【 – 初中作文】
我认为这是一个伟大的财富看太阳,这是温和的,跳楼的视野,在阳光明媚的日子到这些裸露branches.Even,气温仍然很低。留下冷清的校园和死气沉沉。 这是我一直向往的?难道被称为是一个黯淡的冬天?我想我应该感到满意。上海仍然是在南方。我不能\'不要指望了。但仍有一些在我心中的东西,因为它只有一个步骤,我的梦想。我祈祷每天一雪。一个轻微的人能是不够的。一旦again.God听到。
我\'将永远不会忘记圣诞节的早晨。在我去图书馆,发现一个白色的小精灵把我的外套了方向。我花了超过1分钟,实现发生了什么事。信不信由你,下雪了。我忽然明白了为什么神把所有的冬季生命迹象了。他一定已经为他清理积雪娇生惯养的孩子一个舞台,以示对他的被宠坏的孩子雪off.stage,炫耀自己。 眼泪涌上我的眼睛,我的感谢上帝,特殊的,凄凉的冬季。
I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C. For the past 19 years, I had never seen snow. I couldn't remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak winter.
Before I entered the university, I had never expected the climate difference of Shanghai and Guangzhou. But as October came, the falling golden leaves and the chilly winds indicated that this winter would be cold.{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
October walked away in the whisper of the falling leaves.Winter approached in November, and then December.
The dazzling golden color already faded away, leaving only the bare branches sticking out into the frosty air. Grass that was once as thick as a fine cardigan carpet could no longer be found anywhere. What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.
I considered it a great fortune to watch the sun, which was mild, jumping off the horizon and into those bare branches.Even on sunny days, the temperature was still low. The campus was left deserted and lifeless.
Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldn't expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once again.God heard.
I'll never forget the morning of Christmas. On my way to the library, a white elf found its way into my coat. It took me more than a minute to realize what was happening. Believe it or not, it snowed. Suddenly I understood why God took all the signs of life away in winter. He must have been clearing up a stage for his spoiled kid snow.
Tears welled up in my eyes, for my thankfulness to God and to the special, bleak winter.
简 评
本文描写了一个在炎热的广州长大的女孩来到上海后经历的第一个冬天,第一场雪。秋天的金色逐渐褪去后,一切有生命的东西都不复存在,只留下光秃秃的树枝裸露在寒风中。作者对冬天的太阳印象深刻:尽管阳光普照,气温仍然很低。然而,作者并不满足于此,仍时时期盼着下雪。终于,下雪了,作者将飘进衣服的雪花比喻成a white elf,非常富有情趣,自然地流露出作者当时的欣喜之情。最后,作者对冬天万物凋零做了一个非常新颖但合理的解释:清扫舞台,为调皮的孩子雪花上台做准备。
Winter is a beautiful season. It's often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman. In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It's often dark very earl.
I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!
I was born in Guangdong, the southernmost province in mainland China where in winter the temperature seldom falls be low 5C. For the past 19 years, I had never seen snow. I couldn't remember from when I had been dreaming of seeing a real snow, and experiencing a bleak winter.
Before I entered the university, I had never expected the climate difference of Shanghai and Guangzhou. But as October came, the falling golden leaves and the chilly winds indicated that this winter would be cold.
October walked away in the whisper of the falling leaves.Winter approached in November, and then December.
The dazzling golden color already faded away, leaving only the bare branches sticking out into the frosty air. Grass that was once as thick as a fine cardigan carpet could no longer be found anywhere. What I saw were the slushy fields which were jade green in September.
耀眼的金色已经消失,只剩下赤裸的枝条在寒冷的空气中伸展。草曾经像细羊毛地毯一样厚,现在在任何地方也找不到了。我所看到的是九月翠绿色泥泞的田野。 I considered it a great fortune to watch the sun, which was mild, jumping off the horizon and into those bare branches.Even on sunny days, the temperature was still low. The campus was left deserted and lifeless. 我认为看到温和的,从地平线和那些赤裸的枝条中跳出来太阳是很需要运气的。即使在阳光明媚的日子,气温仍然很低。校园被遗弃而且没有生气。
Was this what I had been longing for? Could it be called a bleak winter? I thought I should feel satisfied. Shanghai is still in the south. I couldn't expect more. But there was still some thing in my mind, as it was only one step to my dream. I prayed every day for a snow. A slight one could be enough. Once again.God heard.
这是我一直向往的吗?它可以被称为一个寒冷的冬天?我想我应该感到满足。上海仍在南方。我不能期待更多。但仍有一些东西在我的脑海里,因为它只是我梦想的第一步。我每天都在祈祷下雪。一场小雪就可以了。上帝再次听到了。 I'll never forget the morning of Christmas. On my way to the library, a white elf found its way into my coat. It took me more than a minute to realize what was happening. Believe it or not, it snowed. Suddenly I understood why God took all the signs of life away in winter. He must have been clearing up a stage for his spoiled kid snow.
