
如何学好专业英语作文 怎样学好英语作文

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【 – 初中作文】


The first time I touched computer is when I was about ten years old. The computer is from my cousin, which is a big box with an old traditional cubical monitor. Except the keyboard, all are different from the computer in present and I have no impression of the mouse in that time. To the operating system, it was not a GUI one. You must input every command to tell the computer what you want it to do. Although it was such a system, there are two games within it, a racing game and a typing game.

Because having such a touch with the computer, my families are so interested with the computer. First, it is my sister that choose the computer major in the college and then it’s me. In the first year, I have learned the C++ program language which is the first object-oriented program language I met. Besides, I have learned the basic knowledge of the computer such as the composition of the computer, the working principle of the computer, the hardware of the computer and the mathematics applied in the computer. It was the first time that I was aware of how complex a computer is. After having some base of the computer, I have touched another object-oriented program language, JAVA and the data structure in the programming in the first term of the second year. And at the end of that term, I finally met my turning point in my college life, the sub-major selection.

The reasons that I choose the software engineering as my sub-major, I think, is mainly it can allow me to find a good job after I graduate from the college. What’s more, I have loved coding after one year of studying of computer. It’s interesting to creating something running in the computer by myself. And I enjoy that someone think the program creating by me when he or she using it. With such a mind, I have started my sub-major study in the last term of my second year in the college. In the term, my main gain in the study is that what a good software or game needs is not just a proper program language and a nice algorithm. It needs a well analysis of the requirement and a good design of the database and the frame in the development of a software besides coding.

Now, I want to be an excellent programmer after my graduation to continue my interest in programming. But my dream is to create a complete AI in the future

because I think human being is so weak in physics and in mind that we need another character to assume our dangerous work or company the old people who lose their families.


It is generally believed that programming occupies an important position for every student whose major related to computing. Unfortunately, that is quite a headache for me.

This term we have a course named Advanced Network Programming which uses Java Program Design Guide as its textbook.

Compared to C++, the Java Language, which avoiding using a pointer firsthand, is easier to learn the rudiments. There are many other advantages making Java programme both concise and readable. That makes students like me more acceptant of what we learn from class.{如何学好专业英语作文}.

Mr Pan, teacher of this course, in a sense, is pretty hard to please. He prefers to direct us to solve problems we encounter by ourselves than to tell us solutions directly. What impressed me is that there were once 20 tests he left for us which were claimed must be handed up before next week. Then the following week I had to focus on that almost all my day in a hurry so as to finish them in time. I must admit accomplishing these exercises with might and main benefits me though it is still a challenge for me.

Joseph Campbell said: The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. Mastering a kind of language of programming is of great importance for us. Although I have difficulty in Java, I would try my best to learn it well and so as other courses.



1.AIR POLLUTION –THE MOST URGENT ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM Environmental problem is the impacts of human activities on the environment,resulting in environmental quality changing, and the impacts of such changes on human life, health, and production activities.In my opinion, air pollution is the biggest environmental problem.

With the rapid development of economy and the excessive using of oil and coal, the air condition is disturbed. Air pollution results in two aspects.On the one hand,human health is seriously threatened.From the period of industrial civilization in the 20th Century, a series of environmental pollution incidents have been produced, which have taken thousands of people's health and even life.On the other hand,human activities have been emissioning a large amount of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxide and so on, which have been causing a series of global problems,such as extreme climate occured frequently ,the ecological enviroment deterioratedand global political issues.

In generally, air pollution becomes worse and worse, which are threatening the human survival and development,In order to protect the environment, the government must take even more effective measures. First, the government should render people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, the government should encourage the people to use the environment frienfly product. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.










How to Learn Technical English for Mechanical Engineering

Nowadays,anyone who could not study English well wouldn't get a excellent job. For students who learning mechanical engineering, if we don not have a full knowledge of technical English, it is hard for us to create value easily in the future. Provided that you would like to study(master) professional English, you must have a acquaintance of the basic knowledge of English, meanwhile, you must keep pace with the development of the mechanical engineering and master the new trends. As far as I am concerned, we must do such things.

Firstly, we must have a good vocabulary of professional English.{如何学好专业英语作文}.

In the past, we learned common words, so we can not understand the professional articles because of countless professional words.

Therefore, the basis of master professional English is to know special words. Then it is more easily to understand the authors' purposes. As old saying says:' roman was not built in a day.' We should insist on recit and review new words every day.

