
this,,is,,,my,,,class,初中英语作文600 my class英语作文

小学作文 zuowen 3浏览

【 – 小学作文】


1、 你最喜欢的人,可以是名人;是你的家人;老师,同学,朋友

等。请以The person I like Best 为题写一篇80个词左右的短文。

The Person I Like Best

I have many friends. But I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He helps others, he likes reading books, he knows many things, he is very helpful to us. He often helps me with my study, we are good friends, we often play games and do sports together. We enjoy ourselves every day. Li Lei is the person I like best.

Notes to the Composition:

2、My Good Friend

Tome is my good friend. He is 16 years old. He comes from America. He lives with his parents in China. He likes playing football, singing and drawing. He is good at English, but his Chinese isn’t good. He often helps me with my English, and I help him with his Chinese. We go to play football every Sunday. We always feel happy when we get together. Notes to the Composition:

3、 My Day

On weekdays, I get up at 6:30. I have breakfast at seven o’clock. And then I go to school. Usually I go to school by bike and get to school at about 7:30. I don’t like to be late. We begin our classes at 8:00. I have

lunch at school. In the afternoon we have two classes. We often play games after school. I get home at about six o’clock. We have supper at seven o’clock. In the evening I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV. I go to bed at about ten o’clock.

Notes to the Composition:

4、 My Family

There are three people in my family. They are my father, my mother and I. My father works in a factory. He is a clerk. My mother is a doctor. She likes her work. I am a middle school student. I like English, but I am not good at it. Every morning my parents go to work and I go to school. In the evening we have a good meal. Then we go out for a walk. We often talk about the sun, the moon and many other things during the walk. After we come back, my father often does some reading, mother watches TV and I do my homework. I feel very happy when we get together. I love my family. I love my parents.

Notes to the Composition:

5、 My English Teacher

Mr.Hu is our English teacher. He has taught us for three years. He is a tall man. I think he is thirty years old. He likes wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He is one of the most popular teachers in our school. He

works very hard. He always comes to school early and goes home late. We enjoy his teaching. He is strict with us, but we love him very much. Notes to the Composition:

6、My Favorite Sport

I like basketball best. I began to play basketball when I was seven years old. So I have been playing basketball for eight years. My parents think it’s good for my health. My father taught me to play. I can play it well now. I often play it with my classmates after school. Basketball

makes me athletic and happy. At the same time, I also make many friends. Notes to the Composition:

7、My School Life

I am a student in NO.3 Middle School. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often get up at six o’clock, and then do morning exercise. After breakfast I go to school. There are four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. Of all the subjects can help me. I am getting on well with my classmates. After school we have colorful activities, such as sports, drawing pictures, singing songs. My friends and I enjoy playing football. Because sports not only keep our health, but also make us brave. My teachers are friendly to us and teach us very well. We love them very much. I make my mind to learn all the lessons well so that I can enter

senior middle school. I am sure my dream will come true.

Notes to the Composition:

8、Self-taught Learning

There are many ways to things. In school, teachers do their best to teach us what they know. At home, my parents show me how to do the housework. I can learn somethings not only from books but also from life. Of all the ways of learning, I think it is the most important to learn

knowledge by myself. I can read many interesting books and think over the main ideas. I always keep asking questions, then try to answer them by myself . It’s helpful to keep a diary. I often discuss questions with my classmates so that I can solve them. I believe self-taught learning is a good way to learn everything.

Notes to the Composition:

9、How to Learn English Well

The best way of learning a language is using it. If you want to learn English well, you should talk in English as much as possible. Then, I think an interest in English is very important. If you are interested in English, you will find everything easy. Finally, reading English stories, jokes and easy novels is also necessary. From these you will know English is not only interesting, but also useful. If you can do these, you

will be a good English learner.

Notes to the Composition:

10、The Love from My Parents

My parents are very kind and helpful. They cook meals and wash clothes for me every day. On weekends, they often prepare some of my favorite food. Sometimes they help me with my lessons. They are very strict with me, but when I make a mistake, they first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of just complaining about it. They always try to understand me. I think that is good way for a child to grow up. With their care, I’m living and studying happily.

