
有关未来面临的问题英语作文 关于未来的英语作文

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【 – 小学作文】


Our Future

Nobody know what will happen in the future. And predicting the future is difficult.

In the future I think people will have robots in their homes. There are already robots working in factories. And new robots will have many different shaps. People won’t usu money. Everything will be free. Many people will keep many different pets, like snakes or spiders .Kids won’t go to school they will study at home on computer. Books will only be on computers.,not on paper.There will be more computers and more free time. And people will live to be 200 years. In the world,there will be more people and more cars. Maybe there will be less pollution and moretress.The world will be more beautiful.


Nowadays ,more and more people prefer to work abroad rather than work at home According to statistics.since 1980, nearly two-thirds of the 1 million people who study overseas did not return home..Because they hold that there may have more possibilities to find a better job and earn more money overseas .But others still believed that at home is better than overseas ,because there have many relationships for you ,which may make it easier for you to find a cozy job .However ,I have another reason for working at home ,I think that it is also convenient for us to look after our family numbers ,because the reason why we want to find a better job is not only making a great living condition for our own but also bring comfort to our family numbers ,and with the rapid development of international trade ,more and more ideal jobs are waiting for us ,so I prefer to work at home.






Traffic In The City

With the development of economy ,traffic is becoming one of the greatest problems of a modern city.{有关未来面临的问题英语作文}.{有关未来面临的问题英语作文}.

One problem is pollution .The waste gases from the exhaust pipes are great enemies to the air. And there are so many cars and buses in the city that the harm they cause to the environment is considerable. Another problem is crowdedness .City inhabitants are so familiar with traffic jams that they are part of their lives. Time wasted on traffic and people are made impatient by the awful traffic. Worse than that ,traffic accidents are real-life disasters of blood and death .Traffic has become one of the nightmares of people living in cities.

To build highways and bridges only works out part of the problem .Cars and buses should be improved to give less waste gases. Government should encourage citizens to take buses so that there is less traffic on road. People should obey traffic rules and try not to make trouble on road. City area should be expanded so that there is more space for wide roads. Maybe low-pollution high-efficiency means of traffic should be invented .Only after we pay enough attention to the problem will it be possible for us to solve it .




Written by ZhaoXia

There will be more in the future. people will live in their new apartments. Their will be cheap or be free. People can their apartments. more cars . They can also in the sky. People will travel around the world. People eat lots of and better food. They also eat many kinds of vegetables. They will to . People two hundred years old. The doctors will help people to live much longer and older. Kids will study at home on computers. They any books , because all the books will be on computers.



Written by ZhaoXia

There will be more in the future. people will live in their new apartments. Their will be cheap or be free. People can their apartments. more cars . They can also in the sky. People will travel around the world. People eat lots of and better food. They also eat many kinds of vegetables. They will to . People two hundred years old. The doctors will help people to live much longer and older. Kids will study at home on computers. They any books , because all the books will be on computers.

篇六:《初二 英语作文 有关 我们的 未来的作文》

Our Future

Nobody know what will happen in the future. And predicting the future is difficult.

In the future I think people will have robots in their homes. There are already robots working in factories. And new robots will have many different shaps. People won’t usu money. Everything will be free. Many people will keep many different pets, like snakes or spiders .Kids won’t go to school they will study at home on computer. Books will only be on computers.,not on paper.There will be more computers and more free time. And people will live to be 200 years. In the world,there will be more people and more cars. Maybe there will be less pollution and more tress.The world will be more beautiful.

Our Future

In ten years., people will have robots in their homes. And people won’t use money, everything will be free. Books will only be on computers, not on paper. Kids won’t go to school. They will studying at home on computers. I think there will only be one country. People will live to be 200 years old There will be more people. There will be more free time. And there will be more tress. And there will be more cars. There will be less pollution There will be more tress. And cities will be very big and clean

Our Future

In the future, maybe we’ll be an actor、a doctor、a singer or anther else. So we’ll be able to make a living doing something we love. We’ll live in busy and beautiful city such as Shanghai Beijing and Hangzhou. And I’ll live in Shanghai. Because I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it.

