
Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo faceyou软件

高中作文 zuowen 1浏览

【 – 高中作文】

第一篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo

演讲稿一:How To Learn English!

Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!

Speak without Fear

The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear. They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all. Don’t do this. The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right. Like anything, learning English requires practice. Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.

Use all of your Resources

Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class. Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster. There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two. The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.

Surround Yourself with English

The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it. Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television. Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin ;thinking in English.” .

Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible

There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it. However, there are several reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate. The closer ESL / EFL students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become.

Watch English Films and Television

This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective. By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors. If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.

Listen to English Music

Music can be a very effective method of learning English. In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension. The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings. There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time. And if you like to sing, fine.

Study As Often As Possible!

Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language.

Do Exercises and Take Tests

Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun. However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with. Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned. If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.

Record Yourself

Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time. You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much.

Listen to English

By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audiobooks or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you. Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.


Have fun!


As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.

But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese…

I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.

I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.

I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.

I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!

Thank you!


All of you, and judge teachers and classmates: good morning, I am very glad to attend the speech contest, today I'm going to give you a speech topic is "how to learn English well"…

English is important in the modern world. It is spoken all over the world. But a few students don’t learn English well. So they want to drop English. I suggest that you shouldn’t give up English, because English is used in many countries as the first or second language. Most business letters are written in English. It is helpful for you to work in the future. If you don’t know English, you will fall behind others in future.

How can you learn English well? First, you should persevere. It’s true that English is sometimes really very difficult for us. But if you have a good method of learning, I think you will be good at it. Both English listening and speaking are the most difficult for almost every beginner. Sometimes, it seems impossible to learn. But I think if you do a lot of practice, you will make progress, you should speak more and listen more often. You’d better speak English with your classmates as often as possible not only in class but also out of class. I advise you to buy a radio, so you can listen to some English programmes over the radio. Then you will travel in the world of English.If you do that, you’ll be able to learn English well easily, and you’ll like English very much.

I hope all of you will become good at English step by step.

And you can study English in some advises:

1. Listen to BBC news persistently to improve your English hearing.

2. Read more and more English books, especially those written by English native speakers to expand your vocabulary as well as reading capability.

3. Try to speak in English when it's need to get rid of shyness and your spoken English will improve greatly.

4. Of course, to chat with native speakers, if possible, is a good method for learning English. Or you may chat with them on-line since you've time to log onto the Internet.

5. To watch English movies or TV plays is another option for learning English.

第二篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo


We live in the world every day. We eat food, drink water, wear clothes, watch TV, use computers and so on. We are producing waste every moment.

Generally speaking, there are four sorts of waste. They are material waste, organic waste, inorganic waste and poisonous & harmful waste. Now, we are going to talk about each sort of waste one by one.

Material waste: it means the waste of substance or things from which something else can be made. For example, people throw away the used metal products and buy a new one, so the old metal waste accumulates. At last, they become waste. For example, when people finish reading newspaper, the paper will become waste. When the glass is broken, it also becomes waste. Nobody wants to use a broken window or drink with a broken glass or wear a pair of broken glasses. Once it is broken, it becomes waste. The rate of using plastics is increasing day by day. People use plastic bags because they are convenient. When they get home, they throw the plastics way, paying no attention to the environment. The more convenience plastics brings to us, the more plastic waste is produced. This is called ;white pollution” as most plastics are white. Some of our products we use every day are made of rubber, just like the tyres and the bottom part of our shoes. It’s true that rubber plays an important role in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time and becomes old. The old tyres become waste because it can’t break down by nature. This is really a big problem.



everyone!Now I want to talk about a beatiful world!

When I was young,I always dreamed that I lived in a beautiful country. There were many flowers and trees around our city.We counld hear the birds singing and see the children dancing. The streets were clear and the the air was very fresh! How nice it was!But that only was a dream of mine!How I wish that it would be come true! So I think we should do something to protect our environment. Everyone should make a contribution to protect the environment.

Taking care of our environment is very important.Wherever you live,you can do something around your neighbourhood.

Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?Have you ever drawn pictures on public walls?Have you ever spat in a public place?Have you ever cut down trees?If your answers are "No",it means that you have already helped protect our environment.

It is our duty to keep our envionment clean and tidy. You might ask yourself,"Have I ever picked up some rubbish and thrown it into a dustbin?Have I ever collected waste paper or bottles for recycling?Have I ever planted any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?"If your answers are"Yes",it means that you have already done something useful to improve the environment.

Now I want to say :Let's do our best to make our world more beautiful!


We have only one earth. But now,the environment becomes worse and worse.

As you know,there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water. In a lot of countries, people have to cut trees for living. So there's nothing to keep water from running away. Also we have polluted the land, the river and the air. So we have to face more and more floods and droughts .