Notes to the Composition:

11、My Favorite Star

My favorite star is Jackie Chan. He is one of the most popular stars in the world. I like him very much not only because his movie are exciting but also because he very friendly. I like his new movie Rush Hour 3 best. I think it is a successful action movie. Jackie Chan lives in Hong Kong now. He likes doing sports very much. His favorite color is white .He also likes Beijing Opera. He has many fans at home and abroad. I hope he is happy all his life.

Notes to the Composition:



假如你是王利,在十五中工作,今天(2004年6月8日)早晨在上班的路上丢了手提包。 提包里面装有一支钢笔,一把钥匙和许多钱。 例文:


I lost my handbag on the way to work this morning. There is a pen,a key to the door and a lot of money in it. I wish the finder to return it to me very soon. Will the finder please come to the NO. 15 Middle School or call me?My telephone number is 8675331. My name is Wang Li. I’ll pay him or her for it. Thank you! 人人听力网





A handbag with some money and a notebook was left in the school garden this morning ( Nov. 18th ) . Will the owner please come to Room 301,Building 14 and get it ?

(1)根据下面的提示内容写一篇80-120 词的短文。


你的名字叫李华,是某中学的学生。你到一位加拿大同学Mike的住处邀请他和你一道去看电影。可是他不在家。你留意个便条说明情况。 1 今晚7:30人民电影院放映《白求恩(Bethune)》,是关于一位来自于加拿大的医生的故事。六十多年前他来到中国,为中国人民的革命事业(revolution)做出了贡献。 电影票已经买好。

2 人民电影远离学校大约2 公里,两人最好骑自行车前往。 3 你让他吃晚饭就出发,7:00在学校门口等他。

例文:Message Left / Leaving a message

(4:00 p.m.) May 7th (Sunday)

Dear Mike,

There will be a film called “ Bethune” at the People’s Cinema at 7:30 p.m.It is a story about a Canadian doctor. He came to China and helped Chinese revolution sixty years ago. I have bought the tickets. It is two kilomtres away from our school to the cinema. We’d better go there by bike. As soon as you finish your supper,please go to the gate of our school. I’ll wait for you there at 7:00 o’clock in the evening.


Li Hua



英语教师写一张请假条,说明你这两天不能上学的原因。60 字左右。 例文:Written Request for Leave / Asking for Leave Sick Leave

Dear Mr. Green,

I’m very sorry to tell you that I’m not feeling well today. This morning I went to see a/ the doctor and he told me that I had caught a bad cold. He also asked / told me to stay in bed for two days. So I can’t go to school today and tomorrow. I hope to go back to school as soon as I get well. Please don’t worry about me . I’ll make up for the lessons that I have missed when I am back at school. Thank you.


Li Ming



今天张芳患病不能前去上课,我要带她去医院。 向您请病假三天。 学生家长:王丽

6月10 日


Sick Leave

July 10

Dear Miss Zhao,

Zhang Fang is seriously / badly ill this morning and I have to take her to see the doctor. So she can’t go to school for class. I think she will stay in hospital for some days. I have to ask you for a sick leave of three days / a three-day leave. I hope she will be well soon and go back to school as soon as possible.




1 时间:3月1日星期五下午3 点至五点

2 地点:阶梯教室(lecture theatre){this,,is,,,my,,,class,初中英语作文600}.

3 讲座人:北京大学李平教授

4 报告的内容:怎样学英语

5 要求大家准时出席 (attend),并且可以向他咨询有关英语学习的问题{this,,is,,,my,,,class,初中英语作文600}.



Girls and boys / Ladies and gentlemen,

May I have your attention,please ? / Attention,please.

I’ve got announcement to make./ I’m very glad to tell you that an English lecture will be held in the lecture hall / theater from 3 p.m .to 5 p.m. on Friday,March 1st.It will be given by Professor Li Ping from Beijing University. The topic is“ How to learn English well”.You may take notes if you like. And you may ask any question on English learning / study after the lecture. Please attend the lecture on time / don’t be late. That’s all,thank you.

