phone, really以及What about?



1、通过谈论自己的happy Sunday, 了解合理安排周末时间的重要性。











本课以“谈论happy Sunday”这一线索贯穿全文,引导和启发学生在情境当中感受语言的交际功能,并让他们通过多种游戏和活动,逐步熟练运用所学到的语言,培养和引导学生与同伴互助合作,共同探究学习道路上的困惑,分享成功的喜悦。


本课以任务型教学为主,以学习课文了解Amy’s happy Sunday-结合图片谈论他人的happy Sunday-谈论自己的happy Sunday这样一条主线,循序渐进地完成教学目标。




课前TPR: Read and do.

Step1: Warming up

1. Greetings.

T:What was the weather like yesterday?

2. Chant.

T: (课件)Look at the picture! Yesterday was a holiday! What did they do??(初次感知过去式rowed)

T: (CD-ROM)Now, let’s chant.(Clap.)

【 设计意图:TPR复习学过的知识,为后面的学习做铺垫,激发学生的学习热情。Chant节奏明快,在感知新知识的同时能快速把学生带入英语学习氛围中。】 Step2:Presentation.


T:They had a very happy day. And I had a happy Sunday, too. LookAnd I helped my Mum.

Did you help Mum? You can say

2.板书课题“I helped Mum.”。

(板书:I helped/t/ Mum.边写边读,3遍)


T: Now you know my happy Sunday. What did you do last Sunday?

3. 呈现任务,更有指向性地学习。

T: Wow, you had a happy Sunday, too. Today, we’ll learn M7U1 I helped Mum.

学习任务:学习了今天的课文,我们再来谈谈我们happy Sunday。首先,我们来看看Amy的happy Sunday。



Step3. Text learning.

1. Watch the video. (感知课文,理解语境)

2. What did Amy do?(学习cooked , washed)

1) 过渡T: Look at Amy’s face. She’s very happy.

A. T: What did Amy do?

Let’s listen, point and underline the sentences.

课件出示句子:I cooked noodles yesterday. (把Amy 贴上,板书Yesterday让生spell cooked)

B. 学习cooked( look, book, food, cool). 个别读, 小组读。


C. T: Did you help your Mum cook?你帮妈妈煮过饭吗?

What did you cooked?( I helped Mum. I cooked…)

2)过渡T:And what else did Amy do?(Amy 还做了什么?)

A. S:课件出示句子:I helped Mum and I washed clothes. (板书让生spell washed)

学习washed. (个别读,小组读)

T: Washed…?(Clothes.)

B. 学习Clothes。

T: Yes, look!(课件出示T-shirt, dress, trousers, sweater, shirt, skirt…They are clothes.) I washed clothes.

C. 说一说。Amy washed

过渡T: Amy washed clothes. What clothes did Amy washed? You can say like this课件“Amy washed …”

3)Reread the sentences.

3. Did Sam help Mum?(学习didn’t, played, watched)

T: So we know that Amy helped Mum. And did Sam help Mum?

S: No. 课件出示句子:He didn’t help Mum.(跟读didn’t)

T:So what did he do?

Let’s listen again, point and underline the sentences.

S: 课件出示句子:He played on the computer and he watched TV.(板书)



T:课件出示watched, 小老师带读,小组读。


4. 观察过去式单词找规律。


T: Now, look at these words. What can you find? 你发现了什么?(S:单词后面都有ed)

2) 总结过去式表达方式

T: Clever! When we talk about the past, we usually add …(S:Ed) 课件Tip: 讲述过去发生的事情时,人们通常在动词后面加上ed。

T:So when we talk about the past

课件 help Mum became helped/t/ Mum


T: Now let’s chant.

5.Did Tom help Mum?

1)过渡T:Amy helped Mum. Sam didn’t help Mum. What about Tom? 2)“ Oh, he is a good boy. I love him. ”

T: Yes. Tom helped Mum too. He’s a good boy. Grandma loves him. Listen. 3)学习love, him. 齐读。

My father love me, And I love him. Who do you love?

4)读句子“Oh, he is a good boy. I love him.”

T:Yeah. And in this lesson, grandma loves…(Tom) So she says…

【设计意图:整体感知课文, 通过听找活动, 让学生寻找重点信息, 为进一步学习做好铺垫;借助插图、文本,在情境中学习语言,突破教学重难点,并通过结合文本情境联系实际、补白等策略来进行口语训练。】


The happy Sunday of Amy’s family.(Work in pairs. 个别说。)

1. 过渡T: Now we know Amy’s happy Sunday. And what about the happy day of Amy’s family? Let’s turn to page 40. Talk about the happy day of Amy’s family.