It's time that we must do something useful to protect our environment. We can plant trees and take good care of them. We can save the water and ask our parents to do so. We can't throw any litter onto the ground and we should collect them for recycling.

If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.


Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends:

I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows.

As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better.

;There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks!

第三篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo


1、The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

2、Parental love is the greatest.And in the disaster, our soldiers are like our parents, give our boundless love.

3、It is big and very modern with a population of …

4、It used to be a small town, where people made a living by fishing.

5、Disaster areas will not cry. The deceased had gone to the heavens already; the survivors must continue to live on, and to live more exciting. All of this will be over and our stength of them are rising .

6、People love this city, and they will make it a better place.

7、May 12, 2008, a magnitude about 8.0 large earthquake has taken place in Wenchuan County at Sichuan Province,China. In spite of the big earthquake, we will not shake the resolve and even bigger rain, we poured immortal love. Without frontiers, Chinese people’s love spread in the disaster.

8、In the rescue site, a haggard middle-aged man sticked about the forefront, whenever a student was rescued by rescue personnels, he would approached to have a look, and shouted out their names. He is the old school’s principals —-Kang Yulong. These principals joined to rescue in the forefront, even though he knew the death of his family members. He did not cry, and refused to leave the rescue site. He love his family, only in this disaster, he’s love for their students is more than the love for their families. This is a special assistance, and this is a dangerous serious rescue, however, people were touched by that, in the ruins of the teaching building, soldiers rescued more than 300 after a day’s efforts, this has created a miracle of life, and, this is the miracle of love.

9、In this disaster, because of the advent of aftershocks, commanding officers ordered rescue soldiers to save the persons who were under the rubble immediately withdraw. At this time, one of the soldiers found an alive child under the ruins , he stormed into the ruins, while his comrades-in-chief pulled him and denied his action, He cried out to his comrades-in-chief "PLEASE, let me do, I also get rescued one person!" and at this time, collapsed the ruins .In the end, this child has no breath any more, this soldier took the child’s body, Cring ,Crying. This display the human nature, a love of tears. A major disaster love!

10、The celebration’s is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil’s nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it’s end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.

11、State leaders WEN arrived immediately to comfort victims; People’s Liberation Army use their own lives to created the miracle of lives; Young teachers used their own body to resist the students who are facing collapse of rubble; Husband and wife kissed each other to let the other side have the strength to live; Health care workers use their own due diligence to guard life; Victims were in mutual consolation, All the Chinese people attepmt their own strength in this moisture-torn land of the Sichuan. And, this is love, true love, can not be copied in other countries like ours.

12、The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival is a significant holiday celebrated in China, and the one with the longest history. The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by boat races in the shape of dragons. Competing teams row their boats forward to a drumbeat racing to reach the finish end first.

13、It has developed very fast in the past years,more and more people come here to seek opportunities.Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo

14、After the disaster, victims were crying, parents were crying, Sichuan was crying, China was crying, Every Chinese was crying. However, Premier Wen said, "Do not cry, children, every thing will be all right." Yes, we should not cry, because this world is full of love, because China is full of love.

15、There are many tourist attractions here,lots of people come here for holidays.

16、May 13 afternoon, Dujiangyan, a collapse of the riverside homes, dozens of rescue personnel were in the their relief efforts. Suddenly, a shocking scene in front of the rescue workers took place: a young mother used her two hands to protect her three or four months-old baby away from the ruins, with her head low, kneeling on the ground, both hands were holding up the body. Her T-shirt was in a mess, and had already lost her breath. With some efforts, people managed to clean up the ruins, in her body was her child who was wrapped in a small yard . Because of the asylum of her mother , the baby was not injured, even she was in a quiet sleep, her sleeping face made all the people feel the love of warmth. Doctors opened the quilts to examine the child, and they found a cell phone in the yard, on the screen written the message :Dear Baby, if you can live, you must remember that I love you” The great maternal love, gave her children a rebirth.


第四篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo

高三英语第一次月考题 2014-9




As I grew older, my dad and I grew further apart.We always had totally different opinions.He thought that college was a waste of time,but for me it was important to finish college.He wanted me to work my way to the top as he had done in his field,but l wanted a different life.There was a time when we did not talk with each other.

A few months ago, I heard that my 84-year-old dad was in poor health.When he called and asked whether I could move from Colorado back to Tennessee to help him,I knew he was seriously ill.I am his only child and so it was time to meet my father’s requirement.

Two weeks after moving back,we bought a boat and started fishing again.Fishing was one of the few things that we did while l was young and that we both enjoyed.It is strange but true that as we are fishing we are able to put things that have kept us apart for so many years behind us.We are able to talk about things that we have never talked about before.Fishing has been healing the old wounds that have kept us apart.

