
我最喜欢詹姆斯作文 我的偶像詹姆斯作文

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三(1)班 杨华城



这只小狗吃得与众不同,它最爱吃青菜。它吃青菜的时候总要先仔细检查好旧,再闻一闻味道怎么样,然后才津津有味地吃起来。 它还会跟我玩捡东西的游戏呢。有一次,我拿着一根木棍和它玩,我把棍子一扔,它就飞快地向棍子跑去,把棍子叼回来,就这样,我重复了好多遍,我们玩得很高兴,一直玩到下午5点多才回家。 我觉得我的小狗真可爱,你喜欢我的小狗吗?


三(1)班 谭博文








说起我的偶像 那就NBA的现役球星 勒布朗。詹姆斯








高中时,他的母亲给他贷款10万美金买了一辆他最喜欢的悍马汽车,但当他进入NBA的第一天,得到一笔7年9千万美金的合同时,他做的第一件事,就是为母亲还清贷款。 他很孝顺,右臂上的一处纹身就是他母亲的名字–格洛丽亚,詹姆斯。







Passage 01: Should College Students Pursue Famous Brands

With the improvement of living standard, people’s concept of consumption moves gradually from “consume for survival” to “consume for enjoyment”. Pursuing famous brands has become a new fashion. More and more college students, as a particular group who are usually financially dependent, go with the trend. Recently, a heated discussion has sprung up as to whether college students should pursue famous brands or not.

On the one hand, some argue that there is no problem of college students pursuing famous brands. The reason for all the favorable comment of a name brand must be its excellent something. On the other hand, others hold that college students shouldn’t pursue famous brands. It may breed competition psychology. College students are usually financially dependent. Pursuing famous brand may add heavy financial burdens to those unwealthy families. As far as I am concerned, as to the issue of pursuing famous brand, college students should do within their means and put more emphasis on developing their inner value.


1. 提高生活水平;2. 消费观念;3. 名牌famous brand/name brand;4. 追随潮流;5. 热烈讨论;6. 好评;7. 滋生攀比心理;8. 增加经济负担;9. 量力而行;10. 内在价值


1.consume 同义词:eat away; use up; exhaust; deplete

The car consumes a lot of fuel.

The fire quickly consumed the wooden hut.

He was ~d with envy [curiosity, ambition].

2. survive/survival 同义词:outlive; a narrow escape

She ~d her husband (by four years).

This custom still ~s.

The plane crashed and caught fire, and only 12 of the 140 passengers survived. The government seems hopelessly divided and is unlikely to survive much longer. Our friendship has survived the bad times and has grown stronger.

Many birds didn't survive the severe winter.

He survived the cancer against all odds

3. brand 同义词:mark; earmark; stigmatize

Which brand of toothpaste do you prefer?

I don't think Bertha would appreciate your particular brand of sympathy.

On big farms cattle are usually branded.


The experiences of his unhappy childhood are branded on his memory.

The scandal branded him for life.

He was branded (as) a trouble-maker for taking part in the demonstration.

The newspapers branded her a hypocrite.

brand-new adj completely new 全新的; 崭新的.{我最喜欢詹姆斯作文}.

4. trend 同义词:propensity;tendency

The current trend is towards more part-time employment.

A disturbing trend is that victims of violence are getting younger.

Even so, the underlying trend is positive.

We are following the American trend towards more flexible working conditions.

5. spring up 同义词:appear; develop{我最喜欢詹姆斯作文}.

With an easy spring the cat reached the branch. 那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝. a `hot spring 温泉 * a `mineral spring 矿泉spring water 泉水.

a watch spring 表的发条 * the springs in an armchair 单座沙发内的弹簧

weeds springing up everywhere 很快长得到处都是的杂草

A breeze sprang up as we were returning. 我们回来时突然起了一阵轻风.

New houses were springing up all over the town. 全镇各处很快盖起了新房子.

Doubts have begun to spring up in my mind. 我突然起了疑心.

6. comment 同义词:review; opinion

He made some ~s on current topics. 他对时事问题做了若干的评论

His remarks provoked [aroused, excited] considerable ~. 他的话引起了相当大的议论 Everyone in the literary circle ~ed on [upon] his new poem.


