
全程测评卷五上英语_初中全程英语测评卷答案 小学全程测评卷答案

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【 – 小学作文】




  ( ) 1. Lily can play_____ guitar but she can’t play ____chess.

  A. a;the B./;the C.the; / D. the; a

  ( ) 2.—-Do you want some ______? —-Yes,only a little.

  A. hamburgers B. banana C. orange D. eggs

  ( )3. classmates are going to play soccer this afternoon. Come and join_____.

  A. we,ours B. our,us C.our,we D. ours,us

  ( ) 4. __________something warm. It’s cold today.

  A. Take off B. Take on C. Put on D. Put off

  ( ) 5. The concert is ______Wednesday_________half past seven.

  A. in; at B. from; in C. at; from D. on; at

  ( ) 6. What beautiful clothes_______! A. are they B. they are C. is it D. it is

  ( )7. –Jane______jogging every morning,but now she shopping in the mall.

  A.go,is going B. going,going C . goes,is going D. going,goes

  ( ) 8. –– _____shirt is this? —It’s ______.

  A. Who’s; Kate’s B. Whose; Kates’s C. Which; Kate’s D. Whose; her

  ( ) 9. 6:45 means ;___________”.

  A.a quarter past seven B. a quarter to seven C. a quarter past six D. a quarter to six

  ( ) 10.— your sister like fashion shows? —- Yes. She often ________them on TV.

  A. Is.sees B. Do,looks C. Are,reads D. Does,watches

  ( ) 11.______is the sixth month of the year.

  A. March B. June C. July D. November

  ( ) 12.Mary sings_______. Her friends think she is a _______singer.

  A. good; good B. well; well C. good; well D. well;good

  ( ) 13. You are so busy. What do you want me ______for you?

  A. do B. to do C. does D. doing

  ( )14.—Do you like to play basketball_______soccer? — I like to play basketball.

  A. and B. or C. both D. with

  ( )15. Let’s ____________ volleyball. That _________ good.

  A. playing, is B. play, sounds C. play, is sound D. to play, is


  Today is Thursday, December 26th.. Ken is really busy. __1__ start at 8:00. The __2__class is math. He doesn’t like math. He thinks it is too__3__. Then at 9:00 he has English. English is his favorite subject __4__ it’s interesting. He likes his English teacher, Miss Wang. She is friendly. Then he does morning exercises__5__about ten minutes. At 10:15 he __6__ history. It’s boring, but at 11:00 he has P.E. He likes P.E., but he is usually very __7__ after class. He eats lunch at 12:15. At 2:30 he starts his ___8___classes. His last class __9__ at 4:30. After class, he often plays basketball __10__ his friends. He thinks it’s cool!

  ( ) 1. A. Lesson B. Classes C. School D. Class

  ( ) 2. A .first B. one C. last D. second

  ( ) 3.A. interesting B. easy C. difficult D. relaxing

  ( ) 4. A. so B. and C. but D. because

  ( ) 5. A. on B. for C. at D. in

  ( ) 6. A. has B. wants C. asks D. likes

  ( ) 7. A. free B.fun C. tired D. happy

  ( ) 8. A. evening B. afternoon C. morning D. night

  ( ) 9. A. watches B. needs C. finishes D. says

  ( ) 10. A. to B. for C. on D. with

  三、阅读理解 (20分)


  Mr. Brown is a teacher. He is from New York, America. He would like(想)to work in China because he likes our country. He thinks Chinese people are very friendly and he likes to live in China. He is happy to work in our school. He likes the school life here. He teaches English. There are 50 students in his class. Mr. Brown is kind. He and his students are good friends, too.

  Now some of Mr. Brown’s students play sports on the playground(操场). Bill and Mike play tennis. Tom and John play ping-pong. The other students play basketball. Mr. Brown is happy to play basketball with them. They have a good time.


  ( )46. Where is Mr. Brown from?

  A. England. B. China. C. America. D. Australia.

  ( )47. What is Mr. Brown’s job(工作)in China?

  A. A Chinese teacher. B. A history teacher. C. A math teacher. D. An English teacher.

  ( )48. What does Mike do on the playground now?

  A. He has a class. B. He plays basketball.

  C. He plays tennis with Bill. D. He plays games with Mr. Brown.

  ( )49. What does Mr. Brown think of(认为)Chinese people?

  A. Friendly. B. Beautiful. C. Interesting. D. Fun.

  ( )50. Which one is NOT right?

  A. All of the students play on the playground. B. Mr. Brown plays basketball with his students.

  C. Tom plays ping-pong with John. D. The students on the playground have a nice time.


  Tom and Tim are twins(双胞胎) 。They’re four years old. It’s difficult for people to tell who is Tom and who is Tim. 61 The two boys like to jump(跳), draw (画)pictures and play ball games. 62 But they don’t like to take a shower(洗澡) .

  Today , Tom and Tim come back from outside. 63 After twenty minutes, Tom goes out. 64 Their mother takes Tim into the bathroom. But the boy doesn’t want to go in.

  ; No ! No! Mom , I’m Tom. 65 ” ; Shut up(闭嘴) ! I know you are Tim. ”

  At that time, the boy out of the bathroom(洗澡间) is so happy, because he doesn’t need to take a shower today.

  A. I don’t want to take a shower again.

  B. It’s Tim’s turn to take a shower.

  C. Sometimes even their parents can’t tell, either.

  D. The twins like taking shower very much

  E. Tim likes playing basketball but Tom doesn’t.

  F. And they often make themselves dirty(脏的).

  G. Their mother takes Tom into the bathroom.

  61 62 63 64 65

  四、根据短文内容,从所给的词中选择正确的单词填入空白处,使短文意思完整(此题有两个多余选项) (每空1分,共10分)

  never, sometimes, every, holiday, play, read, have, watch, have or, by

  In the summer 1 Kate and Mike Green, with their children, Joy and Peter, go to the beach. They stay there for two 2 three weeks. They usually stay in a small house 3 the sea, but ______4_____they stay in a hotel. ______5__morning they walk to the beach. Peter goes swimming, but he doesn’t stay in the water for very long because he cannot swim very well. Joy ____6____swims. She ____7___ on the beach. Look! The father is 8 a newspaper and the mother is 9 TV.

  They are 10 a good time. I hope I will go there one day.

  1.____ _2._____ 3._____ 4.____ 5._____6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____

  五、补全对话:在横线上填入合适的句子,使电话完整 (10分)

  ( Ann is a reporter. She is interviewing Bill. Here is a conversation between them .)

  A: Hello, Bill, Could I ask you some questions ?

  B: 1 . What are they?

  A: 2 ?

  B: I come from America.

  A: 3 ?

  B: I was born on April 30th ,2000.

  A: When did you start to learn Chinese ?

  B: I started to learn Chinese last year.

  A: 4 ?

  B: I stayed in Zhengzhou for half a year .

  A: Thanks for answering my questions.

  B: 5 .

  六、 根据句意填入合适的单词。(每空1分,共10分)

  1.Tom ____________(想要) some ice-cream after dinner.

  2.______________(他们的)English teacher is Linda Green.

  3. The ____________(字典)aren’t mine. They’re Helen’s.

  4.There are twelve ____________(月份) in a year.

  5.My telephone n is 295-8146.

  6.His f name is Green.

  7.— What c is your pen? — It’s black.

  8.Jenny and Mary are c______________.

  9.What’s ___________(it) name? It’s Jimmy. It’s _______(I) cat.

  10.She’s an ____________(England) girl.



  请以;What do you want to be?”为题,写一篇60次左右的短文。

  What do you want to be

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