2. Work in pairs.For example…齐读例句

【设计意图:这些活动的设计在于运用本课所学知识,重视语言的实践性 和应用性,达到学以致用的目的。】

Step5:Guessing Game

过渡T: Now we know the happy Sunday of Amy’s family. And here’s Yes! Mr. Hong! What did Mr. Hong do Last Sunday?

Step6:Task completion

T: That’s Mr. Hong’s happy Sunday. And what about your happy Sunday?(练习:勾一勾、说一说、做一做。)

T:Let’s listen to our classmates’ happy Sunday. Let’s see, whose Sunday is better? 看一看谁的周末安排更合理。



1. Phone your friend, tell him what you did last Sunday.

2. Write the sentences on your exercise book.

3. Read the text 3 times.

Blackboard design: I helped Mum. Yesterday, Amy cooked noodles. helped Mum and washed clothes. Yesterday, Sam played on the computer. watched TV.

《I helped Mum.》教学反思

金井镇毓英中心小学 王佳瑶




2.以谈论happy Sunday为主线,情境创设自然,设计有条理,过渡自然,使学生循序渐进地学习。




篇四:《M7U1 I helped Mum同步教案》

M7U1 I helped Mum.



1.掌握词汇:phone,cook,wash, computer,really,what about?,did,did n’t,love,him。

2.掌握I helped Mum and I washed clothes../ I cooked noodles yesterday.等句型,并能用I …yesterday 等句型描述自己昨天做了什么事情。







2.让学生学会关心和体恤他人,培养学生的劳动意识,在家里帮助父母分担家务。 教学重难点

1.教学重点:掌握词汇phone,cook,wash, computer,really,what about?,did,did n’t,love,him;掌握I helped Mum and I washed clothes../ I cooked noodles yesterday.等句型,并能用I …yesterday 等句型描述自己昨天做了什么事情;掌握动词过去式的标志后缀-ed。




Step 1 Warming up



Step 2 Presentation

1.The First Round:说出is,am,are的过去式。{i,love,mum文章}.

2.The Second Round:读一些学过的动词词组(play basketball,play football,play table tennis,row a boat,watch TV,help Mum)


3.The Third Round:

(1)学习新单词(cook,wash,computer,phone)和新词组(cook noodles,wash clothes,play on the computer, phone my friend)



4.The Fourth Round:机械操练4个运用过去时的句子(全班读、小组练读、游戏练读:一个学生读之后请另外一个学生任意读4个句子中的一个)

5.The Fifth Round为Group work:运用I …yesterday.来说说自己昨天做了什么事情。(提供一些图片和短语辅助学生说出自己昨天做的事情)


7.Learn the text:



(3)学习另外一些新单词:really,what about?,did,did n’t,love,him{i,love,mum文章}.

Step 3 Practice:课本P40的口头练习。

Step 4 Summary


1.Read the words and text.

2.Talk about what you did yesterday.


Module 7 Unit 1 I helped Mum.

篇五:《lesson3 I love them!》

Lesson 3

I love them!

前两课我们学习了my family. 学会了 my dad, my mum,my uncle, my aunt, my cousin,以及他们的names。这一课我们来了解一下我们家还有什么人。当然还有我的爷爷grandpa和奶奶grandma。现在我们有a big family,一大家子人了。



Who are they?

They are kind.

I love them.

2.会说会用会写这些单词grandpa grandma love kind 。

3. 学会用 lovely kind friendly来描述某人怎么样。{i,love,mum文章}.

4.了解they和them的用法区别,还可拓展到he-him, she-her,I-me的用法。




3.学生准备自家的全家福照片 。

4.教师准备grandpa grandma

love kind lovely friendly 单词卡片。


1. 热身(Warming up)

展示第10页挂图 ,让学生看图,教师同学生进行对话引出话题 。 T: Look at this picture again. The girl is lovely. Who is the girl?

Ss:She is Linda Smith.

T:Who is the man?

Ss:He is Linda’s dad.

T:What’s his name?{i,love,mum文章}.

Ss:His name is Bob Smith.

T:The lady is friendly.Who is she?

Ss:She is Linda’s mum. Her name is Ann Smith.

T:Is this lady Linda’s aunt?

Ss:Yes, she is.Her name is Nancy Smith.

T:This is her uncle,am I right?

Ss:Yes. His name is Sam Smith.

T:The boy is lovely.Who is he?

Ss:His name is Billy Smith.He is Linda’s cousin.

2. 新课展示(New Presentation)


1)老师指着自己全家福上的家人,同学生采取谈话的方式介绍生词: Who is he ? Who are they?

He is my dad .

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