我的世界可以很大心情英文句子,大到拥有你的心心情英文句子;我的世界可以很小心情英文句子,小到只剩你的心。My world can be big enough to have your heart; My world can be so small that only your heart is left.
广结众缘心情英文句子,就是不要去伤害任何一个人。关于心情的句子。To get along well with others means not to hurt anyone. Sentences about mood.
如果真帮不上,那么拒绝越简单越好,不留余地,不给对方幻想,也无需给理由。If you really can't help, the simpler you refuse, the better, leaving no room, giving each other no illusions and no reason.
其实天很蓝,阴云总要散;其实海不宽,彼岸连此岸;其实梦很浅,万物皆自然;其实泪也甜,当你心如愿。In fact, the sky is very blue, and the clouds are always scattered; In fact, the sea is not wide, and the other side is connected to this side; In fact, dreams are shallow and everything is natural; In fact, tears are sweet when your heart gets what you want.
你之所以一边埋怨自己,一边又安于现状,是因为你还没走到无路可走的时候。The reason why you are satisfied with the status quo while blaming yourself is that you haven't reached the point where there is no way out.
不管发生什么,你都不要放弃,肯定会有意想不到的风景。No matter what happens, don't give up, there will be unexpected scenery.
人虽只有一颗心,然而有左右两个心房,所以做事不但要为自己想,也要为别人想。People have only one heart, but they have two left and right atria, so they should think not only for themselves, but also for others.
不论生活如何复杂,总要保持自己的那一份优雅。No matter how complicated life is, always keep your own elegance.
做一件好事,完成一件有贡献的工作之后的满足感,却会使人自然乐的其中。The satisfaction of doing a good thing and completing a contributing job will make people enjoy it naturally.
手心忽然长出纠缠的曲线,懂事之前,情动以后,长不过一天。Palm suddenly grow entangled curve, before sensible, after emotional, long but a day.
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