It is not important how many fish we catch.It is about enjoying the relationship that we have not had for years.I’m 62 and he is 84.When we are on the lake fishing,it is like two kids enjoying life.It is far better to find a way to put the unhappy past behind.I am so lucky to spend the happy time with my father in his last years.Now my heart is filled with love.A smile always graces my lips.

1.The author and his father became further apart because______________.

A.they lived very far from each other B.they had different views on things

C.they only communicated by phone D.they seldom went to see each other

2.Why did the author come back to Tennessee?

A.Because his father invited him to go fishing.

B.Because he decided to live in a different city.

C.Because his father is ill and needs caring.

D.Because he regretted being rude to his father.

3.For the author,fishing with his old father___________ .

A.helps cure his father’s disease

B.is a good way to get close to nature

C.makes him realize the importance of relaxation

D.provides a chance for them to communicate

4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer’s car is always breaking down.

B.Father intended me to be a fisherman.

C.I was unwilling to came back..

D.Father uesed to think it was useless to attend college..

5.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Fishing Brings Us Together B.Forgiving Is Difficult

C.Memories of Old Days D.My Beloved Father


Even when you’re extremely busy, you aren’t using your time with 100% efficiency. There are gaps in everyone’s schedule where they aren’t doing anything important. Even if your schedule has no gaps, there is probably lots of time where you aren’t working as fast or as effectively as you possibly could.

Why aren’t you completely efficient? It’s because time isn’t the limiting factor. If it were the limiting factor, people could work non-stop without breaks or any unproductive distractions(消遣). Instead, people, even those who are highly productive, need to take breaks, occasionally procrastinate(拖延) and slow down on tasks throughout the day.

The real and most important limiting factor for productivity is your energy levels to pay attention. Energy levels limit your productivity because when you’re tired, you can have ample time and still not get everything done. Your attention ability is also limited, because even if there are a million things that need to be done, you can only focus on one or two at a time.

You might not be able to insert another 4-5 hours into your schedule without making some sacrifices. But even extremely busy people can add an hour or two into their schedule without cancelling anything. The reason it’s hard to “find time” isn’t a lack of time. It’s because you don’t have enough energy left to focus on something else that needs to fit into your day.

I first suspected time wasn’t the real problem during an extremely busy period in my life over a year ago. I was insanely (发疯地)busy, but at that time I still exercised regularly. I had daily to-do lists with over twenty items, and I still found time to exercise. However, after a few weeks off, due to illness, I stopped exercising. I was not busy by any standards, in fact, my schedule was incredibly light. Despite this free time, I found it hard to find time to exercise. It seemed to get pushed later and later into my schedule until it was gone. How can I explain this odd experience? I believe you have known it.

6. If someone can’t work with 100% efficiency, the most important limiting factor is


A.a schedule without gaps B.breaks and distractions

C.the limited time D.the limited energy

7. According to paragraph 4, everyone, including the extremely busy people, can


A.work without any rest B.focus on many things at a time

C.find some more time in a day D.do some exercise regularly

8. After a few weeks off, what was the change of the writer’s life?

A.He had a longer daily to-do lists with over twenty items.

B.He stopped doing exercise because of the lack of energy.

C.He found it hard to find time to exercise because he was busier.

D.He pushed most of the things later and later in his schedule.

9. The writer gives the example of himself in the last paragraph in order to ______.

A.prove what the real limiting factor is

B.show us how busily he needs to work

C.explain how important a healthy body is

D.tell us what an odd experience he has

10. What is the best title of the passage?

A.Are You Really Lack of Time? B.How Can You Work Efficiently?

C.What Makes Your Energy Limited? D.When Should You Do Exercise? C

“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”

“Two full inches in the first three days!”

These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device of such products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way to beauty or desirability.

Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoter. The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.

To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA(Food Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that it is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device, FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action ,including seizure (查封) of the product.

One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.

Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼), and new devices appear continually. Before buying, it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.

11.It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are ______.

A. objective B. costly C. unreliable D. illegal

12.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous product.

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.

13.FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.

A. if it is a drug

B. if it is a device

C. if its consumers make complaints

D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority

14.The Relaxacisor is mentioned as_______.

A. a product which was designed to produce electricity

B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal caseNature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo

C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product

D. an example of a quality beauty product

15. The author intends to __________

A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promises

B. show the weakness of the law on product safety

C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful D. introduce the organization of FDA

第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项.

Cooking with your children is a great way to involve them in the process of decision-making and taking responsibility for themselves.be more willing to make their own snacks meals and bag lunches when they have the skills to be successful in it.

Plan ahead–Choose a time when you will be relaxed and not disturbed.Easier said than done. For children cooking needs lots of patience and time to learn by doing things for themselves. Supervise(监督指导)–Have an adult nearby to help with sharp utensils(炊具),electric appliances and the stove.