Secondly, we must study the basic specialized courses. The most difference between our technical English and college English is the high demand of the professional foundation . Some technical terms are only seen in the professional books. so we must be familiar with books. In order to study specialized courses, we must pay much attention when we are in class time. And if having some problems with courses, we should ask teachers for help.

Thirdly, we must read more books in the out-of-class time. Of course, if we have done the above things, we can understand the professional articles easily. However,In fact, the content of the books is too general to make us know everything. Thus we can read some suitable books seriously in our free time.

Lastly, the most important thing is that we should to do some listening.It is necessary for me to listen to English . At first, I just

listen some daily English dialogue, then I listen to VOA. Now, We must stick to listen every day. Persistence will make everything possible.

If you think that study is too boring and dull, you can watch America English video which are connected with Mechanical

Engineering. Also, you can copy some movies' dialogues to recit some new words.

Actually, the ways of learning English are familiar. The technical English combined the professional knowledge with English. So we should pay more attention to study. Of course, we should spend much more time.


There is a widespread concern over the issue that some university students like to go to Five Star Restaurant to have dinner. Opinions on this matter vary from person to person. On the one hand, some people hold the belief that going to Five Star Restaurant to have dinner is a bad habit. The reasons are as follows: To begin with, Most people believe that the money that our parents gave should be used in the important aspects, going to Five Star Restaurant is a waste of money. What's worse, it may result in that students like to compare with each other, which will injure the poor students. Besides, some students can be

influenced by bad people or bad things. Last but not least, study is of vital importance, it will influence our study.

As the saying goes: Every coin has two sides. On the other hand, others hold the opposite belief that it can be a favorable thing. Fist of all, it can broaden our horizons. What's more, it can help us know more about the society and contact more different people. Furthermore, chances are that it can inspire our fighting spirit and work hard.

To my own perspective, recently, some students prefer to hold a party in the Five Star Restaurant to show how generous they are. Although most people think students are not supposed to go to Five Star Restaurant, in my opinion, I think it can be a favorable thing. The Five Star Restaurant likes a small society, we can contact more people that are totally

different from our campus life. Besides, we ought to notice some things, such as wearing suits. It also shows that the living standard has improved a lot. Not only can we live a more comfortable life, but also inspire us to work hard.

The dictionary I like best

It is known to all of us that dictionary is of vital importance for English learns. A good

dictionary will help us a great deal in learning and using words. When in doubt about spelling, division and pronunciation of a word, we should look it up in a dictionary.

For English learners, there are different kinds of dictionaries for us to choose. Different dictionaries have different effect. Choose a good dictionary can help us a great deal. The dictionary I like best is the Collins Cobuild English Dictionary. Cobuild in the name refers to Collins Birmingham University International language Database, Collins being the name of the company that publishes the dictionary.

Collins Cobulid English Dictionary is helpful in that definitions of words are all given in

complete sentences with situations, so that the dictionary is shown the typical collocates of a word: that is, the other words that are used with the headword. Besides, by giving definitions and examples in complete sentences, the dictionary is actually showing the commonest ways in which the headword is used, the typical collocations of a word as well as words that can be used as subject and object of a verb. Furthermore, the dictionary has a lot of information on pragmatics. What's more, there are marginal notes on whether a noun is countable or

uncountable, whether a verb is transitive or intransitive, and on phrasal verbs, synonyms and antonyms. Last but not least, there are also five frequency bands, shown by black diamonds in the margin. The most frequent words (approximately 700) have five black diamonds, the next most frequent (approximately 1,200), four. The words in the top two bands account for approximately 75% of all English usage, so we should learn these words first.

By using this dictionary, in my opinion, I could learn more about words, and it will help us learn English better. It is my hope that I can learn English well with the help of the dictionary. My Viewpoint on Euthanasia

Euthanasia is a kind of treatment that will make the people with an incurable disease die without any pains. However, there is a great controversy over the issue that is it legal or illegal? Recently, more and more country have started to use the euthanasia to make people die. Opinions on this issue vary from person to person.

Some people hold the opinion that euthanasia can relief the pains on the person who have an incurable disease. Besides, it can reduce the burden of the person's family. Furthermore, it can help the dying person end the pain. The other people, however, hold the opposite opinion. They believe that euthanasia is a kind of method that killing people. What's more, it over people's life without the permission of the himself, and it's a disrespect of the life.