Tears welled up in my eyes, for my thankfulness to God and to the special, bleak winter.
简 评
本文描写了一个在炎热的广州长大的女孩来到上海后经历的第一个冬天,第一场雪。秋天的金色逐渐褪去后,一切有生命的东西都不复存在,只留下光秃秃的树枝裸露在寒风中。作者对冬天的太阳印象深刻:尽管阳光普照,气温仍然很低。然而,作者并不满足于此,仍时时期盼着下雪。终于,下雪了,作者将飘进衣服的雪花比喻成a white elf,非常富有情趣,自然地流露出作者当时的欣喜之情。最后,作者对冬天万物凋零做了一个非常新颖但合理的解释:清扫舞台,为调皮的孩子雪花上台做准备。
篇五:《英语作文-东西方文化差异 -Cultural differences》{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
Cultural differences
There are plenty of. people in the world. They come from different countried, have their
own race, belief and way of life. What is more, their culture is different from others'. So,
there is no doubt that cultural difference exist among lots of countries, especially between
eastern and western countries.
Compared with the way of life, eastern people always have a bath in the evening or at
night in order to relax themselves after one-day's hard work while western people take a
bath in the morning. so as to keep freshly for the whole day. In general, it is true,
especially for Chinese people. We, Chinese people would like to take baths at night rather{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
than in the morning. It is a kind of habits we behave all the time.
Compared with the relationships, differences are as follow: firstly, eastern people like to
make friends, sometimes through their friends, parents, relatives. While western people
behave a little shyly. They do not want to make friends all the time. Secondly, eastern
people would like to hang out with the person they do not know about quite a lot. while
western people just like going out with the person whom they get along well with.
Finally, eastern people have much more friends than western people for their quite
different way of getting along with. their friends. There is no doubt that eastern people{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
are more outgoing than western people, so I agree with these a lot.
As for way of solving problems, eastern people always deal with things indirectly. They
pay much attention to many things around them, and always work for a long time to solve
the problem. However, western people just go straight the heart of the problem and solve
it directly and efficiently. As far as I am concerned, this difference between eastern and
western people is quite normal and correct. Eastern people, especially Chinese people
care about things around them a lot, they always want to satisfy everyone's need, so that
they spend much more time to solve a problem than western people.{南北方冬天差异英语作文}.
As for way of thinking, people in eastern areas usually think indirectly. They used to
think about the things around them a lot and try to deal with things in a reasonable even
perfect way. However, in comparison with the eastern people, people in the western areas
often think directly. They pay less attention to the things around them and care much
more about themselves. Honestly speaking, I disagree to this.In my opinion, everyone is
special and has their right and obligations to do things. There is no need for us to critise
others and what we should do is to respect their own. decision.
There are a lot of differences between eastern and western culture. These are the symbols
of their own characteristics and we need time to dig out more differences so as to learn
more about them. Most importantly, we must respect their culture firstly!
The differences between southerners and northerners are always interesting to talk about. Although they live in the same country, they have different cultures. First, also the most important on, I think, is their personalities. As southerners, they are always considerate, careful and introversive, while northerners are robust, enthusiastic and extroversive. These are mainly caused by the different geographical environment they live in. there are plenty of plains and few mountains in northern part of China, which could have northerners stretch to the horizon. Instead, the southern part of China is a mountainous area. Thus, northerners are usually more generous than southerners. Second, the difference lies in diet. This can be obviously presented in two aspects. On one hand, in a meal of northerners, wine is probably necessary and most of wine is white spirit. There is no lack of tipplers here. While, things change in southern part, where wine is in dispensable. What’s more, most southerners drink millet wine with small cup. On the other hand, the customs of eating. Northerners always speak loudly and play passionate games. While southerners are relatively elegant, gentle and more or less graceful. The last but not least, difference lies in the way of thinking and behaviorpatterns. Northerners are always helpful to friends; therefore, it is not very important to tell who is wrong. However, it is not the personal loyalty but the responsibility that counts most in southerners’ mind. From what has been discussed above, we can see there are many differences between northerners and southerners. I hold the belief that we can be as intimate as a family as long as we accept cultures from each other.
In my view, it is not surprising that Mr. Jones and Mr. Wang had a so unpleasant conversation, because it caused by the different culture between East and West.
Modesty is one of the national characters of Chinese people, which can be proved by those stories about modesty in the history of China. When praised in public, the Chinese may deny it to show the modesty, though he is happy to hear that. However, the Westerner may just say “thank you” to express happiness.
If I were Mr. Wang, I would say “Thank you for your praise, and I will keep working hard to do better”. As far as I am concerned, excessive modesty is just hubris, so we should receive the praise with happiness and do better.
If I were the boss, I would study the different culture more to understand the staff. As the old saying goes, do in Rome as Rome does. So only if the boss know the difference in the culture and do the right things, can he motivate the staff more appropriately to make more money.