Prepare–Wear an apron or old clothes.

Organize–Read the entire recipe and gather ingredients arid utensils before you begin.If you put each ingredient away as you use it,it will be easy to tell what you have already put in if you get interrupted in the middle of the recipe.

Safety–Turn pot handles inward away from other burners so they don’t overheat or get knocked off the stove.Never reach across burners or pots that are hot.Never use wet cloths,as steam will form and burn you.Be careful with electric cordsDouble-check that you have turned all appliances off when you finish cooking.

Get cooking and have fun with your kids.

A.Cooking also helps them develop a sense of accomplishment and practice

language and math skills and gives them an opportunity to share their creations with others.

B.Cooking for yourself requires the time and ability to do it and access to the

necessary ingredients.

C.With a little help and a lot of encouragement,your children will become

confident cooks with the ability to prepare meals and make bag lunches on their own.

D.First of all the children must have the knowledge of how to cook.

E.Use dry hands to unplug them and make sure they aren’t lying across a stove


F.A relaxed pace will help you resist grabbing(抓起)the utensils to do it yourself. G.Tie back long hair,roll up long sleeves and remove jewelry.


A boy was walking home from school when he saw a large, tempting(诱人的)apple on one of the branches of an apple tree hanging out over a tall fence. The boy wasn’t much of a fruit-eater, a bar of chocolate if given the choice, they say, the forbidden fruit can be tempting. Seeing the apple, the boy wanted it. The

He stood on tiptoe(脚尖)he was unable to touch it. He began to up and down, as high as he could, at the

Not giving up, he thought, if only he had something to on. His school bag wouldn’t give enough height and he didn’t want to the things inside, like his lunch box, pencil case, and Gameboy. Looking box, a rock , or, was nothing he could use.

He had tried everything he could think to do, seeing any other choices, he gave up and started to walk about how hungry he had become from , and how he really wanted that , the boy of our story was a pretty smart guy, even if he couldn’t always get what he wanted. He started to say to himself, “ This isn’t I don’t have the apple and I’m feeling miserable as well. There’sI can do to get the apple—hat is unchangeable—but we are supposed to be able to our feelings. If that’s the case, what can I do to feel better?

21A. preferring B. offering C. receiving D. allowing

22A. so B. then C. but D. or

23A. sadder B. angrier C. hungrier D. tastier

24A. expanding B. stretching C. swinging D. pulling

25A. strength B. length C. range D. height

26A. jump B. look C. walk D. glance

27A. tip B. stage C. top D. level

28A hope B. hand C. sight D. reach

29A. put B. stand C. get D. hold

30A. break B. shake C. take D. strike

31A. up B. forward C. down D. around

32A. for B. with C. on D. of

33A. After B. Through C .Without D. Upon

34A. back B. away C. up D. down

35A. wishes B. beliefs C. efforts D. goals

36A. thought B. imagined C. tried D. claimed

37A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise

38A. skillful B. cheerful C. harmful D. helpful

39A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

第五篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo
《Module 6 U3 A healthy life1》


Module 6 Unit 3 A healthy life (Part One)

Liu Ping


The World Health Organization 1 that more than four million people die each year from the of smoking tobacco. That number is WHO officials expect one hundred and fifty million people to tobacco use in the next twenty years. Seven ten of those deaths will be in developing countries. These numbers are frightening.

In the United States, about forty-seven million adults smoke. American health experts say tobacco use is the leading preventable (可防止的,可预防的of death nationwide. This year, more than four hundred and thirty thousand Americans will die of diseases smoking. It is not easy 9 permanently. However, doctors say you probably will live longer if you stop smoking. You will look better. You also will protect the health of family members breathe your smoke.

The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop smoking. It says one method or a combination of methods may be 12. They include 13 self-help programs or directions in a book. The group says any way to stop smoking that is legal, moral and effective is worth smoking is banned. Also, you could eat a small piece of fruit or vegetable 17 having a cigarette.

The American Cancer Society says smokers stop smoking, the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. It says blood pressure to normal twenty minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide gas levels in the blood return to normal after eight hours. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half 20 of a smoker.

1. A. estimates B. suggests C. informs D. tells

2. A. affects B. effects C. affecting D. affected

3. A. increased B. increase C. increasingly D. increasing

4. A. die of B. die in C. die from D. die

5. A. in B. at C. from D. out

6. A. current B. currently C. often D. always

7. A. reason B. cause C. excuse D. result

8. A. link to B. connected to C. linked to D. because of

9. A. to stop to smoking B. stop to smoking C. stop smoking D. to stop smoking

10. A. did B. do C. does D. think

11. A. which B. as C. who D. where

12. A. succeed B. success C. successfully D. successful

13. A. take B. attending C. attended D. organizing

14. A. following B. follows C. accepting D. taking

15. A. tries B. tried C. trying D. doing

16. A. when B. where C. as D. what

17. A. instead B. instead of C. insteading D. and

18. A. the faster B. the sooner C. the slower D. the easier

19. A. returns B. back C. turns D. goes

20. A. which B. one C. that D. it

I know what you’re thinking: pizza(比萨饼)? For breakfast? But the truth is that you can have

last night’s leftovers in the a.m. if you want to.