To my own perspective, I don't in favor of the euthanasia. First of all, it's a nature rule that everyone will die. We cannot deprive the right to die of everyone. Secondly, euthanasia is a kind of irresponsibility to the doctors or the patient's family member. Thirdly, euthanasia has not been allowed by the law, thus it's a behaviour of breaking the law. Last but not least, it will make doctors give up people's life easier.

Consequently, euthanasia causes a great controversy in China. For it, I suggested that the government make a law to standardize it.

The Internet: A Blessing or Curse?

Nowadays the Internet is wildly used for studying, shopping, entertainment, etc. on campus. There is a widespread concern over the issue. Some people say that the Internet facilitates students' lives while others don't agree. To my own perspective, I am in favor of the former one.

Certainly, we can not deny the fact that the Internet bings negative effect to us. Some of us will be attracted to the computer games or shopping online, which will influence their study. Whereas, compared with the disadvantages, the Internet has more advantages. It benefits us a lot. Above all, the Internet play an important rule in our life, and with the development of the society, we will use the Internet frequently. Furthermore, we can learn a lot of extra knowledge on the Internet, it can help us broaden our horizons and get more details about the things we are interested in. Besides, students can read a great deal of news in time via the Internet, which will do benefit to their study. Last but not least, more and more teacher prefer to assign homework on the Internet.

In a word, the Internet benefits our lives for its convenience. With the help of the Internet, we will live a happier life.

篇六:《专业英语作文 化学》

Degradable Plastic Bags

The plastic material, is a high molecular weight organic matter as main component. Over the past few years plastics inspire countless innovations that help make life better, healthier and safer every day. For example, plastic bags help keep the foods we eat and serve our families safer and fresher than ever before. But it cause the white pollution. So June 1, 2008 started the implementation of the "plastic limit order" .To protect our environment, we should use more environmental plastic bags. The production of plastic bags added in the process of degradation masterbatch plastic bags that degradable plastic bags, degradable plastic bags for 90 days can automatically decompose in accord with certain conditions. To the plastic film bag as raw material for the production of plastic bags, we used plastic bags: the bag bag, shopping bags, handbags, handbags, bags, vest belt and industrial.

Some domestic "manufacturers of degradable plastic" method is mainly used in PVC, by adding a certain proportion of starch biodegradable agents, thus changing the hydrocarbon structure of PVC, by microorganisms and decomposition. Another approach is the incorporation of photosensitizer, in plastics, in the sunshine{如何学好专业英语作文}.

under the plastic gradually decomposition. Or the "light" and "biological" combined with characteristics of degradation,{如何学好专业英语作文}.

photodegradation and biodegradation plastic. But the essence of the two methods is changed the structure of PVC molecular chain, simply, is through the biological degradation agent or

photosensitizer, the molecular links between interrupted, not easy to larger molecules into small molecules is relatively easy decomposition, but the essence of PVC has not degradation did not change.

Our members are proud to manufacture materials that can help us to do more with less and contribute to a more efficient use of resources. These are just some of the ways plastics are helping to create a better planet and a safer world.That is to say chemistry affect daily of our society. Chemistry drives the development of science and technology,and mankind benefit from it.


Do Modern People Become Lonelier?

Although Chinese people have gradually become wealthy more or less due to the reform and opening-up policy,they have oftentimes been troubled by alack of friends that they can take into their


confidence. This observation manifests itself most vividly in a line cited from the movie.If You Are the One,that is,“I do not lack money but friends”.Ironically,in the cell phone contact list of an average person,the number of cell phone numbers may reach a couple of hundreds.One can not help wondering if modern people become lonelier than before.Personally,I hold the opinion that modern people do become lonelier than before.


Firstly,due to the urbanizing process at an unprecedented speed,the society becomes more mobile,for more and more people migrate from one city to another to seek fortune.Nowadays people in cities are consisted of migrate workers from rural areas,college graduates in pursuit of their dreams, businessmen across the country and the local. Given the fact that people from different regions have different subcultures,people tend to reject people with different

backgrounds.Besides,as people are more interested in making money,they are more likely to conflict in interest.No wonder that circle of confidants has shrunk dramatically and the number of people with whom to discuss important matters has spirally increased. 首先,由于城市化进程的飞速发展,社会就像是一种移动的团体,为了挣钱,越来越多的人从一座城市迁移到另一座城市。如今,城市有许多从农村来的农民工,以及那些追寻梦想的大学毕业生,来自当地和其他国家的商人。由于人们来自不同的地区,有着不一样的次文化,人们往往会由于背景的不同而相互排斥。此外,人们对挣钱的欲望越来越大,他们更有可能因为利益而发生争执。难怪人们的朋友正在急剧减少,与他人谈论重大事宜的人却越来越多。

