
夏天的散文英文 关于夏天的散文

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【 – 小学作文】


Briefly describe your academic and personal goals and explain how these will be further achieved by studying in the University of Pennsylvania's Summer High School Program. Feel free to discuss the particular program or courses to which you are applying as well as other aspects of summer study at Penn.

As the well-known American author Henry Adams said, “All experience is an arch, to build upon.” The experience from the past shaped who I am, what I did, and what I will do. All the things I have done let me, or drives me to take steps to where I am now.

Last summer, a few friends and I initiated a Street Interview named Crazy Talk. We randomly picked out pedestrians in Shanghai for their own ideas about some heated social events. Since then, we have did 5 episodes in total and the most successful one received about 50 thousand views on the which only had 2 thousand views. After the legalization of the homosexual marriage in America, we decided to go up to the streets, and see how citizens in China would view this action. We spent one afternoon and interviews various people of different ages, sexes, races and nationalities. Interestingly, as we predicted, most people showed either support or neutrality towards homosexual marriage, and only few people revealed a little antagonism towards it. Afterwards, we posted the video online, and people around us began to watch and commented it with their points. Shockingly, just someone in our school, with harsh words, commented that homosexual marriage is against the tradition and the trend of supporting it in the video is a kind of failure of traditional education. I was shocked. Actually, I didn’t have too many opinions, but at least, I didn’t deny it.

Homosexual people and others are all Homo sapiens, but why there are so much differences between them? Why they can’t receive equal treatment? I picked Geography and Economics in grade 11, and I think these two courses let me have a further concern on the problems I got before. In Take the USA as an example, the disparities in wealth distribution are so large that few richest people hold the most part of the nation’s wealth, and women always receive lower salaries when doing similar jobs compared with men. Two events mentioned above shaped my goals today. Maybe it’s too ambitious to say that I want to eliminate disparities completely, but at least, I hope the study in the University of Pennsylvania could provide me a wider view on these problems, and learn the ways to view and examine these problems more deeply than ever before.

Select a few of your non-academic or extra-curricular experiences and explain how these supplement your academic and personal growth.

“It takes a large amount of time and energy. Why do you choose to join it during the busiest grade 11?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I just like these things.”

To be honest, I don’t know why I chose to join the Student Council at the beginning of grade 11. “I just like these parties and activities. I feel cool when I am the organizer of each school activity and the spotlight of the school. I like posting the amazing pictures of activities on Instagram and being proud of adding words like “yoo this is our school’s party and it’s organized by us! ” That’s all the words I could remember during election. So, to be cool, I join in the Student Council of Pinghe, which is responsible for every high school activity including Halloween Party, Jumbo Party, the annual and biggest one, etc.

Actually, it’s quite challenging to work as a member of Student Council, and the biggest trouble is the arrangement of time. I need to balance the time I invest in Student Council and study. As an IB student, I need to be confronted with lots of exams, oral tests and essays while getting prepared for tests such as TOEFL, SAT, etc. I still remember the time before Jumbo Party when I had to stay awake to one or two clockin the morning, editing the videos for the party and practicing my SAT critical reading simultaneously. It’s the love for what I did that supported me during that tough time. Looking back to what we achieved, I was quite proud of Student Council. In the past half-year, we organized two parties. The biggest difference between us and other commercial organizers is that we don’t measure success by calculating the profit (actually we don’t charge any) or PH Student Council is really special and unique. Unlike other Chinese school’s student groups, which is called Secretary of Youth League branch, and mainly performswe don't limit the freedom of students. What we aim to do is let students enjoy their campus life while they could also learn something from it, and what the most important purpose is to make PH students feel proud of being part of Pinghe and understand what school spirit means. We organize the Jumbo Party to let everyone know that we are all PHers and Halloween Party to show our gratefulness to foreign teachers. We don’t chargeanythingbut we don’t ask for that as well. After all the experiences, if being asked again why I chose to join it, I would say that I love to bring happiness to my friends and I hope everyone in my school can love the school and its spirits.

If English is not your native language, please describe your English educational background and experience.

In my mind, my English learning experience is just like a dichotomy: help to build my English abilities today. The most beginning part is simple, like other language beginners in China. During primary and secondary school, I just followed the traditional Chinese education, and everything was related to grammar, recitation and vocabulary. Also, I took standard tests such as TOEFL and SAT as well. Both of them provided me the fundamental skills of English. They told me how to understand words and sentences, how to communicate with others and what was the most significant, as the designers’score in exams. For a long time, I believe that if I could get good marks in all the exams, I could master this language. What I need to do is just recite every word as teachers instructed, remember every details of the grammar and perform nicely in the exam room.

