
弄堂的破作文 特别的弄堂作文

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【 – 小学作文】


弄堂里的早晨作文 上海市江湾中心学校五年级 商雯倩 暑假里,我随妈妈来到她小时候生活的地方——杨浦区的一个小弄堂里。 第二天清晨,我正准备睡个懒觉,却被窗外的“沙沙”声吵醒了。我嚷嚷着:“妈妈,什么声音?好吵!” “这种声音是城市生活里找不到的。”妈妈卖着关子地说。 “是吗?”我听了更好奇了,连忙快速起床,踏着“咯吱咯吱”响的楼梯下楼,推开早已褪色的门,去寻找那“沙沙”的声音。眼前展现出的是与城市截然不同的景象——每家人家的门几乎都是敞开着的,那些年长的人拿着竹制的刷子在刷像锣鼓形状的木质桶,发出“沙沙”的声音,有些木桶就随意地倚靠在破旧的墙角边。我问妈妈那是什么,妈妈说:“那就是马桶呀!” 弄堂中,居民们那标准的上海话温馨地弥漫着:“阿婆,侬菜买回来啦。”“爷叔,侬点心买好啦。”“阿婆,我去上班啦。”“哦,路上当心。”他们相互点头打招呼,并习惯地避开上班的自行车。冷不丁出现在我面前的穿着入时、拎着高档皮包的公司白领,穿着高跟鞋,咯噔咯噔地踩着发白而又不太平整的水泥路。走出弄堂去上班。小孩子们则在弄堂里打闹嬉戏,在迷宫似的弄堂里

窜来窜去。老人们搬着一个小木凳,在家门口拣菜,聊家常,或者泡上一壶好茶,听新闻。 弄堂虽小,但却充满了浓浓的人情味,让我久久不能忘怀、 [评析] 本文描写的,应该是上海尚未得到改造的老城区的生活景象。那里的居住条件、生活设施都比较陈旧落后,因此还能见到倒马桶这样的生活情景。但,这仍然是上海的城市生活的一部分。只是从文章的表达来看,作者对这一点的认识似乎还不太准确,正因为是老城区,所以还保留了不少老上海的生活情景和人文习性,作者通过有详有略的描述,较好地作了表达,有点中国画的白描意境。







记忆犹新的味道,是弄堂里百家糖的味道。这是一特有的讲究。我小学时作文获了奖去姥姥家报喜。可没想到,这消息就像是插了翅膀一样飞遍了弄堂。那些叫不上名字的爷爷奶奶们都挤到了姥姥家,一人给了我一颗糖,说是庆祝我的大喜事。说实话,那些糖真的不好吃。弄堂里的住户大多不富裕,给的糖也大多廉价,但那百家糖的味道却是让我一直难忘。尤其是来到这钢筋水泥把邻里关系封隔开来的深圳,那种味道就更是可遇而不可求了! 眷恋弄堂的味道,因为那里有家的味道,有烟火人气的味道。

































上海弄堂还有一个特产,就是“弄堂公馆”。过去在鱼龙混杂、尔虞我诈的旧上海中, 人们必须学会一套自我保护的方法,“弄堂公馆”就是其一。当时,有些富人在为自己建造大公馆时,不是堂而皇之把公馆建在大街上而是先在基地沿马路一带建一个弄堂,用以出租;自己的公馆则建在弄堂末端,隐蔽起来。这些公馆规模不小,内部考究,但在外型上却同周围的弄堂房子差不多。这说明上海人在住房问题上是同西方人与内地富绅不同的。{弄堂的破作文}.



Longtangs in Shanghai

Luo Xiaowei

" Jobs tears seed, almond and lotus seed congee!"

" Rose chip and white sugared rice cake!"

" Shrimp meat wun-tun (dumpling) with noodle! "{弄堂的破作文}.

Fragrantly spiced egg boiled in tea 1eaf!" These were the hawking of snacks in longtangs around Zhabei district. that Lu Xun, the great writer, recalled in his essay "Business in Longtangs of the Past and Present", at the time of his first arrival at Shanghai by the 1920s. The great writer remarked that this kind of hawking was both attractive and artistic, which made people's mouth feel watery while hearing it.

Longtang is the local term used by Shanghai people for lilong. As "long" means a lane and "tang" means an important build1ng or the front room of a house, "longtang" either means a 1ane that connects houses or a group of houses connected by lanes. According to elucidation, "longtang" might not so explicit as "Lilong"is, for the "Li" in "lilong" means neighbourhood , and people living in a longtang are actually living in a neighbourhood , but it is understandable.