I know lots of women who skip breakfast (不吃早饭), and they have a ton of different excuses

for doing it. Some say they don’t have time, others think they’re “saving” calories (卡路里), still others just don’t like breakfast food .

But the bottom line is that eating in the morning is very important when you’re trying to lose

weight. “Eating just about anything from 300 to 400 calories would be better than nothing at all,” says Katherine Brooking, R.D., who developed the super-easy eating plan for this year’s “SELF CHALLENGE”. And even pizza can be healthy if it’s loaded with vegetables, and you stick to one small piece.

Breakfast is one meal I never miss, and the same goes for most weight loss success stories.

Research shows that eating breakfast keeps you from overeating later in the day. Researchers at the University of Southern California found that breakfast skippers have a bigger chance of gaining weight than those who regularly have a morning meal.

So eat something in the morning, anything. I know plenty of friends who end up having no

breakfast altogether, and have just coffee or orange juice. I say, try heating up last night’s leftovers – it may sound crazy, but if it works for you, do it! I find if I tell myself, “You can always eat it tomorrow.” I put away the leftovers instead of eating more that night. Try it … you may save yourself some pre-bedtime calories. And watch your body gain the fat-burning effects.

41. The word “leftovers” in paragraph I probably means ______.

A. food remaining after a meal B. things left undone

C. meals made of vegetables D. pizza topped with fruit

42. What can we infer from the text?

A. Working women usually have breakfast in a hurry.

B. Many people have wrong ideas about breakfast.

C. There are some easy ways of cooking a meal.

D. Eating vegetables helps save energy.

43. According to the last paragraph, it is important to _______.

A. eat something for breakfast B. be careful about what you cat

C. heat up food before eating it D. eat calorie-controlled food

44. The text is written mainly for those _______.

A. who go to work early B. who want to lose weight

C. who stay up late D. who eat before sleep


Hi Susan,

I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to return to your bike on time yesterday. I mean to give it back to you before four in the afternoon, and I was hold up on my way back. Just before I turned corner of Park Street, I happened to see a accident. A little girl was hurt and her mother needed help. So I helped them going to the nearest hospital. I stayed here for one and a half hour and made sure that the girl was all right. When I got back, it were already 6 pm. I hope you understand.

Thank you!

Li Ling


“In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”

“Two full inches in the first three days!”

These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device. The promoters of such products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way add to beauty or desirability.

Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoters. The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.

To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation. If the product is a drug, FDA (Food and Drug Administration)can require proof (证明)under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that it is safe and effective before it is put on the market. But if the product is a device, FDA has no authority to require premarketing proof of safety or effectiveness. If a product already on the market is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action, including seizure (查封) of the product.

One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, had been sold for reducing the waistline. The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads. FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the device on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.

Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings (法律诉讼), and new devices appear continually, Before buying, it is up to the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.

1. It can be inferred that ads mentioned in the text are ______.

A. objective B. costly C. unreliable D. illegal

2. Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The court is in charge of removing dangerous products.

B. New products are more likely to be questionable.

C. The production of a device must be approved by FDA.

D. The promoters usually just care about profits.

3. FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product ________.


A. if it is a drug B. if it is a device

C. if its consumers make complaints D. if its distributors challenge FDA’s authority

4. The Relaxacisor is mentioned as_______.

A. a product which was designed to produce electricity

B. a product whose distributor was involved in a legal case

C. a successful advertisement of a beauty product

D. an example of a quality beauty product

5. The author intends to __________

A. make consumers aware of the promoters’ false promises

B. show the weakness of the law on product safety

C. give advice on how to keep young and beautiful

D. introduce the organization of FDA


I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can remember my mother’s words as if it were yesterday. “Kerrel, I don’t want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him. ”

AIDS wasn’t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father’s other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.

We couldn’t afford all the necessary medicine for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn’t even buy foofeeling completely lost, the teacher’s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to I did not share my burden (负担)with anyone . I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside even though he was too weak to feed himself.

I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret. I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless, I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who cared. She saved my life.

I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn’t want to call attention to AIDS. I do.