假设你是Li Ping,深圳中学的一名学生。 请根据提示写一封100个词的英文信。



写信人的姓名Li Ping

写信人的地址中国广东深圳市宝安北路180 号


写信的日期6 月19日

(2)下面是你的笔友给你的一封来信。 请你根据信的内容,给你的笔友写一封回信。

要求:意思连贯,表达正确,语言流畅,必须充分表达书信中要求所要表达的内容,格式正确。(你叫李华,住在广东省深圳市红岭路175号,邮编:518102 日期:8月19 日。)100 字左右。




【2013河南】每个人都是独一无二的,都有与众不同之处,人们喜欢你一定会有很多原因。请以“What makes me a good friend?”为题写一篇英语短文。

要求: 1.语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺;



What makes me a good friend?



One possible version

What makes me a good friend?

I am a boy easy to get along with. I never get angry easily. That's the most important reason that makes me so popular.

I'm always ready to help others. Whenever my friends meet with troubles, I will give them a hand without even a moment's thought.

Besides, I'm quite humorous. I can always tell some jokes or funny stories to make my friends laugh. They say time spent with me is full of fun.

I'm honest I never tell lies. So I'm a friend worth trusting.


91.假如在英语课上,老师请你们就“Lucky Money (压岁钱)”这个话题分组进行讨论, 但你认为同学们对“Hobbies (爱好)”更感兴趣,建议老师更换话题。请你根据下面的提示和要求,写一篇发言稿,谈一谈你的理由。

提不:(1) Why do you like talking about hobbies?

(2) What’s your reason for not talking about lucky money?




参考词汇:one’s own hobby, a proper topic (合适的话题),personal, unhappy I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is




One possible version

I think talking about hobbies is better than talking about lucky money. It is easy and interesting. Everyone has his own hobby,like playing ball games, listening to music,drawing and so on. It can bring us pleasure and make us relaxed. We have a lot to say when we talk about it.

Lucky money, however, isn’t a proper topic for us, because it’s too personal. What’s more, not all of us can get lucky money. Some may feel unhappy if we talk about it.

So talking about hobbies is really a good choice.


丰富多彩的课外活动(after-class activities)可以充实校园生话,减轻学习压力.同学们还可以在活动中强身健体、在合作中增进友谊。请以“Our After-class Activities”为题,写一 两短文,介绍你们学校以及你本人参加课外活动的情况.


2. 毎天活动时间:下午4:20–5:20:


4. 交到更多朋友:

5. 从中学到更多东西,身体更健康.


要求:1. 题目已给出,不计入总字数内.

2. 包括所有内容要点,用上所给参考词汇,不要逐句翻译,可以适当发挥。

3. 语句通顺,语法正确,80个词左右.

4. 文中不得出现考生真实的姓名、地点和所在学校的名称.


Our After-class Activities

We have all kinds of after-class activities in our school. They are colorful. We have after-class activities from 4:20 pm. to 5:20 pm. everyday. We can do sports, play instruments, study English, and so on. My favorite activities are swimming and playing table tennis. I’m not the best, but I’m very happy when I beat my companies. We can make more new friends here. And we can also learn more from each other. It’s important that playing sports can keep me fit. I like after-class activities very much. What about you?

【2013广西南宁】 假如你叫李华,是“中华好少年”(China's Good Child)的候选人之一。请你写一份材料.介绍你在家里、在学校、在社会上(in society)的表现。




My name is Li Hua. I am lucky to be chosen as one of China's Good Children.___________



My name is Li Hua. I am lucky to be chosen as one of China's Good Children. I am a good boy in my home, I get up early everyday and do some reading, then I do exercise. Doing exercise can not only help us keep fit, but also help to train a person’s character. I often do some housework at home.

At school, I study hard and do the homework carefully. In class I often answer questions and after class, I often help the students with

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