
初二英语作文how to keep healthy 初二英语作文

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初二英语作文how to keep healthy(一)

How to keep healthy

As we all know, First of alThen to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.What’s morebad for our health. It we can’t get enough sleep, we may have a headache. to bed early and get up to get about eight hours sleep a night. Finally, Don’t worry .about something, talk to our parents and teachers.

In order to keep fit,let’s follow the rules

How to keep healthy

As we all know, First of alThen to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.What’s morebad for our health. It we can’t get enough sleep, we may have a headache. to bed early and get up to get about eight hours sleep a night. Finally, Don’t worry .about something, talk to our parents and teachers.

In order to keep fit,let’s follow the rules

How to keep healthy

As we all know, First of alThen to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.What’s morebad for our health. It we can’t get enough sleep, we may have a headache. to bed early and get up to get about eight hours sleep a night. Finally, Don’t worry .about something, talk to our parents and teachers.

In order to keep fit,let’s follow the rules

How to keep healthy

As we all know, First of alThen to take exercise. Exercise will keep us active and strong.What’s morewe can’t get enough sleep, we may have a headache. to bed early and get up to get about eight hours sleep a night. Finally, Don’t worry .about something, talk to our parents and teachers.

In order to keep fit,let’s follow the rules

初二英语作文how to keep healthy(二)

2013年湖南湘西自治州中考英语 “八股文”格式写议论文 How to keep healthy

近20年来各方面调查表明青少年体质的下降令人担忧。请你以How to keep healthy 为题,写一篇60—80词的短文,说说你的看法和建议。


1. 体质下降的原因; 如:eat too much junk food , have too much homework,

2. 合理的健康建议。如:some useful advice, should do more exercise, eat a balanced diet(饮食平衡), enough sleep

How to keep healthy

Nowadays students physical fitness is declining(体质下降) year by year. I think there are some reasons.




破题是用两句话将题目的意义破开,承题是承接破题的意义而说明之。起讲为议论的开始, “入手”为起讲后入手之处。起股、中股、后股、束股才是正式议论,以中股为全篇重心。 八股文的写作理论和技巧可为后人借鉴。特别适用于写议论文。同理,英语作文的议论文也可采用八股文的写作理论和技巧。

破题:In recent 20 years, it is shown that students’ physical fitness is declining 近20年来各方面调查表明青少年体质在下降。或Nowadays. students’ physical fitness is declining year by year 当前,青少年体质正逐年下降。

承题There are the following reasons . Some students eat too much junk food,some students have too much homework, some students spend too much time before computer,some students seldom take part in activities and exercise理由如下:一些学生吃太多的垃圾食品,一些学生作业太多,一些学生花太多时间玩游戏,一些学生很少参加活动或锻炼。

起讲Being in good health is good for study.身体健康对学习有帮助。

入手 how to keep healthy?如何保持健康身体?

起股 The following are some useful advice下面是一些有用的建议。

中股First,students should do more exercise. Second, students should eat a balanced diet.Third, students should have enough sleep. Forth, students should eat more fruit and vegetables.1)一些学生应该多锻炼,2)学生应该平衡饮食,3)学生应该拥有充足的睡眠,4)学生应该多吃蔬菜和水果。

后股 The students should be away from junk food and bad habit 学生应远离垃圾食品和不良习惯。

大结 Only in this way can the students have strong body.只要这样,学生才能有健康的体魄。

How to keep healthy

Nowadays students physical fitness is declining year by year. I think there are some reasons. Some students eat too much junk food,some students have too much homework, some students spend too much time before computer,some students seldom take part in activities and exercise. Being in good health is good for study. How to keep healthy?The following are some useful advice

First, students should do more exercise. Second, students should eat a balanced diet. Third, students should have enough sleep. Forth, students should eat more fruit and vegetables. The students should be away from junk food and bad habit. Only in this way can the students have strong body.


列举型: first, second, third, forth; some, some , some



版权归英语角外文书店 店主 李连发, 英语角外文书店 店主预推出《最近5年湖南中考英语作文范文与方法点评》欢迎关注淘宝网店:英语角外文书店

初二英语作文how to keep healthy(三)





What can make us healthy?

Health Take enough exercise

Eat healthy food

Form good living habits

Be happy

Take enough exercise

(why)Either study or work is based on (依赖于) strong body.

Taking enough exercise can make our body strong.

Taking exercise can keep slim(苗条身材)

reduce diseases

keep energetic (精力充沛的)


Eat healthy food

What food can make us healthy? (fruits, vegetables, milk, rice, water…)

They give us (energy, nutrition 营养, vitamins 维生素)

help (our bones become strong)

make us (healthier and healthier )

Form good living habits

1.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

2. Sleep for about 8 hours , never stay up.

3. Keep away drinking and smoking.


1. Its important/ necessary for us to …

2. In order to …., we need …

3. ….can make/ help ……

4. If we……,well ….

5. Dont …. . Its bad for ……


1. Nothing is more important than to keep healthy.


2.He who has health has hope , and he who has hope has everything.

有健康就有希望, 有希望就有一切.

3.The beginning of health is sleep.


4.Healthy mind in a healthy body.


5. Eating healthily and regularly is good for our bodies.


6. Diet cures more than doctors.


7. No breakfast will do harm to our health and our study.


8. Without health , no pleasure can be tasted by man .



Nowadays, more and more people know the importance of keeping healthy. Without a healthy body , we can do nothing . For me , there are three main ways to keep healthy.


First ,we should take enough exercise . Regular exercise can help us keep from getting fat. Second, Its important to eat lots of fruits and vegetables , because theyre rich in fiber(纤维) and low in fat. As a proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Last , Forming a good habit can benefit us . Have three meals or more at regular time . In this way, your body will work better.


If you follow the tips mentioned above, youll keep healthy. In a word, health is better than wealth . Youll have nothing without health. Remember that healthy people make a healthy country.



Paragraph 1 : 引用俗语或排比句式,引出话题. 多以以下的句式表达:

Here are some ways/tips …

How can we eat healthily?

Paragraph 2: 介绍三种方法, 并采用不同的说明方法加以佐证.

Paragraph 3: 尾段点题,并再次重申保持健康重要性,还可以再次使用与首段不同的谚语


健康是福, 无论工作还是学习,都离不开健康的身体,健康是我们做好一切事情的前提。那么怎样才能保持健康呢?请谈谈你的看法?(说明文)


Nowadays, people are in a modern world. Many people live too unhealthily and

they’ve got diseases. In spite of this, they still think that they’re in good health. It’s obviously that they’re wrong. But how to keep healthy? Here are some advices for you.


Nothing is more important than to keep healthy. But how to keep healthy? Here are some tips:

First, we should eat healthy. As the saying goes, ”Diet cures more than doctors.” In order to have a strong body, we shouldnt eat fast food too much. Second, we ought to go to bed early. If you stay up too late, you wont be energetic next day. Last, we should do more exercises. It can make our body become stronger and stronger.

If you follow these advices, you will keep healthy. “Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man.” Remember that healthy people make a healthy country.

First, we shouldnt smoke anymore. Smoking is harmful to a persons health. It contributes a lot of lung cance

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