Probably we’ll live in an apartment or a building with our parents.If we like pets, we’ll have many different pets, such as rabbits, parrots and dogs. Pets need a lot of love. So we’ll spend a lot of some time with them.

Maybe we’ll travel all over the world. Especially at English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia, so we’ll be able to improve our English. Predicting the future can be different. But I believe our dream will come true.

Trust self! Where there is a will there is a way!

Our Future

What our life will be like in the future?

I think the life of mine will be more modern than now. Every family will have robots. The robots will help us do all the housework. The food will be more healthy. We will have a personal computer. We will be able to do some shopping. The little children won’t go to school . They’ll study at home on computers. People might fly to the moon for holidays.

How wonderful our future will be! I hope my dreams will come true.

Our Future

In the future, we’ll grow up. We will have the different jobs. We’ll be a friendly teacher, an excellent、reporter、a good policeman、a popular singer and so on. Perhaps we’ll work in the companies. But we won’t too tired. Because there will be robots everywhere. Robots will work in the factories. So we will be free sometimes we will have a wonderful time every day. We can go swimming with friends every day. We can also go shopping with friends. We won’t us parper money. We can go to France to take a vacation. We can go to place where we want to go we will have own computer. We can work on computers.

Work hard, we have to study hard now.


Let’s together!

In The Future

In the future, the world will be more beautiful there will be fewer cars, and there will be less pollution. Cities will be very big and clean. There will be more trees.{有关未来面临的问题英语作文}.

People will have robots in their homes. Robots can help people do lots of housework, for example, do the dishes,wash the clothes,cook dinner… And people won’t use money, because everything will be free. Student won’t go to school , the studying at home on computers. People will have a lot of free time.

I think the life will be beautiful in the future. How about you?

Our Future{有关未来面临的问题英语作文}.

Predicting the future can be difficult. But I think our future will be better than now.

If we plant more tress, the environment will be better There will be less pollution.

Our lives will be better, We will be able to eat healthy food. We will live in big apartments. There will be more robots. They will help people to do lots of simple work. The people will have more free time.

I hope our future can be better.

Our Future

In the future, I think the world will changed a lot.

I think kids won’t go to school, they will study at home on computers.Book will only be on computers, not on paper. People will be more free time. Because robots will help our do something people will have robots in their homes.

I think there will be many tall buildings and wide streets in my hometown. There will be more tress and flowers everywhere. Perhaps many robots will work in factory. There will be less pollution. I think my hometown will become more and more beautiful.

Our Future

Our future will be wonderful. People will have robots in their homes. Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at home on computers. People won’t use money, everything will be free. There will be more free time. There will be less pollution. There will be more tress. In ten years, we will live in sea. I think there will be more tall buildings. There will be fewer cars and more buses. Maybe one day people will fly to the moon for vacations. My life will be a lot better than this now. Our Future

I think our future will be more beautiful. Do you think? Let’s talk about our future.

Everyone has their dreams. In the future. I think they will come true. However “no cross, no crown.” We must hard-working now. In the future, I think wo will be a teacher, a doctor, an athlete, a lawyer and so on.

We will have robots in our homes in the future. They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs. And we will work with robots. In the future. Everyone will be friendly. And wo won’t use money. Everything will be free.

“Health is happiness.” So in the future.Everyone will be in good health.

We never know what will happen in the future do we? But I believe the future will be beautiful. Our Future

In the future. I think our world will be more beautiful than now. We will have robots help us to do something.They can do simple jobs over and over again.These robots will look more like human.

In the future I think everything will be free.We will study at home on computers. There will be less pollution and the environment will be better than now.

Predicting the future can be difficult, but I believe our dream will come true in the future. Our Future

We are students now. But we both have ourselves dreams. For example.I want to be a reporter. Because if I became a reporter. I can make a lot of money and. I also can meet lots of interesting people.So I should study Chinese well.My friend-Ann wants to be a singer. Because she thinks it;s a really interesting job.And she wants to be a flight attendant. She should study English well.

We have different dreams. So we believe our future will be happy. And our dreams can be come true.

Our Future

In the future people will have robots in their homes.These robots are just like humans.They help with the house work and do the most unpleasant jobs.

For example there are already robots working in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.The do simple jobs over and over again.People would not like to do such job and would get board.But robots will never get board.


