
介绍家乡的夏天英语作文 介绍我的家乡英语作文

初中作文 zuowen 1浏览

【 – 初中作文】




When I was very young ,the sky in my hometown was nice and beautiful, the sky was very blue,and the air was fresh. There were some birds singing ,and there were many trees in the fields. I often played with my friends in the open air.I liked it.

Now the people are rich ,but the sky in my homerown isn't blue .the trees were cut down , and there aren't many birds. And the air isn't fresher than before. The rubbish is put here and there, it was bad for our health.So wo must do something to protect the environment. If we make a contribution to protecting the environment,the sky will become much more beautiful.


Life is always exciting winter vacation in the winter vacation, I've learned a lot, seen a lot, also felt a great deal. However, the most so I was surprised that the home change is so fast. From black and white TV to color TV, from phone to phone, from the small, inadequate housing to the tall, luxurious villas … … home has undergone an enormous list goes on!

Changes in home really fast. Previously, the family house is very old, broken everywhere, and even some corner of the moss has grown, made a mold. Under heavy rain, the housing estate, take the ride for the next subtitle of the rain, so the house really good live. Now, the family room is very strong, and they have complete sets of equipment, these devices are advanced, and some do not even have manual.Moreover, high-rise buildings springing up along the road going up.人人听力网

Changes in home really fast. Previously, hearing his mother say, when there is Shiji Li far from home and school to school are to go on foot a long time. There is a bike ride to school has been a very bad condition, but also a long time so in the past. If to a rainy day, the ground bumps and hollows, and go to school, the water was splashing mud all clothes, dirty. If the summer, a big back to school bags, clothing and certainly all wet, can squeeze water from it. And now, home has a new high-tech – car, this way, even if the long way again, it does not charge leg muscles, but also not worry about anything happening.

Changes in home really fast. Previously, clothes are always broken supplement and complement the Zaichuan. Now, each bought a set of clothes for Gesanchaiwu.

Changes in home really fast. Previously, hard to eat things that are their own species, and so mature and re-hired to eat. Now, people eat on the feast at the table.

Changes in home really fast, I believe that in the near future, we will use our hands to create a better, more advanced equipment, allow people to truly live a comfortable life. Let us for future efforts,hard bar!

寒假生活总是多采多姿 的,在寒假中,我学会了许多,看到了许多,也感受到了很多。但是,最让我感到惊讶的是,家乡的变化是如此之快。从黑白电视机到彩色电视机,从电话机到手机,从矮小、简陋的房屋到高大、豪华的别墅……家乡的变化真是举不胜举呀!








In the spring,everything become green,the grass come out,there are flowers everywhere.

In the summer,it's very hot,you can hear birds chirping in the tree and frogs singing in the riverside. In the autumn, everything become yellow,the fruits are mature,and wheat is ripe,it's the harvest time. In the winter, it snows here. Everything is covered with whiteness. How beautifel my hometown is!But I like winter the best.I can make a snowman and play outdoor.It is so exciting.


1 全国高考英语作文题目假设你是李华,正在英国接受英语培训,住在一户英国人家里。今天的房东Mrs Wilson不在家,你准备外出,请给Mrs Wilson写一留言条,内容包括:1,外出购物2,替房东还书3,Tracy来电话留言:1)咖啡屋(Bolton coffee)见面取消2)此事已告知Susan3)尽快回电 注意:1,词数100左右;2,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

2高考英语作文全国卷I假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫(panda),一直通过有关网站(website)关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信:1、 自我介绍;2、 祝贺苏琳生日;3、 感谢工作人员;4、 索取苏琳三岁生日照。注意:1、词数100左右;2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3、开头语已为你写好。 3 考英语作文全国卷Ⅰ假定你是李华,希望通过外籍教师Peter找一个英语笔友。请写一封短信,描述一下你理想中笔友的条件,并说明为什么选这样的笔友。具体条件包括: 年龄; 性别; 爱好(旅游、运动、宠物等)。注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4 假定你是李华, 你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文. 请你根据下列要点写回信.要点: 1. 参加中文学习班;2. 看中文书刊、电视;3. 学唱中文歌曲;4. 交中国朋友。注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯

5 如你是育才中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛(speech contest),希望附近某大学的外籍教师Smith女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。 英语演讲比赛 主题:人与自然 时间:6月15日下午2:00—5:00

地点:501教室 参赛选手:10名学生联系人:李华(电话44876655) 欢迎大家光临 6 国际交流中心将组织一次由各国学生参加的“和平友谊夏令营”peace and friendship summer camp 要求报名者提交个人简介: 假如你是李扬,请根据下列信息写一份个人简介:

7 假如你是李雷,暑假将至, 你的澳大利亚好朋友汤姆发来e-mail 邀请你去澳大利亚和他一起度假.但是,考虑到妈妈生病需要照料和其他一些实际情况,例如:家庭经济状况差,爸爸工作忙,家务没人做,你想利用暑假多读书,补习功课等因素.请你用英语写一份e-mail 婉言谢绝.