6. What does Kerrel tell us about her father?

A. He had stayed in the hospital since he fell ill

B. He depended on the nurses in his final days.

C. He worked hard to pay for his medication.

D. He told no one about his disease.

7. What can we learn from the underlined sentence?

A. Kerrel couldn’t understand her teacher.

B. Kerrel had special difficulty in hearing.

C. Kerrel was too troubled to focus on the lesson.

D. Kerrel was too tired to hear her teacher’s words.

8. Why did Kerrel keep her father’s disease a secret?

A. She was afraid of being looked down upon.

B. She thought it was shameful to have AIDS.

C. She found no one willing to listen to her.

D. She wanted to obey her mother.

9. Why did Kernel write the passage?

A. To tell people about the sufferings of her father.

B. To show how little people knew about AIDS.

C. To draw people’s attention to AIDS.

D. To remember her father.

第六篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo


(Book 5 Unit 1)

姓名 班级 座号 成绩


( )1. ________up at his father, he asked what was the matter with him.

A. Having looked B. Looking C. To look D. Look

( )2. Many people agree that_______ knowledge of English is a must in ______

international trade today.

A. a ; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D.不填; the

( )3. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.

A. is to blame B. is going to blame

C. is to be blamed D. should blame

( )4. ________ speaking, I didn’t do it on purpose.

A. Honestly B. Honest C. Honesty D. Dishonest

( )5. —You should have thanked her before you left.

—I meant _______,but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing it

( )6. Though_______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

( )7.No one should enter the spot without the of the police.

A. permit B. permission C. permitting D. permits

( )8.Only by imagining and creating ____ a difference.

A. can make B. you can make C. make D. can you make

( )9. This year’s National Day ____ in a practical way, which is reported in People’s Daily.

A. is to be observed B. observe C. observes D. is to observe

( )10. The environmental problem ________ close attention and careful thought.

A. calls on B. calls for C. pays D. gives


1.Kindness is one of his c___________.

2.One t_________ about the moon is that the moon is a piece broke off the earth.

3.If you have any thoughts, it is important that you can c______ to the group.

4.My suitcase were e_______ at the customs when I entered the country.

5.The public bet a lot of money on Mendoza, but he was d_______.

6.This handle _________(控制着) the flow of electricity.

7.I came _________(一……就……) I heard the news.

8.The government ________(宣布) that they would build a new highway to the mountain.

9.The judge ______(断定) that the accused was guilty.

10.The schoolboy are more ________(小心) not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before.


John Snow was a ___1____ doctor in London. There was the most deadly ___2____called “King Cholera” of its day. Every time there was an outbreak, many people died. John Snow wanted to face the ___3_____ and solve this problem. He knew that it would never be ___4_____ until its cause was found. At that time, there was two theories about cholera. The first suggested that cholera ___5____ in the air. The second suggested that people __6_____ this disease into their bodies with their meals. John Snow suspected the second theory was correct but he needed evidence. So he __7____ data to test the two theories. He ___8_____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and the map gave a valuable about the cause of the disease. It seemed the water was to clue. Next, John Snow looked into the __9__of the water for these streets. He found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. With enough evidence, he announced with certainly that __10____ water carried the disease of cholera.

1._______ 2.________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________

6.________ 7._________ 8. __________ 9._________ 10.__________


As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She wished that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was _2___satisfied with perfume(香水). Besides shopping at this time of the year was a most __3__job. People stepped on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost knocked you over in their hurry in order to __4__ something cheap ahead of you.

Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on show. "They are __5__silk," the shop assistant told

her with a smile trying to persuade her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __6__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her father.

She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __7__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father only smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __8__ to please him.

When she got home, with her small but __9__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already at table. Her mother was in great excitement. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __10__that she could not say a single word.

1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift

2. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely

3. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring

4. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell

5. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact

6. A. experience B. things C. books D. school

7. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop

8. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly

9. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made

10. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited


Thomas Edison was one of ten said to be the greatest genius of his age. There are only a few men in all of the history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be happy only because someone said he was a genius.“ There is no such thing as genius,” Edison said. He said that what people called genius was mostly hard work.

But Edison was a dreamer as well as a worker..From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. Nature, he often said, is full of secrets. He tried to understand them; then, he tried to learn what could usefully be done with them.

Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people will do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking can give men enjoyment and pleasure.

Edison could not understand how anyone could be uninterested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what ideas he had about life. “ Work,” he answered. “Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work.

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Edison invented the electric light.

B. Many other people have changed Edison’s life.

C. Edison has changed the life of many other people.

D. Few men in history can change other people’s life.

2.Edison thought .

A. he could be happy if he was a genius

B. genius plays the most important part in one’s success

C. hard work could do better than genius

D. genius could do better than hard work

3. Edison was .

A. very much interested in nature

B. interested in discovering the secrets of nature

C. interested in changing people’s ideas

D. uninterested in making people happier by discovering the secrets of nature

4.In Edison’s opinion, .