Secondly,while people are able to benefit from the advancement of new technologies, they are likely to depend more upon technologies

instead of friends. Communication technologies such as the Internet and phones let people stay in contact with other people who are from remote areas, and spend time on the phone and the Internet

communications instead of dealing with people face to face. Network games have gained their popularity to such an extent that many spend most of their spare time in playing network games and hence they become apathetic to have a good time with friends face to face. That face time seems more likely to develop friendships. 第二,如今,人们能够通过先进的技术来获得利益,比起朋友来说,他们更加依靠技术。例如互联网和手机这样的通讯技术能够让人们与远在千里之外的人交流,人们不再进行面对面的交流,人们利用互联网和手机交流的时间增多了。网络游戏在一定程度上得到了迅猛的发展,人们的大量时间都花在了玩网络游戏上,人与人之间的交流变得非常冷淡。面对面的交流可以促进友谊。

As a result,the reduced face time would translate into a loose network between friends.In sum,urbanization has reduced the intimacy between human beings and makes them less likely to make friends than in the past and the advancement of modern technology also makes people more apathetic by reducing face-to-face contact with friends.I hope people can regain the intimacy between friends as before.



My favorite city

When it comes to my favorite city, definitely it is shanghai, where is on the Huangpu River, the last tributary at the mouth of Yangtze. And I have already gone to shanghai twice. Here are reasons why my favorite city is Shanghai.

On one hand, shanghai, teeming with high-rise buildings, advanced vehicles, scenery spots, business opportunities, is the largest city in china. Moreover, shanghai is the central city of our country. It is the center of economy, technology, industry, finance and trade. Shanghai is also an emerging tourist city, with profound modern urban culture and many historical monuments. It has successfully held the 2010 world Expo,and become a major financial center which is the busiest container port in the world.{如何学好专业英语作文}.

On the other hand, after my trips to Shanghai, she has left a deep impression on my mind. I appreciate the city, tradition and modern combined. When you travel to shanghai, you can enjoy shopping in Shanghai, having local snacks as well. The night views of Shanghai is fantastic, you can enjoy the beautiful lights and take a ferry to visit the Huangpu River.

All in all, shanghai is a marvelous city at home and broad. And I look forward to working in such an energetic city in the future. Shanghai is my favorite city.{如何学好专业英语作文}.

On the healing power of apology

nowadays, the effects of an apology has been given a great public concern. People point out that an apology from heart has great effects on keeping relationship. Here are some possible reasons and examples in my life.

Apparently, a heartfelt apology can stop damaging and even heal a damaged relationship. Firstly, apology is a kind of self behavior of making concessions, which means you regret to argue and feel sorry for your behaviors. Therefore, instead of continuing arguing and damaging the relationship, you should negotiate peacefully. Additionally, a heatfelt apology probably changes one's attitude and heals a damaged relationship. For example, an apology often plays a role as an ice breaker, when you meet a friend who has ever disputed with you. At that moment, the apology means the quarrel has gone and you are willing to make it up. Finally, A heartfelt apology can not only heal a damaged relationship but also make it stronger. When you make an apology proactively, your patner will feel that you are friendly. As a result, they will be glad to make friends with you.

To sum up, a heartfelt apology is a vital social etiquette which can help us to enhance relationship and make more friends. It is increasing self-discipline and learning to make an apology that count.

On chinese friendship

Every kind of friendship has its own characteristic. Surely in every country people value friendship. The most distinguishing feature of friendship in china is probably tolerance.

On one hand, once chinese friendship established, it will be deep and enduring, and will not be subject to changeable environment as well. what is more, most chinese people will restart their friendship after being out of step because of misjudgments for a while. On the other hand, according to chinese faith, tolerance is quite important because no one is perfect. Sometimes, someone who refuses to accept a friend again after the break of their friendship would be regarded to be ungenerous.

There are many ways of making friends with chinese people. Firstly, you should learn to share with others instead of trying to hide. Secondly, it is honest that counts, which is the foundation of friendship. Lastly, it is significant to understand why friendship is about forgiveness. You should be magnanimous enough to accept some of others’ shortcomings., after all, no one is perfect.

To sum up, whether in china or other countries, friendship is a mutual spiritual assist. We get supported and helped while at the same time support and help our friends.

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