7. hold 同义词:remain true or valid;believe, consider or regard

The rule does not ~ in this case. 这规则不适用于此一事例

The argument [promise] still ~s good [true]. 此论据 [诺言] 仍然适用 [有效]

I hold that the government's economic policies are mistaken.


I hold the parents responsible for their child's behaviour. 我认为父母应对子女的行为负责. I hold him to be a fool. 我认为他是个傻瓜.

8. breed 同义词:bring up; raise;train; educate

He was bred (up) in poverty. 他是在贫苦的生活环境中长大的

What is bred in the bone will not (go) out of the flesh. (谚)本性难移

Filth ~s disease and vermin. 污秽引起疾病和害虫

Unemployment breeds social unrest. 失业能造成社会不安定.

9. issue

The commander ~d several orders. 司令官发出几道命令

Stamps are ~d by the government. 邮票由政府发行

A stream ~s from the lake. 一条小溪从湖中流出来{我最喜欢詹姆斯作文}.

Smoke ~d forth from the volcano. 烟从火山冒出来

As employers we need to be seen to be addressing (= dealing with) these issues sympathetically.

Don't worry about who will do it – that's just a side issue (= not the main problem).

10. means{我最喜欢詹姆斯作文}.

live beyond one's means


live within one's means


She lacks the means to support a large family. 她无钱养活一个大家庭.

A person of your means can afford it. 像你这样有钱的人才买得起.

Passage 02: Craze for Famous Brand among College Students

It is quite common to hear college students exchanging information about the brands they like and the products they use. Some students even spend all their pocket money on products of famous brands, regardless of the financial pressure caused.

This craze for famous brand among college students results mainly from two factors. First, brand craze is a reflection of some students’ vanity and superficiality. In their mindset, only by using products of famous brand can they show their capability and social status. Second, it is the peer pressure among college students that forces them to buy products of the same brands as what their classmates purchase, so that they don’t feel inferior to others.

From my point of view, college students should be mature enough to make their own decisions when it comes to the purchase of expensive products of famous brands. What’s more, we should always bear in mind that it is not the famous brand that makes us outstanding, but the knowledge and experience that we gain in our life.


1. 交流信息;2. 零花钱;3. 不管、不顾;4. 起因于;5. 虚荣与肤浅;6. 社会地位;7. 比……差;8. 牢记;9. 心态;10. 同龄人压力



1. reflection 同义词:mirror{我最喜欢詹姆斯作文}.

She stared at her ~ in the mirror. 她凝视著镜中自己的映像

Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.一个人的衣着可反映出其个性.

2. vanity 同义词:conceit;pride;emptiness

The invitation to head the committee flattered his vanity and he agreed.

out of ~ 由于 [出于] 虚荣心;tickle a person's~ 激起某人的虚荣心

V~ of vanities; all is ~. 空幻的空幻; 一切皆空

Passage 03:On New Words Prevailing in the Internet


Nowadays the internet is flooded with a variety of new words such as “beiju”, “geili” and so forth. While well-received by lots of people, such phenomenon is also widely criticized.

Those who are keen on new internet words find it very interesting and humorous to add fashionable words to their online or daily communication. Furthermore, they believe that new internet words enrich their vocabulary and expressions, which is in line with modern people’s pursuit for novelty and innovation.

Other suppose those new words are misleading, for it might confuse the younger generation in terms of language study and usage. In fact, with frequent appearance of those words, children tend to be misguided to use them in formal occasions, which is unacceptable currently. Besides, generation gap between parents and children may be widened because children tend to communicate with their peers who use the same language rather than with their parents.

As a college student, I consider the emergence of those new words as an irresistible trend. Nevertheless, we should be aware they can only be applied in casual occasions.


1. 被……充斥;2. 深受欢迎;3. 饱受批评;4. 丰富词汇;5. 与……保持一致;6. 追逐新奇;7. 倾向于做某事;8. 误导;9. 无法阻挡的趋势;10. 非正式场合

Passage 4:Don’t Say “No” to Cyber Language

Do you happen to know the meaning of “3Q”(which means “thank you”)? How about “shenma”(literally “god horse”)? If not, you are considered outdated and outside the communication circle. The popularity of cyber language, however, is not welcomed by the linguistic authorities who vow to protect the purity of Chinese language. In my opinion, cyber language is not destroying the integrity of Chinese language, but spicing up the way people communicating with each other.

