Today, I just got my driver’s license. The coach told me that I would try not to drive in the future without driving
我:教练我是不是压线了 教练:你没有压线是我们画歪了。
Me: coach, did I press the line? Coach: you didn’t press the line, we drew crooked.
她开着邻居家的Toyota追着日落 我开着驾校的破大众科二没过.
She drove her neighbor’s Toyota after the sunset. I didn’t drive the broken Volkswagen II of the driving school
The reversing is not good. The coach asked me to buy a light car to carry it in
Coach, if I were a little brother, I would like to start again
What’s the feeling of driving test? It’s tears when you say too much
我一直以为我冰雪聪明 直到我去考了驾照
I thought I was smart until I got my driver’s license
I was touched by the students’ legs when I was taking section 3
The coach told me to drive on the road and not to exceed
If you don’t break through, you’ll disappoint the coach
教练说别人的学员开车跟蚂蚁一样 我的学生开车跟开飞机一样。
The coach said that other students drive like ants, and my students drive like planes.
Section 3 was too nervous to practice driving on the road. I didn’t let my head look down. Then I accidentally touched the coach’s thigh.
说真的 生个孩子都不紧张的人 考过驾照都紧张成那样 逻辑碎了一地
Seriously, people who are not nervous about having a child are nervous about having a driver’s license. The logic is broken
我驾照没下来时 教练语重心长地对我说 不行以后就买个电车开吧
When I didn’t get my driver’s license, the coach said no to me. After that, I’ll buy a tram to drive
I dare not send this copy to my circle of friends for fear that the coach will see it
Me: coach, do you want to refuel? Coach: No, I’ll go down and push you
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