However, I was wrong. The knowledge of vocabulary and grammar is just the fur of English. What English truly means, is not the denotation of it, but the connotation. During secondary school, my English teacher always asked us to “read between lines”. That seemed like a boring cliche to me at all at that time. “I know, just read more carefully and repeatedly.” It takes me a long time until I finally realize that the pivot of this maxim is not “read” but “between lines”. Admittedly, in each book we have read, there is only empty space between lines. At that point, I realize that the importance of a book is not the words themselves. It can be understood just by keeping reading for hundred of times. The meaning of a book is the feeling of your imagination. The words provide the basis of a world that you could build upon the content of book by your imagination. The space between lines, unlike others’ words, is not the content implied by the author, but a complete empty space for your imagination to fulfill. When I read Never Let Me Go, I

guess that the whole school is a factory for organs. When I read Lord of the Flies, I believe that the plane crash is a conspiracy.

There are no black or white of our imagination. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people's eyes. English is not a tool for exam, but the point through which we could know a completely different culture.

1.1 Homestay寄宿家庭


英语修辞手法 分析大全

一、明喻(simile)是以两种具有相同特征的事物和现象进行对比,表明本体和喻体之间的相似关系,两者都在对比中出现。常用比喻词like, as, as if, as though等,例如:

1、This elephant is like a snake as anybody can see.


2、He looked as if he had just stepped out of my book of fairytales and had passed me like a spirit.


3、It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something.



1、German guns and German planes rained down bombs, shells and bullets…


2、The diamond department was the heart and center of the store.



1、The Great Wall was made not only of stones and earth, but of the flesh and blood of millions of men.


句中的“the flesh and blood”喻为“the great sacrifice”(巨大的牺牲)

2、“…saying that it was the most beautiful tongue in the world,…”



4、Many eyes turned to a tall,20—year black girl on the U.S. team.


这里的“many eyes”代替了“many persons”。


1、She may have tens of thousand of babies in one summer.(From“ Watching Ants”)



2、My only worry was that January would find me hunting for a job again.




1、My blood froze.


2、When I told our father about this,his heart burst.


3、My heart almost stopped beating when I heard my daughter’svoice on the phone.


六、叠言(rhetorical repetition)这种修辞法是指在特定的语境中,将相同的结构,相同意义词组成句子重叠使用,以增强语气和力量。

1、It must be created by the blood and the work of all of us who believe in the future, who believe in man and his glorious man—made destiny.


2、… Because good technique in medicine and surgery means more

quickly—cured patients, less pain, less discomfort, less death, less disease and less deformity.



1、Several years later, word came that Napoleonyh himself was coming to inspect them…


“word”在这里代替了“news, information”(消息、信息)

2、Al spoke with his eyes,“yes”.




Napoleon was astonished.”Either you are mad, or I am,”he declared. “Both,sir!”cried the Swede proudly.



1、On the root of the school house some pigeons were softly cooing.


2、She brought me into touch with everything that could be reached or

felt——sunlight, the rustling of silk, the noises of insects, the creaking of a door, the voice of a loved one.


十、讽刺(irony)是指用含蓄的褒义词语来表示其反面的意义,从而达到使本义更加幽默,更加讽刺的效 果。

Well, of course, I knew that gentlemen like you carry only large notes.


店员这句话意在讽刺这位穿破衣的顾客:像你这样的人怎么会有大票子呢?名为“gentlemen”实则“beg gar”而已。


Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested.





How and why he had come to Princeton, New Jersey is a story of struggle, success, and sadness.


篇三:《Ole and Trufa 两片树叶的爱情(中英双语散文)》

Ole and Trufa 两片树叶的爱情(中英双语散文) 这是一座很大很茂密的森林,长满生有各种各样叶子的树。通常,每年的这个时候天气很冷了,甚至下雪了,可是这个十一月比较暖和,如果不是满林子的落叶——桔黄的,酒红的,金黄的,还有杂色的——也许以为还是夏天呢。这些落叶有些在白天,有些在夜里被雨打落,被风吹落,如今它们在森林的地面上形成了一条厚厚的落叶毯子。尽管已干枯,落叶仍散发出好闻的香味。阳光透过树枝照耀着它们,落叶上爬动着在秋天的暴风雨中不知怎么存活下来的虫子、苍蝇。落叶底下也为蟋蟀们提供了藏身之所,田鼠和许多其它生物也在大地上找寻庇护。