8 你和你美国的朋友Mike已经有十年没有见面了但一直保持联系,下个月你打算去美国,这是你第一次去美国。你担心自己在交流方面会有困难,需要花费很长时间才能适应环境。写信告诉Mike很快你们就会再见面了;描述自己家乡的气候并询问美国的天气情况。 字数:120-150 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

9 假如你是班长,你要用英语做一个口头演讲稿,内容是:怎样保持健康:你可以从饮食,锻炼,生活习惯,生活态度这几个方面来论


10 Survey: Are you interested in art? Why?

11 2008 山东卷: 假设你是新华中学的学生张华,班里从外地转来一名同学李明,他一时无法融入到新的班集体中,感到很苦恼。请根据下列要点用英语给他写封信:


3、陈述你帮助他的具体打算。注意:词数120 ~150

Dear Li Ming,

12 2009 第二节 写作(满分30分)





13 2010山东高考英语作文范文

假设你是新华学校学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友TOM约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件:1 表示道歉;2另约时间;3阐明理由。

14 2011年高考英语作文之山东卷

假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。七月份你将去北京参加暑期中学生英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集、语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:




注意:1.词数:120-150;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 15 2012写作(满分30分)

假设你是新华中学的学生李华,不久前在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得一等奖。校报请你写一篇稿件刊登在英文版面上,介绍你课外学习英语的经验。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文:1. 参加英语角的益处;2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;

3. 英文阅读网站(EnjoyReading)对你的帮助。

注意:1. 词数:120-150; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。

16 2013年第二节 写作(满分30分) 假如你是新华中学的学生李华,你的美国朋友Tom一周前给你发电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时回复。请根据双下要点给他回封邮件:


2. 未及时回信的原因; 你假期的打算(如做兼职、旅行、做志愿者等) 注意:1. 词数:120-150;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

17 假定你是李华,正在一所英国学校学习暑期课程,遇到一些困难,希望得到学校辅导中心(Learning Center)的帮助。根据学校规定,你需书面预约,请按下列要点写一封信:



18 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter 曾表示希望来中国教书,你校现需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。内容主要包括:






19 假如你是一名导游, 外国游客想参观你的 家乡胶州,请你用英语介绍你的家乡的概况,内容如下:


2人口780,000 历史3000年, 占地1000 平方公里

3气候冬天不冷,夏天不热. 风景优美, 引人入胜


5自从改革开发(opening and reform)以来巨大的变化发生了,三里河公园2005建成, 五大购物中心到目前为止已经建成. 在过去的几年内胶州已经呈现新面貌(take on a new look).少海新城正在建设中


20山东大学国际文化交流中心将组织一次由各国学生参加的“和平,友爱”冬令营活动,要求报名者提交一份英文个人简介。假如你是李华,请根据下列信息写一篇个人简介。姓名:李华 性别:男 年龄:20岁 学校:山东师范大学













My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a drastic change. Take my family for instance. Previously, we do not have a computer at home. Dad was the engineer. Before Dad hands painting drawing, painting with the rulers, not used correctly attached. Black will be careful not to rub the drawing, painting slowly, and had to keep cutting pencil. The lines do not paint beautiful. Spend one or two days drawings drawings. Also drawings, and printing of plans to eventually create engineering drawings. A total needs three days. Now, I bought a home computer. He can use a computer drawing, no trace; Just one little click of the mouse to point, Instead of doing everything we can. A picture works better if some time. An unfinished print of a direct, clear and beautiful. With computer. I have an article on a computer to help their mother. I also used folders, saved a cartoon, diaries, essays and other. I also use it as literature. I also use it to learn English, the software installed, use it to fight game : : Mama system testing, fighting words. I brought a lot of convenience to the home computer. This summer, Tim, we also have a refrigerator. Before, during the summer, often a bad thing, a bad throw on the more unfortunate. Now refrigerators can be frozen foods, no bad foods freezer. I can give it to produce ice. I makeup back, I let my thirst ice on a frozen. DIABLO convenience of a refrigerator to me. Last year,

we also have to buy an air conditioner. Previously, in the winter without air conditioning, get up clothes, I always behind the blanket. Now, with air-conditioning, and the cold would not dressed up. No air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the doldrums, not activities. Now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, and water wind, he feels very cool. in a cool place like the same forest. Recently, our county appeared to the Internet, most of the computers on the home network Inter. Previously, no Internet, or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can vote on upswing the letter sent out. We have to bring the convenience of the Internet. ! We really big changes in home!


英语作文自我介绍 带翻译

to introduce myself(介绍我自己) hello,every one!(大家好) my name is **** . (我叫****) im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体情况自己改) i live in the beautiful city of rizhao.(我住在美丽的rizhao城)(你可以把rizhao

改成自己家乡的城市的名称的拼音) im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩) in the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学) perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

but i like it.(但我喜欢他) i belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件


i also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动) such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等) im kind-hearted.(我很热心) i hope we can be good friends!(我希望我们能成为好朋友) ok.this is me .a sunny boy.(好了,这就是我,一个阳光男孩) 首先要看你写信的性质。是官方而正式的书信?还是朋友间的通信? 无论是哪一种,基本的英文书信格式应包括四大部分:日期,称呼,正文,和落款(包



october,16,2011(右起顶格) dear jimmy(左起顶格) im glad to receive your letter…(正文,开头空四格) yours sincerely,


2、官方、正式的书信 信内应包含收信人地址(西方古时防止信封损坏地址无着而沿用至今的传统)、日期、称

呼、正文、落款等。其实官方的书信更多应该参考第3点,越全面越表示你对他们的重视。 001th,happy road, 9th district 250013, new york, u.s.a(地址同样顶格写,从小写到大) (以下同1)

october,16,2011(右起顶格) dear jimmy(左起顶格) im glad to receive your letter…(正文,开头空四格) yours sincerely,




正文,敬语,落款,签名,附注,附件等等) 提问者评价



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2008-04-17 14:16dan6490341|七级 先名字后日期


yours truly


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