A. thinking can supply people with enjoyment and pleasure as well as help

B. people’s success lies mostly in genius

C. hard work is the second important thing in making people successful

D. there are few secrets for him to discover later

5. The last sentence in the passage most probably implies .

A. life is too short for Edison to invent more for human beings

B. Edison made 100 inventions in his life

C. Edison was able to live and work for 100 years

D. People of his time were ready to give Edison another 100 years’ work


Shang Rongjie是我国盲人专用计算机方面的一位专家,请根据下面的提示,用英语叙述他的一些情况。

1. 他曾就读于国际关系学院(Institute of International Relations),学习英文,1967年毕业,28岁时不幸眼睛失明。

2. 他现在在中国盲文出版社(the China Braille Publishing House)工作。出版社在北京西南部,从他的家到出版社,途中倒两次车。

3. 他酷爱阅读,但汉语布莱尔盲文(braille)印刷的书不多,于是收音机就成了他最好的伙伴。只要在家,他总是收听各种节目。 注意:1. 短文包括所有内容要点 2. 长度为80-140 个




1—5 BAAAB 6—10 CBDAB


1.characteristic 2.theory 3.contribute 4.examined 5. defeated

6.controls 7.immediately 8.announced 9.concluded 10.cautious


1.famous 2.disease 3.challenge 4.controlled 5.multiplied

6.absorbed 7.collected 8.marked 9.source 10.pulluted


1—5 DCABA 6—10 ACDBC




Shong Rongjie is an expect in the field of special computers for the blind in our country. He studied English at the Institute of International Relations and graduated in 1967. He was blinded at the age of 28.Shang is now working in the China Braille Publishing House. The publishing house is in the southwest of Beijing, which is two hours’ ride from his home. He walks to the bus stop at 6:30 in the morning and it is usually at about six o’clock in the evening that he arrives back home. On the way to the publishing house, he has to change buses twice.

He loves reading, but there is not much printed in Chinese braille. So radio is his best companion. He listens to all sorts of programmes day and night, whenever he is at home.

第七篇 Nature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo


(Book 5 Unit 1)

姓名 班级 座号 成绩


( )1. ________up at his father, he asked what was the matter with him.

A. Having looked B. Looking C. To look D. Look

( )2. Many people agree that_______ knowledge of English is a must in ______

international trade today.

A. a ; 不填 B. the; an C. the; the D.不填; the

( )3. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.

A. is to blame B. is going to blameNature,gives,you,the,face,you,have,at,twenty.Life,shapes,the,face,you,have,at,thirty.But,at,fifty,yo

C. is to be blamed D. should blame

( )4. ________ speaking, I didn’t do it on purpose.

A. Honestly B. Honest C. Honesty D. Dishonest

( )5. —You should have thanked her before you left.

—I meant _______,but when I was leaving I couldn’t find her anywhere.

A. to do B. to C. doing D. doing it

( )6. Though_______ money, his parents managed to send him to university.

A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in

( )7.No one should enter the spot without the of the police.

A. permit B. permission C. permitting D. permits

( )8.Only by imagining and creating ____ a difference.

A. can make B. you can make C. make D. can you make

( )9. This year’s National Day ____ in a practical way, which is reported in People’s Daily.

A. is to be observed B. observe C. observes D. is to observe

( )10. The environmental problem ________ close attention and careful thought.

A. calls on B. calls for C. pays D. gives


1.Kindness is one of his c___________.

2.One t_________ about the moon is that the moon is a piece broke off the earth.

3.If you have any thoughts, it is important that you can c______ to the group.

4.My suitcase were e_______ at the customs when I entered the country.

5.The public bet a lot of money on Mendoza, but he was d_______.

6.This handle _________(控制着) the flow of electricity.

7.I came _________(一……就……) I heard the news.

8.The government ________(宣布) that they would build a new highway to the mountain.

9.The judge ______(断定) that the accused was guilty.

10.The schoolboy are more ________(小心) not to make any mistakes in spelling than ever before.


John Snow was a ___1____ doctor in London. There was the most deadly ___2____called “King Cholera” of its day. Every time there was an outbreak, many people died. John Snow wanted to face the ___3_____ and solve this problem. He knew that it would never be ___4_____ until its cause was found. At that time, there was two theories about cholera. The first suggested that cholera ___5____ in the air. The second suggested that people __6_____ this disease into their bodies with their meals. John Snow suspected the second theory was correct but he needed evidence. So he __7____ data to test the two theories. He ___8_____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and the map gave a valuable about the cause of the disease. It seemed the water was to clue. Next, John Snow looked into the __9__of the water for these streets. He found two other deaths in another part of London that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. With enough evidence, he announced with certainly that __10____ water carried the disease of cholera.