THE FOREST was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees. Usually, it is cold this time of year and it even happens that it snow, but this November was relatively warm. You might have thought it was summer except that the whole forest was strewn with fallen leaves-some yellow as saffron, some red as wine, some the color of gold and some of mixed color. The leaves had been torn down by the rain, by the wind, some by day, some at night, and they now formed a deep carpet over the forest floor. Although their juices had run dry, the leaves still exuded a pleasant aroma. The sun shone down on them through the living branches, and worms and flies which had somehow survived the autumn storms crawled over them. The space beneath the leaves provided hiding places for crickets, field mice and many other creatures who sought protection in the earth.


有时在寒冷的暴风雨之夜,特鲁法会抱怨:“我的时间到了,奥立,可是你要坚持住!” “为了什么理由呢?”奥立问。“没有你我的生命毫无意义,如果你掉下去,我将跟你一起掉下去!”




奥立说:“那不就够了吗?爱是所有力量中最高尚、最美好的。只要我们在这里彼此相爱,就没有风,没有雨或暴风雪能毁灭我们。告诉你,特鲁法,我从来没有像现在这么爱你。” “为什么,奥立?为什么,我已经完全枯黄了。”


At times during cold and stormy nights, Trufa would complain: “My time had come, Ole, but you hand on!”

“What for?” Ole asked. “Without you, my life is senseless. If you fall, I’ll fall with you.”

“NO, Ole, don’t do it! So long as a leaf can stay up it mustn’t let go.”

“It all depends if you stay with me,” Ole replied. “By day I look at you and admire your beauty. At night I sense your fragrance. Be the only leaf on a tree? No never!”

“Ole, your words are so sweet but they’re not true,” Trufa said. “You know very well that I’m no longer pretty. Look how wrinkled I am, how shriveled I’ve become! Only one thing is still left me-my love for you.”

“Isn’t that enough? Of all our powers love the highest, the finest,” Ole said. “So long as we love each other we remain here, and no wind, rain or storm can destroy us. I’ll tell you something, Trufa-I never loved you as much as I love you now.” “Why, Ole? Why? I’m all yellow.”

“Who says green is pretty and yellow is not? All colors are equally handsome.”



And just as Ole spoke these words, that which Trufa had feared all these months happened-a wind came up and tore Ole loose from the twig. Trufa began to tremble and flutter until it seemed that she, too, would soon be torn away, but she held fast. She saw Ole fall and sway in the air, and she called to him in leafy language: “Ole! Come back! Ole! Ole!”


But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight. He blended in with the other leaves on the ground, and Trufa was left all alone on the tree.{夏天的散文英文}.


So long as it was still day, Trufa managed somehow to endure her grief. But when it grew dark and cold and a piercing rain began to fall, she sank into despair. Somehow she felt that the blame for all the leafy misfortunes lay with the tree, the trunk with all its mighty limbs. Leaves fell, but the trunk stood tall, thick and firmly rooted in the ground. No wind, rain or hail could upset it. What did it matter to a tree, which probably lived forever, what become of a leaf? To Trufa, the trunk was a kind of god. It covered itself with leaves for a few months, then it shook them off. It nourished them with its sap for as long as it pleased, then it let them die of thirst. Trufa pleaded with the tree to give her back her Ole, to make it summer again, but the tree didn’t heed her prayers.{夏天的散文英文}.




Trufa didn’t think a night could be so long as this one—so dark, so frosty. She spoke to Ole and hoped for an answer, but Ole was silent and gave no sign of his presence.

Trufa said to the tree: “Since you’ve taken Ole from me, take me too.”

But even this prayer the tree didn’t acknowledge.



After a while, Trufa dozed off. This wasn’t sleep but a strange languor. Trufa awoke and to her amazement found that she was no longer handing on the tree. The wind had blown her down while she was asleep. This was different from the way she used to feel when she awoke on the tree with the sunrise. All her fears and anxieties had now vanished. The awakening also brought with it an awareness she had never felt before. She knew now that she wasn’t just a leaf that depended on every whim of the wind, but that she was part of the universe. Through some mysterious force, Trufa understood the miracle of her molecules, atoms, protons and electrons-the enormous energy she represented and the divine plan of which she was a part.


