
我帮助同学英语的作文 帮助同学的英语作文

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【 – 初中作文】






请以"My Classmate"为标题写一篇记叙文

要求:1、主题明确。语言流畅。思路清晰。 2、字数在100字以内。 思路点拨




My Classmate

Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.


小学英语作文:My classmate 我的同学

I have a good friend.Do you know her?Let me tell you.She's Xu Wenjing.She's twelve years old.She's short,but she is thin.She has two big black eyes and a small mouth.She studys in Class 1 Grade 6 Shi Yan primary school.We are in the same class.

She has a deskmate.His name's Chen Kangwei.He's a clever boy.He's a new student in our class.His Chinese and Maths are very well.All the teachers like him very much.

They're very friendly.They never fight.They often learn each other.They are good deskmate.

Look!They're my classmates.They zre good deskmate in our class.Do you know them now?





1.As a rule, S + V…一般而言,…

2.As far as I know, S + V…据我所知,…

3.As the saying goes, S + V…常言道,…

4.Everybody knows that + S + V…众所周知,…

5.Frankly speaking, S + V…坦白地说,…

6.Generally speaking, S + V…一般而言,…

7.I'm of the opinion that + S + V…依我之见,…

8.I am greatly convinced that + S + V…我深信,…

9.In dealing with…, one cannot but admit that S + V…在讨论…,一个人不得不承认…

10.In general, S + V…一般而言,…

11.In my opinion, S + V…依我之见,…

12.It can be easily proved that S + V……是容易证明的

13.It goes without saying that S + V…不消说,…

14.It is out of the question to V…是不可能的

15.It's quite obvious that S + V…不消说,…

16.It is said ( reported据报导, known一般皆知, estimated据估计, believed一般相信, expected一般预料 ) that…据说

17.It is important ( necessary必要的, urgent紧急的, proper适当的 ) that S (should) + V(…是)重要的

18.It's true that + S + V…事实是

19.Lucky to say, S + V…说来幸运,…

20.Needless to say, S + V…不消说,…

21.No one can deny that + S + V…没有人可以否认…

22.Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …世界上没有什么比…更令我高兴

23.Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than…在我所认识的人当中,也许没有一个人比…更值得我尊敬

24.On the average, S + V…一般而言,…

25.Regretful to say, S + V…说来遗憾,…

26.Sad to say, S + V…说来可悲,…

27.Strange to say, S + V…说来奇怪,…

28.Strictly speaking, S + V…严格地说,…

29.There is no doubt that S + V…毫无疑问,…

30.There is no V-ing……是不可能的

31.To tell the truth, S + V…老实说,…

32.To the best of my knowledge, S + V…据我所知,…


1.According to + N , S + V…根据…,…

2.As a matter of fact, S + V…实际上,…

3.As far as I'm concerned, S + V…就我而论,…

4.As good ( ill ) luck would have it, S + V…幸运地(不幸地)

5.As is often the case with + O, S + V……对…是常有的事

6.Besides, we should not neglect that S + V…此外,我们不应忽略

7.But the problem is not so simple. Therefore, …但是问题不是如此单纯。所以…

8.But it is a pity that S + V…但是遗憾的是…

9.Compared with + N, S + V…较之…,…

10.Even if ( Though ) + S1 + V1, S2 + V2…即使…,…

11.First of all, S + V…首先,…

12.For all + N, S + V…虽然…,…

13.For example, S + V…例如,…

14.For instance, S + V…例如,…

15.For one thing, S + V…一则,…

16.For the other, S + V…另一方面,…

17.For this reason, S + V…因为这个缘故,…

18.I take it for granted that S + V…我认为…是理所当然的

19.If we take … into account ( consideration ), we + V…如果我们考虑到…,我们…

20.In accordance with + N, S + V…根据…,…

21.In addition, we should + V…此外,我们必须…

22.In all likelihood, S + V…十之八九,…

23.In comparison with + N, S + V…和…比较,…

24.In fact ( reality, truth ), S + V…事实上,…

25.In nine cases out of ten, S + V…十之八九,…

26.In other words, S + V…换句话说,…

27.In relation ( respect, regard, reference ) to + N, S + V…关于…,…

28.In spite of + N, S + V…虽然…,…

29.In the beginning, S + V…首先,…

30.In the first place, S + V…首先,…

31.It is not too much to say that S + V……说起来并不过份

32.No matter wh- + S1 + V1, S2 + V2…无论…,…

33.To begin with, S + V…首先,…

34.To change another words, S + V…换句话说,…

35.To cite an old saying, S + V…套句古人说的话,…

36.To one's astonishment, S + V…令某人吃惊地,…

37.To one's delight, S + V…令某人高兴地,…

38.To one's disappointment, S + V…令某人失望地 ,…

39.To one's excitement, S + V…令某人兴奋地,…

40.To one's joy, S + V…令某人高兴地,…

41.To one's regret, S + V…令某人后悔地,…

42.To one's surprise, S + V…令某人吃惊地,…

43.To start with, S + V…首先,…

44.To take…for example, S + V…举…为例,…

45.We have enough reasons to V我们有足够的理由…

46.What I must emphasize is …我必须强调的是…

47.What's more, S + V…此外 ,…

48.What seems to be the problem is that S + V…问题似乎是…


1.By contrast, if…, it will certainly be the fact that S + V…相反地,假如…,那一定…

2.But for + N, S + V(假设法过去式或过去完成式)…若非…,…

3.From now on, S + V…从现在起

4.Hardly had + S1 + V1(p.p.) when ( before ) + S2 + V2…一…就…

5.Have you ever + V (p.p.)….?你曾经…吗?

6.If by any chance S1 + V1, S2 + V2….万一…,…

7.If only + S + V…!但愿…!