In longtangs, besides hawkings of snack there were hawkings of vegetable , fruit ,bean curd ,melon and egg, even live chicken and duck; sometimes. Once or twice in a week ,there would be hawking or rendering services, such as repairing shoes, mending coir ropes stretched on wooden bed frames or flicking of cotton quilt to make it fluffy .Every sort of trades would{弄堂的破作文}.

have their own melodic tune in hawking, people could identify them without stepping out to see, Apart from them, there were fortune-tellers and those begged for alms. Sometimes, in the still of the night. There were shrill hawkings of selling fried ginkgo or selling tin foils for the use of burning to the dead, occasionally there even were melancholy howlings for calling back the soul of a sick child. The houses in 1ongtangs, generally two storied, are proximately attached to each other in rows, sharing the same front and back lanes. People living along the same lane had the habit of nodding or greeting each other when passing by, some even had the mood to chat a little while. Once a hawking was heard, housewives of the same interest would come out, they commented and exchanged opinions on the quality of the goods and bargained or help their neighbour to bargain with the peddler, some of them also took this opportunity to gossip and exchange heresays

of the neighbourhood forgetting what they intended to buy, The advantages of the longtang life lie in the good neighbourhood relationship, "good neighbours are more helpful than far away relatives" proved to be true in Shanghai. For most of the Shanghai peop1e at that time actually came from other places or cities. However the shortcoming was, as cited by Lu Xun in ditto essay,"…… for those who make a living on writing, if they fail in training themselves to be as calm as an ancient well, owing to the noise outside. They can write nothing." Moreover, in large longtangs different sorts of people and people with different interest mixed together

,frequent contacts occasionally wou1d result in trouble and disputes. Shanghai people are often considered to be ones who are keen on conducting business. smooth in social contact and good in dealing with money. This probably due to the fact that many people of this city lived in such a delicate

society of langtang since their childhood and consistently receiving education of handling relationship among different people.

Longtang and the longtang houses were native products of Shanghai soon after the city was forced to be opened to the West as a treaty port. At

the beginning. Chinese were not allowed to live in the foreign concessions. Later on the British found that relying on the small sum of Western residents at that time would not be able to tap the big potentiality of Shanghai becoming a metropolis. At the same time, incessant civil wars in China made a large number of wealthy Chinese refugees request to move into the foreign concessions. Then the authorities agreed to have them opened to the Chinese. But for the sake of management, large amount of collective dwellings were built in designate lots of land enclosed by walls .The house, similar in design as the English terrace house, but to suit the Chinese


way of living are surrounded by house-walls including a courtyard at front. They were arranged in line like barracks, row after row and could easily

be accessed by sub-lanes connected to the main-lane, while only the main-lane could lead to the city road outside through an iron grille gate. Nobody had the idea at that time that such a type of housing built at first for

the convenience of management, had later became the main and typical type of housing in Shanghai, and finally turned to be the most active and important part of real estate business which had been the leading business of all

of Shanghai's economic activities for the following decades of years. Large numbers of longtangs were built not only in the foreign concessions but also in the Chinese quarter around the concessions ,their tota1 appearance made up the general physiognomy of the city of Shanghai, During the 1940s, out of 4.1894 millions of population in Shanghai. except those very rich (accounting 5% ) and those very poor (about one million), the majority of population. Nearly three millions, including white–collar Western and Chinese residents, lived in various types of longtangs. Even now although

many of them are demolished when one stands high up looking over from above,

what he can see are waves of the roof of longtang one after the other.

Architecture, especially residential architecture, is the mirror of social life. In old Shanghai those who could live in a longtang house could only be people with fixed income. They had to be able to pay the monthly rent and tax for the house, in this case called the police tax. In the foreign concession ,if one falled in payment, he must move out right away. Since the society was dividedinto different strata. the longtang houses were also classified into high, medium and low. Different ranks of longtang houses were indeed different in construction quality. but more ever were different in location, The longtang houses in Zhabei and Nanshi Districts were the lowest in rank, while those in Hongkou District were better, but

those located along Bubbling well Road (Now Nanjing Road West) and Avenue Joffre (now Huihai Road)were the highest. There used to be what so called the 'Upper Corner' and the "Lower Corner- of Shanghai, the "Upper" was referred to the best of location denoted above. and the "Lower" to the

lower and lowest rank of location, The rent of houses in the two "Corners" could differ as much as to four or more than ten times .At the early stage, even the Chinese commercial buildings. such as banks, shops or the import and export firms managed by traders from Guangdong and Ningbo also took the form of longtang but on a larger scale. They usually had three or five front rooms on both first and second floors with a courtyard in the middle and back rooms behind. While the lower floor was for business, the upper floor for living, the back rooms in the first floor used as dormitories

for employees and the courtyard a makeshift storage. It was up to the 1930s, improvement of business systems and many new buildings for office use were huilt then this sort of longtang gradual1y turned into residential use.

The difierence of ranks of longtang cou1d also be reflected in the life-style and culture in them. If you enter a longtang you will find urinals, snack stalls, flies flying in hordes, children fighting in groups, fierce turbulences and sharp curses. What a disorderly small world!" This was what Lu Xun wrote in his essay, "Children in Shanghai" to depict a longtang of the lowest class. Residents of such sort of longtang , in order to lessen the burden of ' rents or to earn some extra money, usually lot out their surplus rooms to others and became an "ni vang dong" (literary a second landlord–a sublessors). Some even divided their houses into many small rooms, or built attics above and had them let to people who came to Shanghai to make a living or to take refuge. Thus the longtang became very crowded, bad ill living condition and frequent disputes occurred. A satirical play entltled

"72 Tenants"did give a vivid description of this sort of longtong. ln longtangs of the middle and middle-lower classes, there were also some "ni vang dong" and "san vang ke" (those who rented their rooms from the sublessor), but the 'ni fang dong" here would choose their tenants. It is interesting to

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