For one thing, cyber language entails vivid expressions which are more approachable. Young people are usually fed up with the frozen textbook language. It is not attractive or vivid, contributing little to the closer tiers of people in conversation. On the contrary, cyber language opens doors for strangers and help its users to establish a bond. It is catchy, trendy, and above all lively. Moreover, cyber language has its uniquely amusing way to release the pent-up emotion in






战斧式暴力美学扣篮、螃蟹步横行全场,这些LBJ的招牌动作总是能给人带来视觉的享受,而他对胜利的渴望更坚定了我对LBJ的支持。2010年,LBJ离开了效力多年的骑士队,成为一名自由职员,当时纽约尼克斯队对LBJ产生了极大的兴趣,不惜用天价想获得LBJ的加盟。最后LBJ去了迈阿密热火队,和韦德、波仕并肩战斗,纽约人感觉受了欺骗,詹姆斯从来就没有给过纽约任何机会,那短时间詹姆斯在整个纽约城名声扫地。但是,LBJ心里清楚,自己想要什么,高薪固然重要,但最重要的是NBA季后赛的总冠军——他奋斗多年的目的。纽约给不了他这样的机会,只有热火才会使他真正成为篮坛上的“小皇帝”。 一个真正的篮坛统治者需要的就是对胜利的无限渴望和不懈追求,今年的季后赛中詹姆斯带领热火正以不当之势直指冠军。这种霸气足以让人兴奋。




新浪体育讯 北京时间5月23日,勒布朗-詹姆斯创造了奇迹,他在距离全场比赛结束只剩不到1秒钟的时候投中了压哨三分球,使骑士以96-95险胜魔术。您对小皇帝三分绝杀将系列赛比分扳为1-1有何看法?


魔术客场先胜一场,本场比赛,希顿-特克格鲁在终场前1秒投中一球,几乎为魔术取得胜利,但最终还是挡不住詹姆斯 。特克格鲁全场得了21分。拉沙德-刘易斯23分,“魔兽”德怀特-霍华德10分18个篮板。



第三节过半时,刘易斯连续三分命中,魔术连得8分,将比分追成58-64。比赛的进程跟上一场很相似,詹姆斯不愿重蹈覆辙,马上跑投还以颜色,接着瓦莱乔也勾手命中,骑士重新取得10分的优势,稳住阵脚。不过魔术此后仍顽强追击,三节过后只以69-75落后。 魔术越战越勇,在比赛还有6分54秒时,库特尼-李突破上篮得手,魔术连得9分,将比分扳成82-82。骑士此前连续进攻犯规,给了魔术机会。詹姆斯只得强打,突破上篮得分后,又为骑士取得领先,但刘易斯和库特尼-李马上中投还以颜色,魔术以86-84超出,双方进入生死相搏阶段。





the "Chosen One"-LEBRON·JAMES

these are some Personal files of lebron james

when he is a kid,James has extremely good basketball talent ,he was a three-time "Mr. Basketball" of his high school.

At just 18, he was selected with the number one pick in the2003 NBA Draft by the Cavaliers and has been playing for the cavaliers in the next seven seasons, Since he joined the league ,he has broken many records,however ,he aways failed to get his NBA championship

James finally decided in 2010, leaving the team he play for seven years, decided to take talent to the south beach- the Miami heat, with Chris bosh, dwyane wade to form big three

In this team,James is a leader.He can change the game.He and his brothers have a very good team work.So,they are very dangerous .They have the best three player in the NBA.Heat is just like a tank but, in the NBA Finals of 2010~2011season,they failed…

James once again lose a championship and his champion dream still can't achieve it

after losing the NBA championship in 2010~2011season,in the next season,,lebron and his teammates came back. Never stop the pursuit of a championship

in this season,James has led his team to the NBA finals again,but this time,There is no suspense(悬念) for them to win the final championship.In addition, lebron James has been obtained Most Valuable Players (MVP) titles both in this season and the finals

In the new season,Lebron James and his teammates are taking their efforts to pursue their second NBA championship,This is a new challenge for James. I hope the heat eventually defending successfully .

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