Next to her lay Ole, and they greeted each other with a love they hadn’t been aware of before. This wasn’t a love that depended on chance or caprice, but a love as mighty and eternal as the universe itself. That which they had feared all the days and nights between April and November turned out to be not death but redemption. A breeze came and lifted Ole and Trufa in the air and they soared with the bliss known only by those who have freed themselves and have joined with eternity.

On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa. For some reason unknown to them, Ole and Trufa had survived all the rains, all the cold nights and winds. Who knows the reason one leaf falls and another remains? But Ole and Trufa believed the answer lay in the great love they bore one another. Ole was slightly bigger than Turfa and a few days older, but Trufa was prettier and more delicate. One leaf can do little for another when the wind blows, the rain pours, or the hail begins to fall. Still, Ole encouraged Ttufa at every opportunity. During the worst storms, when the thunder clapped, the lightning flashed and the wind tore off not only leaves but even whole branches, Ole pleaded with Trufa: “Hang on, Trufa! Hand on with all your might!”



养 花









On Growing Flowers

Lao She

I love flowers and hence have taken to growing them. But, short of time to do research and experiment in flower cultivation, I am no gardener at all. I merely take flower cultivation as a pleasure of life. I really don’t care whether or not my flowers will put forth plump and nice-looking

blossom. I’ll be delighted as long as they can blossom. In summer, flowers and plants growing in luxuriance in my small courtyard will leave little open space as a playground for the little cats, so they have to sport about in our rooms instead.

I grow many flowers, but none of them are exotic or rare ones. It is difficult to grow a precious flower species. And I feel bad to see a good flower dying of illness. I don’t want often to shed tears over that. But Beijing’s climate is more or less unfit for the growing of flowers. Freezing in winter, windy in spring, and either too dry or too often visited by rainstorms in summer. While autumn is the best of all, it is often plagued by a sudden frost. In a climate like this, it is far beyond my capacity to grow precious flowers of southern breed. Therefore, I only grow flowers and plants that are hardy and enjoy a high survival rate. Although such flowers are able to weather through by themselves, I, however never ignore them or abandon them to their own fate, for otherwise most of them will probably end up dead. I have to care for them every day as if they were my close friends. Thus, in the course of time, I’ve somehow got the hang of flower cultivation some flowers which are accustomed to growing in the shade should not be too much exposed to the sun. Those which prefer dryness should not be watered too often. It gives me much pleasure to know the right way of handling them. How interesting it is to be able to keep my flowers and plants alive and watch them thrive and bloom year in year out! It is no exaggeration to say that there is much knowledge involved in this! And the more knowledge one acquires, the better it is of course.

As I have some trouble with my leg, I can’t more around easily, nor can I sit too long. I don’t know if the flowers under my care are grateful to me or not. However, I wish for my part to acknowledge my thanks to them. I often leave off sedentary work after writing a few dozen words and go to the courtyard to take a look at the flowers, watering them and moving about the potted ones. Then I’ll return to my room to write a bit more. I’ll go through the same back-and-forth process again and again, thus combining mental with manual labour. This is a better way to keep me fit in mind and body than taking medicine. In case of a violent storm or a sudden change of weather, however, the whole family will have to turn out to salvage the flowers and plants. Everybody will then feel keyed up. By the time when we have managed to move the several hundred potted flowers to the rooms in a hurry, we will be dog-tired and wet with perspiration. The next day, when the weather is fine, we will have another round of being dog-tired and wet with perspiration in taking all the flowers out to the courtyard again. How interesting it is! Isn’t it true that without doing manual labour, we couldn’t even keep a single flower alive?

It filled the whole family with pride whenever the milkman exclaims

on entering our gate, “What a sweet smell!” When the night-blooming cereuses are about to be in flower, we will invite some friends to visit us in the evening to feast their eyes on them—in an atmosphere smacking of nocturnal merry-making under candle lights. When the cereuses have branched out, we will pick some of the flowers and give them as a present to our friends. We are of course especially happy to see them take away our fruits of labour.

Of course, there is a time to feel sad too. Last summer, a rainstorm hit us when 300 chrysanthemum seedlings in the courtyard were about to be transplanted to pots. Suddenly, the wall of our neighbour collapsed and crushed more than 100 seedlings of 30 varieties. The whole family were sad-faced for quiet a few days!

Joy and sorrow, laughter and tears, flowers and fruit, fragrance and colour, manual labour and increased knowledge—all these make up the joy of flower cultivation.



(1)“所以也爱养花“译为hence have taken to growing them,其中动词短语to take to的意思是“开始喜欢”。此句也可译为are therefore fond of growing flowers。

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