8.In other words, S + V…换句话说,…

9.In the meantime, S + V…同时,…

10.In the similar way, S + V…同样地,…

11.In this manner, S + V…如此一来,…

12.In this light if…, there can surely be no doubt that S + V…有鉴于于此,假如…,确实无疑地…

13.Indeen, S1 + V1, but S2 + V2…没错…,但是…

14.It's 强调的人、事、物、地、时 + that S + V…正是…

15.It's high ( about ) time for + O + to V…该是…的时候了

16.It's high ( about ) time that + S + should V…该是…的时候了

17.It stands to reason that S + V……是理所当然的

18.No doubt, S1 + V1, but S2 + V2…没错,…,但是…

19.Now that S1 + V1, S2 + V2…既然…,…

20.On the contrary, S + V…相反地,…

21.On the one hand, S + V…一方面,…

22.On the other hand, S + V…另一方面,…

23.On ( Upon ) V-ing, S + V…一…就…

24.Owing to + N, S + V…由于…,…

25.The chief reason why + S + V + is……主要的原因是…

26.To do one justice, S + V…公平而论,…

27.To make matters worse, S + V…更糟的是,…

28.To put it differently, S + V…换句话说,…

29.To tell the truth, S + V…老实说,…

30.Undoubtedly ( Absolutely ) S + V…毫无疑问地,…

31.We must recognize that S + V…我们必须承认

32.We cannot be too +我们愈…愈好

33.We cannot + V + too +我们愈…愈好

34.We cannot over-V我们愈…愈好

35.What if S + V………?要是…该怎么办?

36.What's worse, S + V…更糟的是 ,…

37.Without + N, S + V(假设法)… 若非…,…

38., not to mention + N…,更甭说…

39.; that is to say, S + V……,那就是 ,…


1.Above all ( things ), S + V…最重要地,…

2.According to the aforementioned, S + V…综观上述所云,…

3.As a result ( consequence ), S + V…结果,…

4.As long as S1+ V1, S2 + V2…只要…,…

5.As we know from the above, S + V…由上述我们可知,…

6.At any rate ( cost ), we should V…无论如何,我们应该…

7.Because of this, we can find that S + V…因为如此,我们可以知道…

8.For this reason, S + V…基于此因 ,…

9.From the … point of view, …从…的观点来看,…

10.If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that S + V…假如我们能做到以上所提者,无疑地…

11.In a word, S + V…一言以蔽之,…

12.In any case, we should V 无论如何,我们应该…

13.In short ( brief ), S + V…简而言之 ,…

14.In conclusion, we should V 总而言之,我们应该…

15.Judging from the above, S + V…从以上来判断 ,…

16.Last but not least, S + V…最后还有一件重要的事就是…

17.Only by this can we V…只有以此我们才能…

18.On the whole, S + V…整体而论 ,…

19.On this ground, S + V…基于此种原因

20.Owing to this fact we can find that S + V…因此我们可以知道…

21.The long and the short of it, S + V…总之 ,…

22.To be short ( brief ), S + V…简而言之 ,…

23.To sum up ( conclude ), S + V…总之 ,…

24.Thus, this is the reason why S + V…因此,这就是为什么…的原因

25.Under no circumstances should we V…无论如何我们绝不…

26.What we must do is to V…我们只要…就可以了


小学英语作文:My Classmates 我的同学们

My Classmates

I like to go to school.

All of the boys in my class are outgoing.

I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates.

Peter 的文章:

I like to go to school. There are many activities I can do at school with my classmates. We can play sports or music or act in a play. Sometimes we have to write a team project or geography or science class. If our project takes the prize of a competition in school, we will win prizes like dictionaries or computer games. All of the boys in my class are outgoing. My classmates and I like to watch sports games and enjoy outdoor activities. We like to play basketball and skate with our friends. I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates. I get to spend time with them. They are not only my classmates but also my best friends.


小学英语作文:My Classmates 我的同学们

My Classmates

I like to go to school.

All of the boys in my class are outgoing.

I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates.

Peter 的文章:

I like to go to school. There are many activities I can do at school with my classmates. We can play sports or music or act in a play. Sometimes we have to write a team project or geography or science class. If our project takes the prize of a competition in school, we will win prizes like dictionaries or computer games. All of the boys in my class are outgoing. My classmates and I like to watch sports games and enjoy outdoor activities. We like to play basketball and skate with our friends. I like my school life very much, because I can do lots of thing with my classmates. I get to spend time with them. They are not only my classmates but also my best friends.




要求:1. 词数80 – 100(开头一给出,不计入总次数。)

2. 不要逐句翻译。

3. 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达正确,逻辑清晰。

Hello, my dear teachers and friends, ____________________________________________ (参考范文)Hello, my dear teachers and friends,

We have three fantastic years in our beautiful school. We have studied together and helped each other. We have made great progress.

Thanks to our teachers and classmates, I've known not only how to study but also how to be a man. I'll never forget our interesting classes and all kinds of outdoor cativities. I'll never forget the good time we've spent together. I'll remember our frindship forever.

Now, we'll say goodbye to each other. I wish our teachers health and happiness. I wish our classmates to have a great future. And I also hope our school will be more and more wonderful.

2. 019(山东省滨州市)


暑 假 计 划 1、好好休息,学会放松 2、读书,因为读书既有趣又能学到很多知识 3、陪父母聊天,帮他们做家务 4、参加社会活动,了解社会 5、…… 注意:




参考词汇:知识 knowledge, 社会活动 social activities


The summer holiday is coming. I'm going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also can make me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I'd like to go to Shanghai for a visit of the World Expo. I'm sure I'll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday.

3. 三年的初中生活就要结束了,让我们记下其中的点点滴滴。请以"I will remember my schoollife forever"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。

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