1.Rome is not built in a day. 2.There is no royal road to learning. 3.Well begun is half done.

4.Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 5.The early bird catches the worm.

6. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. Step1 Reading

Passage1( A humour)

When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"

"I wasn't asleep." the man answered.


We often think of future. We often wonder what the world will be like a hundred years’ time.

Think of space. Perhaps a permanent station on the moon will be set up. Perhaps people will be able to visit the moon as visitors. Cheap rockets for space travel will be developed, permitting long journeys through the solar system. When that time comes , people will be taking holidays in space and visiting other planets. Great progress will be made in medicine, too. Pollution will be controlled in a hundred years’ time.

All the world will be developed—even Antarctica. We will use up most of the earth’s land to build our cities, so floating cities will have been built. The Japanese have already plans of this kind. And there will be cities under the sea.

Step2 Words and expressions

1.science and technology_______________ 2. distance education________________ 3. transportation _________________ 4. communication__________________

5. space stations ________________ 6. robot__________________ 7. living conditions_______________- 8. time capsule_______________

9. in one thousand’s time_______________ 10. space travel___________________ 11. 好的变化/坏的变化 ____________ 12. 使生活更加便利_______________ 13. 坐公交、火车、飞机 _________________ 14. 步行___________________ 15. 愉快的旅行 __________________ 16. 想象_____________________ 17. 环境 ____________________ 18. 在未来___________________ 19. 网上购物 _______________ 20. 度假______________________

Step3 佳句欣赏

Is it possible that life will be better than it is now?

Taking a vacation on the moon will come true some day.

There is no waste, no pollution and no environment damage. No more teachers give lessons in the classroom.

Students study at home on the radio or Tv instead of going to school

every day.


Transportation will become cleaner, faster and safer.


As for health and medicine , people in the future will be able to enjoy a

longer and healthier life and remain active even in old age.

The schools of the future will probably be quite different from what they are today.


根据以下的内容,通过合理的想象,用英语写一篇短文来展示未来的科技新生活。 字数:120个单词左右


In the future ,transportation will become cleaner, faster and safer. It is likely for man to go on a space travel. We can take a vacation on the moon or visit other planets. With the earth’s land left no enough room, man can even live under the sea..

As for education, there will be no more teachers giving lessons in the classroom. 1. 交通将变得更加快捷,安全,人类可以到月球或者或者其它星球上度假,甚至可以在海底生活。

2. 孩子可以在家通过电视和广播接受教育。

3.每家都有可视电话(vdieophone),通过可视电话可以体检或购物。 4.在医疗保健方面,人们可以享受更加长寿健康的生活。 文章开头已给出。{有关未来面临的问题英语作文}.

Is it possible that life will be better than it is now? Of course it is.












Students can study at home on the radio or Tv instead of going to school every day. In addition, every family will have videophones, through which we can go shopping and take a physical examination .

In the field of health and medicine , people in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and healthier life and remain active even in old age.

In a word, in the future the new science and technology can make our life easier.














My future job

I like writing and taking photos, I have learnt to write and take photos for some years. I do well in them. So, when I grow up , I would like to be a reporter. To be a reporter ,I need many skills. First, I should write well and take photos well. Second , I need to be brave because I might talk to many different kinds of people. Most importantly , I must be able to work hard. I am sure I can do it well. I hope that I can get fun in it.




The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.——by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe

Have a good plan for the future that can remind us which direction and road shoud be towards in the next step. In this second to the end of 2014 six, I have a short-term plan that has appeared in my mind. It is clear and simple.The specific content of planare as follows.

In a short time, I must have accounting certificate. I have to learn the accountingfrom scratch before I don’t learn about accounting anything. Fortunately, I have an elective course that is accounting. It maybe can help me take the accounting certificate. I need to be patient and diligent efforts to complete the plan.

The second program is the English four levels of tests. The June next year is the English four levels of tests’ time. I think it was the only one chance to take the level Four exam in my life, so I must pass the exam! In the short term plan, I must study hard English even if I don't like it. In order to I can passed band six in college English testin the future as well.

It's not easy to finish the work during these days.But I will forget the pain while I am running on the study road. And finishing my plan for my future.

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