1._______ 2.________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. __________

6.________ 7._________ 8. __________ 9._________ 10.__________


As she walked round the large shop, Edith realized how difficult it was to choose a suitable Christmas __1__for her father. She wished that he were as easy to please as her mother, who was _2___satisfied with perfume(香水). Besides shopping at this time of the year was a most __3__job. People stepped on your feet, pushed you with their shoulders and almost knocked you over in their hurry in order to __4__ something cheap ahead of you.

Partly to have a rest, Edith paused in front of a counter, where some beautiful ties were on show. "They are __5__silk," the shop assistant told her with a smile trying to persuade her to buy one. But Edith knew from past __6__that her choice of ties hardly ever pleased her


She moved on slowly and then, quite by chance, stopped where a small crowd of men had gathered round a counter. She found some fine pipes on sale and the __7__were very beautiful. Edith did not hesitate for long, although her father only smoked a pipe once in a while, she believed this was __8__ to please him.

When she got home, with her small but __9__present hidden in her handbag, it was time for supper and her parents were already at table. Her mother was in great excitement. "Your father has at last decided to stop smoking," she told her daughter happily. Edith was so __10__that she could not say a single word.

1. A. suit B. card C. thing D. gift

2. A. never B. seldom C. always D. scarcely

3. A. unhappy B. careful C. exciting D. tiring

4. A. watch B. find C. grasp D. sell

5. A. real B. cheap C. poor D. exact

6. A. experience B. things C. books D. school

7. A. money B. cigarette C. shapes D. shop

8. A. hardly B. impossibly C. possibly D. certainly

9. A. cheap B. well-chosen C. expensive D. ready-made

10. A. glad B. happy C. surprised D. excited


Thomas Edison was one of ten said to be the greatest genius of his age. There are only a few men in all of the history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be happy only because someone said he was a genius.“ There is no such thing as genius,” Edison said. He said that what people called genius was mostly hard work.

But Edison was a dreamer as well as a worker..From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. Nature, he often said, is full of secrets. He tried to understand them; then, he tried to learn what could usefully be done with them.

Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people will do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking can give men enjoyment and pleasure.

Edison could not understand how anyone could be uninterested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what ideas he had about life. “ Work,” he answered. “Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work.

1.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Edison invented the electric light.

B. Many other people have changed Edison’s life.

C. Edison has changed the life of many other people.

D. Few men in history can change other people’s life.

2.Edison thought .

A. he could be happy if he was a genius

B. genius plays the most important part in one’s success

C. hard work could do better than genius

D. genius could do better than hard work

3. Edison was .

A. very much interested in nature

B. interested in discovering the secrets of nature

C. interested in changing people’s ideas

D. uninterested in making people happier by discovering the secrets of nature

4.In Edison’s opinion, .

A. thinking can supply people with enjoyment and pleasure as well as help

B. people’s success lies mostly in genius

C. hard work is the second important thing in making people successful

D. there are few secrets for him to discover later

5. The last sentence in the passage most probably implies .

A. life is too short for Edison to invent more for human beings

B. Edison made 100 inventions in his life

C. Edison was able to live and work for 100 years

D. People of his time were ready to give Edison another 100 years’ work


Shang Rongjie是我国盲人专用计算机方面的一位专家,请根据下面的提示,用英语叙述他的一些情况。

1. 他曾就读于国际关系学院(Institute of International Relations),学习英文,1967年毕业,28岁时不幸眼睛失明。

2. 他现在在中国盲文出版社(the China Braille Publishing House)工作。出版社在北京西南部,从他的家到出版社,途中倒两次车。

3. 他酷爱阅读,但汉语布莱尔盲文(braille)印刷的书不多,于是收音机就成了他最好的伙伴。只要在家,他总是收听各种节目。

注意:1. 短文包括所有内容要点 2. 长度为80-140 个




1—5 BAAAB 6—10 CBDAB


1.characteristic 2.theory 3.contribute 4.examined 5. defeated

6.controls 7.immediately 8.announced 9.concluded 10.cautious


1.famous 2.disease 3.challenge 4.controlled 5.multiplied

6.absorbed 7.collected 8.marked 9.source 10.pulluted


1—5 DCABA 6—10 ACDBC




Shong Rongjie is an expect in the field of special computers for the blind in our country. He studied English at the Institute of International Relations and graduated in 1967. He was blinded at the age of 28.Shang is now working in the China Braille Publishing House. The publishing house is in the southwest of Beijing, which is two hours’ ride from his home. He walks to the bus stop at 6:30 in the morning and it is usually at about six o’clock in the evening that he arrives back home. On the way to the publishing house, he has to change buses twice.

He loves reading, but there is not much printed in Chinese braille. So radio is his best companion. He listens to all sorts of programmes day and night, whenever he is at home.

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